Daily reminder
Daily reminder
Other urls found in this thread:
>your mother gives you a present
>you stole to her
>We can't let you use the software however you want, that's not real freedom. Real freedom is limiting how you can use it and shackling you to the dictations of the license, that's what true freedom is.
This is what GPL faggots actually believe
BSD people could had slaves.
GPL people had slaves begin anti free.
Thanks OP, I'll add you, and this post, to this list of things I don't give a fuck about
If you didn't give a fuck, you wouldn't have made a post about it.
>t. Cuck
I just thought you might like to know given you probably don't get much human interaction
So BSD is true freedom?
Surely more than you do.
No arguments as usual from BSD faggots
>I want to make my code FOSS, but also want to limit how, when, who and why people can use my code.
GPL is for cucks.
GPL is a slavery license that forces you to work for free, not a single major software outside of the linux kernel is GPL
Sadly and cuckly, yes
>BSD is bad because someone can 'steal' your code (that you made available for everyone)
>GPL is good because they have to let you steal it back.
So by definition, Microsoft EULA is now the most lawful license, since you're not stealing?
The only limit is how, dumbass.
developers at IBM are not even allowed ot look at code published under the GPL considering using ideas from code published under the GPL is technically enough to warrant that software being forced to be published under the GPL. GPL is ultimate cuckoldry
This. There are too many basement dwelling stallman wannabe sperglords. None of these shitlords spouting about the GPL have ever worked in industry or produced any code thats not a fucking fart app.
GPL is communism.
So what license should I use if I want to make an open-source software and all I want is just a credit from whoever uses it? Does BSD license force this?
Why is there so many horribly written English posts here?
The GGL accomplishes this
Daily reminder that using the GPL doesn't guarantee you'll get back the changes that people make to your code. You have to actively enforce your copyright if you want people distributing your program to include the source code. And if you get them into compliance, maybe only the downstream users get the source code, not the upstream developer. But that's all that matters anyway.
> redpilled
> cuck
That spoils everything.
>ad hominem
The problem with GPL is it encourages shitty companies to contribute their own agenda into tbe codebase under the guise of collaboration. See: Half of the clusterfuck that is Linux today.
An ad hominem for what?
BSD is the chad license of the free market. No business on the planet wants to use GPL when they can't close off parts of their own modified code and are held hostage to a shitty commie breadline license. BSD doesn't enforce bi-lateral improvement, but they get a lot back in return anyway, compared to GPL that gets nothing in return because it's a giant red flag for any company's legal department.
GPL assumes the need to create unnecessary legal pressure to get anything back, and as a consequence of assuming businesses are hostile entities by nature, they get completely ignored and thrown in the trash.
Just imagine being this much of bitter loser to think you'd get nothing in return from licensing your code under BSD or MIT, and to completely ignore the realities of how companies actually operate.
>businesses are hostile entities by nature
They are though. Pure consumers.
This is why you have dual licensing. Anyone can obtain the source code under the GPL, but you have to pay for a license that lets you use/modify the code for proprietary software.
>implying anyone itt knows enough to contribute to a bsd or gpl someone would want to use.
>Why is there so many horribly written English posts here?
I dunno, why are you here faggot?
Fuck off BSD shills. You've been making your ongoing guerrilla marketing since GCC changed to GPL3 and FreeBSD directive board, all hired by CISCO, decided to go in a war with propaganda against everything GPL. Shilling shitty compilers and shitty products with BSD license and brainwashing your own forums to post this war everywhere else, you niggers won't stop just like Microsoft was when the Halloween documents appeared.
ITT: Software communists
your economic system is retarded, cucks
I don't understand all these
statements. My understanding was that the deal with GPL was specifically about distributing (specifically for money... but I guess if for some odd rare instance of copy-protection on a free distribution too).
Did I misunderstand cuz most of the posts here seem to imply I did.
But I'm not a greedy code monkey that expects bananas for my first helloworld .sc or anything bigger and more complex than that. And why should I?
Greed should be purged, not incentivised.
Stop trying to incite one of my inherently human flaws, capitalist daemon.
>code for free, corporate will easily steal your work
>code for free, makes it hard for corporate to steal your work (although there are ways around it)
BSD is a cuck license because someone can take your code, close it off and profit from it without you gaining anything
GPL fosters rapid development and BSD fosters stagnation.
Why would you pay someone to work on BSD code when there are multiple corporations pooling developers on GPL code?
You wouldn't, because you would get left behind or spend too much.
people wearing shit like this in ctf is really alienating me. i know i'm autistic but still.
>true freedom is stealing
BSD brainlets in a nutshell
>Why are there so many horribly written English posts here?
fixd ur grammar for u poin dexter
I mean whats the point of publishing something under an open source license then?
t. commie