>*gets higher FPS than your CPU in gaming*
*gets higher FPS than your CPU in gaming*
wtf why is this in my feed
how do i unsubscribe
>have 1440p monitor
>barely any difference between 1600X and 8700K for almost double the price
And yes, I get the point of lowering the res inCPU benchmarks, I'm understand why reviewers do it. However, realistically, if you spend $400 on a CPU and $700 on a GPU you're probably not playing on 10880p. My Ryzen 5 and 1080 are doing just great at 1440p.
25% higher minimum frames
>*fires itself up in process*
No thanks. I'm pretty fine with my r5 1600.
>1000W power consumption
Not entirely true, tons of people buying 144hz 1080p monitors with 1080s.
nah, it doesn't, I play at 1440p
Yeah the power draw is shit, thats why i got the 8400
>what is minimum framerate
>what is stuttering
Ok user.
you can't ;)
>mfw I'll be getting the 8700k and Rajesh and his poo in loo AMD brigade can't do anything
You fooled me with FX shit, never again.
>*gets 30fps stuttering mess in cpu bound scenarios*
Also this
What? Even in PUBG where AMD runs like shit it never drops below 50fps.
50fps is unplayable
>be Intel
>force Covfefe Lake to a shitty launch in order to Ryzen from fucking their assholes
>Zen+ was supposedly supposed to compete with Covfefe Lake but fuck it,le'ts go all out
>see that Ryzen still holds value in workstation and falls in gaming, and if Ryzen was capable of disrupting us, Intel, imagine what would Ryzen+ do
>worry and start fucking over 7th gen lineup by and fucking over MOBO manufacturers shat their pants with a paper launch, make gaymurs cuck themselves to a locked i5 8400 that will 'most likely' make them have to buy high end mobos instead of cheap ones since we want to fuck over their value unlike Ryzen's B350
Even AMD as an underdog managed to break Intel's hiatus of being innovative, bravo Intel.
Zen+/2 seem interesting nevertheless and why get cucked to a locked CPU (8400), even the 8700k (good CPU) is actually worth value in the long run more.
>barely any difference
>69.9 min vs 92
That's a huge difference if you are looking at cpu's
I have a 4k monitor so no it don't
>10880p gaming
>comparing cpu performance in a gpu-heavy title with high res
Found the AMD shill
If you want to pay 200% for a 10% increase in performance go ahead.
I've been happily rocking my Ryzen 1600X for a few months now and I see no reason to upgrade. We're always GPU bottlenecked anyway.
This basically.
>why get cucked to a locked CPU (8400)
Because it outperforms Ryzen even at its max overclock. Overclocking is only relevant if you actually get better performance out of it. If you still end up behind, it's actually a detriment, raising power consumption and heat for mediocre returns.
The 8400 made the entire Ryzen product stack irrelevant for gaming.
90% of people who buy an unlocked intel cpu dont overclock it. Good goyim for paying the unlock tax and another 100 for something that can cool that house fire
>The 8400 made the entire Ryzen product stack irrelevant for gaming.
>pairing a locked CPU with an unlocked mobo
8400 and Z370 is the ultimate cuck pairing.
>Buying poozen to be a martyr for competition in the industry
Rip wallet and fps
Ryzen and 3200MHz CL14 unicorn RAM to enjoy performance below a locked i5 is the ultimate cuck pairing, friend.
>rip wallet
It's the same price as 1500X, performs only slightly better than it while ignoring the fact that the 1500X can be overclocked, and you can only buy it on a mobo likely twice as expensive. While 1500X and 1400 will likely need a price drop, that doesn't change the fact that the Intel platform costs are much higher than they should be.
Sorry, I'm not going to build a new computer and downgrade to a 1080p monitor to enjoy the advantage the 8400 offers.
Kill yourself, BR monkey.
>Buys $200 RAM
who seriously care about CPU power draw.
>bought DDR4 RAM before the flashocalypse
>16GB 2666MHz for like $80
>timings aren't the best but managed to overclock it to 2800MHz
Your mom, she doesnt want to hear you whine about needing a water cooler because your thermals are shit
for the AMD prosessor, intel still manages to stutter with 6 cores
Nice quads but i have no idea what that means
it mattered a whole bunch during the bulldozer era didn't it
why would you buy skylake 2 years after it released?
*lies, cheats, and misrepresents like every kike*
did you read the graph user
I doubt coffee lake will have any issues with stutter since it has a sane amount of cores unlike older lakes
it means intel has lower frametimes than AMD, something that used to be though of as a lack of cores
Um, no sweety. Why do amd shills always make baseless claims that are wrong?
>literally every cpu is stuttering
wow what a shit game, made by non-whites
Post your frametime benchmarks. I knoe you just made up shit about frame times but try to google and cherry pick one that proves your point
im looking at yours where every cpu is a stutterfest regardless of brand or model its a shit game made by subhumans that hitler should have gassed
So you have no arguement
Poles are America's greatest allies you dirty Kraut scum.
Wanna know what happens when you upgrade your GPU in the future?
He will gain 20 fps on any CPU.
is it true they changed the sockets so to get a new CPU i have to get a whole new mobo?
thank you. i hate this world.
Fuck dis gay earth
>based Poles make a game influenced on Slav folklore
>made by non-whites
>the witcher 3
>made by non-whites
Lie, and I dare you to tell me the name of an AAA game post-2015 that contains not a single non-white.
>you can't
Witcher 3 doesn't feature a single non-white.
I have a g4560 so is ok.
>*gets higher FPS than your CPU in gaming*
Ryzen compiles the kernel faster, which is the only benchmark that counts.
>Reviews were performed with MCE overclocking enabled vs stock Ryzen.
>Incompetent reviewers with MCE enabled
>Non-retail samples
>Expensive motherboards used
>1080Ti used because it's the only GPU showing much in perfromance gains at 1080
>Ryzen still better value
Why should I buy this housefire tier shit again?
Holy shit what alternate universe do you live in?
But did they have MCE off?
Loving the argument that reviewers should be trying to create a GPU bottleneck to make Ryzen look less awful. It takes an impressive lack of shame to shill that openly.
And why would that matter?
>"The Core i5 8400 processor being benchmarked in this article has its six cores clocked at 2.8GHz while having a single-core boost frequency of 4.0GHz or 3.8GHz boost across its six cores."
on an Assus z370 mobo
>i..it's n...not fffair!!! waaaahhhh
Well since less than 1% of Steam gamers have a 1080Ti it is more realistic a test. Just as it is more realistic to test at 1080 and above with modern titles. It's all about relevancy.
Just don't put Ryzen 2 in your X370. As we all know putting new AMD chips in old motherboards literally causes house fires.
Most 8400's will go on budget motherboards once they ramp up production.
Friendly reminder: 6 Intel cores > 8 AMD cores
Friendly reminder. 0.8-1.0Ghz over Ryzen whilst using more power and causing more heat in the process. Enjoy buying an exepsnive motherboard and cooling solution to keep it in check.
Yeah we all know glofo's 14nm is shit, only """12nm""" will bring the clockspeeds up.
>tfw when you cap a 7700k to Ryzen 3 clocks it is 5C cooler
You need to stop.
Now try running that clock speed on 8 cores.
Enjoy delidding
>intel fags
Delidding is a meme invented by AMD shills to sell delidding tools.
>14nm is shit
then why is Ryzen so much more power efficient than Intel, even clock for clock?
>AMD shill
He literally makes a living off of Intel CPU's, both selling delidding kits and now selling binned Coffee Lake CPU that come predelidded.
Like I said.
Sure. Now kys.
You first sage
>Ryzen so much more power efficient than Intel, even clock for clock?
intel is shit
why even try.
You need a 1080Ti to never drop below 60 ever in that shitty game.
And it gets BTFO, lol.
Wasn't it the oc'd benchmarks? Does anyone have unbiased stock benchmarks?
It's amds cool and quiet which keeps power and clocks down at expense of performance.
I always turn it off
>gets high
stopper reading right there and called the cyberpolice
Doesn't cool n quiet turn itself off once the CPU is under load? I think hpc mode would be interesting to see in benchmarks
First of all the human brain cant even comprehend anything greater than 30fps and that is for truly exceptional individuals. iirc .0000001 % of the population are actually capable of comprehending 30 fps. the average for most people is 24 fps that is the one that is truly comfortable. it reduces eye strain and your brain does not get overloaded. Some research has actually been done that states that 24 fps might actually be harmful to us.
>That feel when good white master race pure genes that can comprehend up to 200fps.
This, FX is a nightmare that I'm living right now. My worst mistake ever made.
fucking retard. where'd you hear that gay, retarded shit? humans can tell the difference between 400 and 500hz. there's no reason to think that it won't continue to be visibly improved up to several kilohertz.
>hearing and seeing are the same
and your calling me the retard lmao
Zelda botw, all not whites
Maybe with your slow blue eyes, cracka. Me, a nigger, have superior response times built into our eyes. Melanin is the key to fast reactions and being able to see faster than yall weak punk white bois. And we be fucking yall white wimynz