What is the programming language with the worst community of all time and why?
What is the programming language with the worst community of all time and why?
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I've heard Rust is pretty bad
Javascript Go Ruby
Never get thing done and believe superior to everybody.
Please, remove this post.
Rust "community" isn't actually the devs though. I'm not sure where the evangelism strikeforce comes from, probly mozilla marketing & frontend shitters. All frontend people are subhuman.
Not getting things done is the hallmark of proper theoretical mathematicians.
Makes sense
C++. all the people who fought to make the language sane gave up and the only people left are circlejerking autists
Python, they're a bunch of idiots.
Since when? C++0x versions are pretty sane compared to the dark ages. Boost whores are still in their own little bubble too. There's more normies in nuC++ than autists.
that stupid emoji programming language whatever it's called
??? C++ has seen more love and sanity in the last 8 years than in the 8 years previous. Do you mean to say these people 'gave up' before it was ratafied or something?
PHP is my vote. Most brainlet community (which is the whole selling point of the lang)
The C & C++ subculture that think: “it’s the fastest”.
These are usually the same idiots that say stupid shit like: “Well, C and C++ have high performance, but still, nothing beats hand-written assembly.”
That's all true though, premature and misguided optimization will always be cancer though.
>my shell script executed 20ns slower than C, I need to refactor
C++ is the furry cosplayer version of a good language
Please let it die
It's all about the usecase tard
Writing inefficient code or using interpreted languages makes me feel physically ill.
It is not fucking true.
The days of being able to study up on Abrash, take a look at istruction timings, and unroll loops by hand have been gone for over a decade. For fuck’s sake, even when you write in asm you’re not really writing asm. You’re writing in an asm layer that gets translated into microcode.
Microcode that you don’t see.
Unless you know the current CPUs architecture by rote, know what things like how Out of Order Exectution works, what the branch prediction algorithm is, what the cost of a failed prediction is, how the caches work, how much a cache miss costs, and about 18 gazillion other things, the best, THE BEST, you can possible hope to accomplish with your “hand rolled asm” is not to make it slower than your compilers optimizer did.
Unless you can write an optimizer, you can’t write faster asm by hand.
theyre always fucking talking out of their ass about how much better c# is than vb.net and java
1) you don’t know what “interpreted” actually means.
2) you don’t know how to recognize “efficient” code.
Uh-huh. Right.
What would those be for C and C++ again. I can think of, maybe, six.
The answer is definitely javascript but they're like recursively splitting up into infinitely worse infinitely smaller subcommunities and feeding back raw feces upon the greater communities.
Go hype dropped once everyone realized it was C-like with training wheels for pajeets. Not much community left from that initial marketing event.
I don't even know anyone who actually does Ruby, I hear the japanese like it though. They love shitty alternative things.
It's more true for ASM-likes than not and in many use cases it's just straight up true. Not every architecture has abstractions for that kind of thing and portability of C between those kinds of architectures is still important. Sure writing C for x86 windows GUI software is retarded but that is not all of C. That's just the subset of C developers that lurk on Sup Forums instead of doing anything.
The portability of C to various architectures only applies to embedded coding. There plenty of performant higher-level languages that are portable to a reasonable amount of non-embedded platforms.
Depends on your requirements for performance and reasonability of architectures. C can do it all so why not just do that? I fucking hate C but it's pretty easy for what you get out of it without getting hardcore into implementation and optimization details. I'm pretty sure nobody here deals with any of that anyway and are meming too hard, bad community latching on to occasionally true facts.
Rust and Go
(I wonder why)
Pascal and its most infamous compiler set, Turbo Pascal.
Its community consists of old people who still think pre-NT Windows is perfect (sometimes still run it).
Javascript with all its meme bullshit like ui/ux, turbo programming, etc
Borland is the absolute worst across any language they touched but thankfully most users are dead by now.
Karl you're an idiot, play a record.
Python 'coders' are total brainlets
but it is
Yeah, tell me about it. Those Pascal kids they know everything. Why, I remember when this whole programming landscape used to be fields.
t. Fortran77
>Never get thing done
Getting things done is for engineers, not mathematicians.
javascript, C#, java
What language should I learn guys
Fuck java
Common Lisp
Nothing comes remotely close
>C++ has seen more love and sanity in the last 8 years than in the 8 years previous.
Well *that's* a low bar right there!
>nothing beats hand-written assembly
Nothing beats the best hand-written assembly. Lots of not-the-best about though, very easy to fuck up and write shitty code in assembly without knowing it, and effort to fix is stupidly much.
>Unless you know the current CPUs architecture by rote
But I do.
I have hardly any assembly even so. Higher-level languages are much easier, and only the tightest of inner tight loops really needs special hand optimization trickery.
the Haskell community is really nice, even if they aren't productive I don't think they deserve to be called the worst.
Nim followed by Ruby
What's wrong with Nim?
Need a Python programmer to help with this exercise
1. Read an integer number from the console, store the result in a variable n
2. Read ‘n’ integers from the console and store them in a list
3. Sort the list in reverse order – from highest to lowest
4. Loop over the elements in the list and print them each on their own line to the console
Inputs: 1 number n – number of integers to read, list of integers
Outputs: n integers, one per line, sorted from highest to lowest
n=int(input("please enter N"))
for i in range(1,n):
for l in li:
Im not quite sure what you asking for.
I think it wants you to use input from the console and turn them into a list, but I don't know what kind of condition to loop the program with. Thanks user
Javascript if it counts
Everyone and their mom tries to do web "development" and 99.9% of them are drooling retards who are lost as soon as they have to do anything more than link a 10 MB javascript file.
Regular conversation between two JSfags:
>How do I capitalize the first letter in a string?
>I have a really good framework for this called Hybrid Confluence Cloud WebApp LiquidJS QueryScript API, just use this function that sends it to my MacBook's Node.js API that applies Microsoft Word autocorrect to it.
[print(i) for i in sorted([input() for n in range(int(input()))])[::-1]]
Is learning anything that isn't python,java, and a language starting with the letter C pointless in terms of industry
I mean everyone has some niche thing where they use an obscure language but I'm talking broad strokes
this is close, but anyone still doing ruby after the rails hypetrain died is probably ok
won't work, you need to change
for i in range(1,n)
for i in range(n)
unfortunately it is, generally speaking
that could have been true 20 years ago. Assembly on modern architectures is a language made for compilers. The best asm programmers just use C today
The D crowd seems about as up to speed on face-to-face communication as the Minecraft community: youtube.com
>Im not quite sure what you asking for.
typical pytard.
Learn lisp or haskell.
You might never get anything done with them, but you'll learn new ways to think.
>worst community
haskell is nice, but is ridiculous bloated , is the C++ of the functional languages.
Not at all. My bread and butter is all Go and JavaScript these days, and I'm sure it'll move onto some other language/trend sometime soon. There's good money in keeping up with the current hype, if you've got the energy for it.
Swift is definitely the most popular memelang to get your a job right now
I find it impossible to manage the current situation and therefore refuse to continue with this pointless endevour .
- Karlton Pilksmith
gonna need a try in that to be proper
>javascript as bread and butter
just fucking shoot me at that point
How is it bloated?
You sound like cancer
you too
Pure javascript isn't even that harmful anymore, the frameworks have taken over being utter shit instead. Go is a fine little language for its purpose of being not C or Java.
Lisp community welcomes newbies, but doesn't help or encourage in any way. Contributing to anything leads to very mean ridicule instead of constructive guidance how to make code better. Too many in community are pseudointellectual fanbois instead of concrete doers.
I think Lisp community is a very toxic bully pit (words that have real weight as I'm Sup Forumsack, not faggy liberal who sees everything as toxic). First they tell you "come right in buddy", then when you try to do something the abuse starts.
C# or Java if you plan on ever using it