>doesn't program in C++
Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it takes a lot of time to learn
And? Was life a contest of who learns programming the fastest?
>it's difficult!
It's not, as long as you're not underage and pay attention to how to manage your program's memory
Who forces you to use all nu-C++ features, fucking peat-gavel
I just dont program at all
>Look guys I just did a c++ tutorial and I'm cool now
This is literally you.
>Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
Yes, no.
>And? Was life a contest of who learns programming the fastest?
Literally yes.
>It's not, as long as you're not underage and pay attention to how to manage your program's memory
I'd rather spend my time on algorithms than following some weird unnecessary paradigm to the letter.
>Who forces you to use all nu-C++ features, fucking peat-gavel
All my programming lecturers and assistants.
Either b8 or brainlet. "nu-c++" features arent worse performing than c++, sometimes they are faster. Optimisers are cray.
What is the context of this pic of this dude laughing?
I don't know who he is, but I want to punch his face every time I see this pic, even though I know he would probably beat the shit out of me afterwards.
>still using C++ when our lord and savior Rust is in existence
Hes Dana White the owner of the ufc. I dont know why he is laughing.
Dana is such a girl name
so this is what the c++ community looks like. just as i thought. have fun with your ugly frankenstein shitty language, user.
Because Ada? Welcome to 1980
C++ is a broken heap of shit, that's why I don't like it
Yeah once you learn how to use std::forward, std::move, (both which generate no processor instructions, they just help the optimizer), lvalue versus rvalue references and type-deduced reference-to-reference collapsing, your code can get a lot faster
>the rustlet thinks systems programming involves mostly just immutable tree structures
Rust will always be a fizzbuzzer language.
Name one C++ language feature that isn't done better in other languages.
Safety isn't the primary draw of Rust IMO, sane primitives like enums and traits are what make this language so much more ergonomic than C++.
C++ is good but overrated by the same people that lick its anus
operator overloading although the use cases are pretty limited
Operator overloading in C++ sucks
I have progressed as a human being and I use C# now. But you can keep fagging around with your old technologies.
Operator overloading is a kinda pointless feature most of the time, but no way i'll pay it sucks in c++.
Shit yeah. Pleb managed langs with their GC aint got shit on RAII determinism. Coupled with metaprogramming , constexpr.
The goals of C++ being zero-cost abstraction, the new features from C++11/14/17 don't have any overhead. In fact, C++93/2003 a la 'C with classes' is largely obsolete and a monstruosity. In fact, modern C++ is what makes the language still relevant today.
Rust is still awkward for a lot of things, graphic programming for exemple. Glium was a beautiful project but the broken state of OpenGL support on different hardware made the developper quit. Rust needs 10 years of ecosystem maturation and investment/adoption by big companies to pretend competing with C++ right now, and that's if they don't go full retard with the language.
You sound like a holistic programmer, brah.
Rust isn't any more awkward for graphics than using the SFML bindings in any other language. My personal problem with rust is immaturity of stable branch and the massive dev dependence on nightly branch which I won't work in.
I look forward to rust when it matures.
By graphic programming, I was talking about something lower-level than SFML, using directly an API for the drivers of the GPU, like OpenGL or Vulkan. Such code contains a lot of linear algebra and operations on matrix and tensors and is really painful to see in Rust.
Lower level graphics is masochism generally. It doesn't HAVE to be that for actual users though. Rust does add a tier of complexity to any already complex problem though, I imagine it's pretty bad.
muh linked lists
That's pretty much an argument to use C instead of C++...or hell, just use Assembly.
>new system programming language
I won't be convinced until someone writes a Windows NT kernel-mode driver entirely in Rust
Python and C is all you need ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Assembly is not portable accross architectures.
Standard Template Library.