North African scumbaginess is a result of being pentaroons or 1/5 nigger...

North African scumbaginess is a result of being pentaroons or 1/5 nigger. This explains why they have low impulse control.

Thoughts? Average SSA/negroe admixture amongst North Africans is 20% kek. Guess Afro-centrists are sorta right when claiming Berbers as their kin, no? What do maghrebis think about this?

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1/5 is a low estimate, they look more like 2/4.

Tfw Sardinian and not a drop of nigger blood despite living only 200 km from Africa


That explains why Spain is so shit.

Delete this I don't want to be only 5% Asian in my heart I'm 100%

North Africans look like Brazilian pardos on average. No surprise. Remove the terrorist flag and I'd think this photo was taken in Rio de Janegro.

There are Morrocans that look mulatoo but in general they have around 20-25% negroe admixture.

North Africans and Brazilians have the same amount of negroe admixture hence why the can look eerily similar.

Mfw Turks are more European than Sicilians

Sicilians have higher WHG though. But Sicilians and Iberians are the least European because of being negroe influenced.

There's definitely some negroid admixture there. Most of them have very curly hair and negroid hairlines.

About 30% sounds right for North Africa, they're the "less African" version of Somalis.

>tfw Ethiopians are only half black

Why have you been obsessed with that shitty outdated image for years?
There never was an "Atlantic Baltic" people(well maybe Corded Ware but even that is more on the Baltic side)

Yes, because farmers from the Levant migrated there en mass around 4000-3000 years ago, and also Arabs during many different occasions.

Beforehand, I actually assumed that North Africans were not really negroe mixed, maybe 1-2% but reading up on the trans-Saharan slave trade and Islamic slave trade of Africa as well as looking at some pics of maghrebis has shown me that they're very niggerish and it explains their delinquent behaviour in Europe.

"Atlantic Baltic" was called Nordid in Western anthropology, Corded Ware didn't even speak Indo-Euro most likely.

>, maybe 1-2% but reading up on the trans-Saharan slave trade and Islamic slave trade of Africa as well as looking at some pics of maghrebis has shown me that they're very niggerish

It's not only because of the slave trade, the original inhabitants were nilotic peoples, aka subsaharian people before the farmers came, if I recall correctly, so they've always been mixed to some degree.

It's a shitty low K graph.

It's still roughly accurate, Ethoipians cluster much closer to Western Eurasians and N. Africans genetically than to nignogs from West, South, and Central Africa like Bantu, Pygmies, Khoisan n shit


Some have a distinct look akin to Ethiopians and Somalis, it's not surprising genetics backs it up. Ethiopians, Somalis, etc. are also not "actual" sub-Saharan Africans.

What kek?

You are in denial?

I am 1.5% nigger??

Kill me now!

If you breed with a Swedish woman your son is only 0.75%
If he breeds with a Swedish woman too it drops to 0.375%

Berbers seem to be pretty chill.
The canaries should have never been colonised : (

No, there's a lot of black people in north africa and a lot of mixed couples too I don't deny this
But there were no sub saharans in north africa before the slave trade because of the sahara which is a natural barrier

Even to an Italian or a French for that matter

You are aware that the Sahara was not desertic 7000 years ago, right?

There's a lot of native berber population, although they are a distinctive branch of Berber.

People in the Cadiz province also have a distinctive berberish look. Women with big boobs, curly hair and rounder faces.

Somalis and Ethiopians are still roughly 70% negroid genetically.

Nah, more like 30% from what I remember

They are quite distinguishable from the general sub-Saharan Africans. It's super old stuff, pretty sure the Egyptians knew Nubians while building the pyramids, so North Africa has always been in contact with the Sub-Sahara.

Yes I am but if north africans were part black before the slave trade then why are they drawn pale and not brown like the egyptians in pic related
I have to admit that this is a poor defense but I'm not here to argue and waste my time

Please cite because I don't believe this.

Yes but they still have black as tar skin (most of them), flared nostrils, and ballon lips like the average negroe. They're negroid in majority.

not true
this is an average class photo 90% are like this people on the photo that's an example how tunisian people look nowdays

more like 45%, but some are over 80% like you say.

Indeed certainly more than North Africa and Saudi peninsula but clearly distinguishable from sub-Saharans proper. They have a lot of input from those parts, can't even compare them to Nigerians.

I don't know maybe they were only slightly, but yeah it is kinda weird since Greeks were drawn as red

Then how come some North Africans look like picrel? Or like this video ? Or ?
They don't look Brazilian or mulatto to me. And don't say vandal because that's been disproven.

There are exceptions of course.

except this isn't how the average Magrehebi women looks like. And you're right, it's probably not vandals but just the million or so European slaves that were mixed into North Africa during the Barbary slave trade.

There are some native blonde and red haired Berber tribes in Northen Africa to be fair, Ramses II had North African heritage mostly and had red hair.

There is no evidence of that anyway.
And even if it was true, you'd expect the urban Arabs to be the lightest then, not the Berbers in irrelevant villages who didn't have slaves.

There are Brazilians who look like this. What matters is the average.

that's a whole class the majority lie this

Ugh such an obvious thing shouldn't have to be explained but whatever.
Brazil is made up of heterogeneous founding populations and resulting populations made up of different percentages from the latter.
North Africa is an actual population with some North Africans having Arab or black input from Islam and the slave trade.

The woman you posted has no genetic kinship whatsoever with an Amazonian or your typical favelado. She shares much more recent common ancestry with a German than with your typical triracial Brazilian.
The North Africans I posted share no recent common ancestry with a German, and are also related to various degrees with all North Africans.

Comparing a new world country founded a couple centuries ago with North Africa is stupid beyond words.

So? Those "white looking" north Africans are still a minority. They could be descended from the Romans, Vandals or European slaves. You can make the same parallel with "white looking" Brazilians being descended from Italians, Germans and other European groups.

north Africans does not exist actually, it's like talking about europeans and compare a swedish and a sicilian.
Some north african are nigger slaves descent, some other have arab, iberian, latin, slavs or germanic ancestor.
The majority of the population are brown, but some regions are pretty white and whiter than southern italy or southern spain.

t.white green eyed musdlim migrant invader of europe

You can't do that, you are a lost cause, vandals were about like 70k and got genocided by the Byzantines, Romans weren't many in Morocco, same with European slaves, you are completely retarded.

The gene for blonde and red ahir has been present in north Africa since prehistoric times


Even Vandals n stuff penetrated into North Africa. They should be more common among Berbers, though, who were attributed such features in the past.

Barely white

Ok so I'm supposed to believe that north Africans were white before they mixed with dindus and Arabs? That sounds unlikely to me.

hence why you just ask people what their ancestry is. north africa is theoretically home to a mixture of saharan african peoples and white north africans, but you combine that with shit like roman conquests/slave trades/the constant global flow of immigration and you end up with a cultural mosaic of many different races.



>Ok so I'm supposed to believe that north Africans were white before they mixed with dindus and Arabs?

Hum, no?

I've never said that, simply the gene for blonde hair existed and there were a few occasional blonde and red haired people.

And there are some native groups that have high percentages of blonde hair too:

Riffians and other Berbers of Atlas mountains of Morocco show a high percentage of blondism, higher than the other Berber groups in North Africa, however they are Not from Northern Europe, with about two thirds of Riffians being pinkish-white skinned with mixed or light eyes (reaching ⅘ or 80% in central Rif); the rest are of Mediterranean (mainly of classic Mediterranean or Berberid type, but many Moroccan Berbers show some blending with Classic Mediterraneans).[103]

Blondism is strong in the Rif; over half of the adult men show some trace of it, and almost one tenth features red hair.[103]

Distribution of Light eyes in Europe, Africa and Middle East by anthropologist Peter Frost
A Riffian or Moroccan Berber Nordic could be mistaken for an Irishman or an Englishman, less easily for a Scandinavian.[103] Nordics are ancient in Northern Africa as the Egyptian monuments of the Middle Kingdom (circa 2000 B.C.), and perhaps older. They survive today mostly in the mountains of the Rif, in Atlas Mountains of Morocco and the Canary Islands.[102]

Moroccans in General are the most Lighted haired People in Africa and Arab world. blondism is more common in The Rif, and less common in the Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic seacoast; >15% of Berber Moroccan population has blond or light brown hair, in the rest of Morocco is just less than 10% of the Population are blond.[103]

Retarded monkey kek

Look at the map I posted nigger.

Riffians are not native and most likely came from Europe.


1% and below is not characteristic of the word some.

It doesn't prove you dumb fucking cunt.
In fact, it conclusively proves the opposite. As you can see, North Africans and Sardinians are the only ones on that map that have ZERO ANE.
If they were so full of Vandal or European slave blood, they'd definitely have more than 0%, unless you want to claim something insane like "all the European slaves must have been Sardinian then" which I'm not going to respond to.

lol fucking bullshit.

This is a Riffian. Still looks nigger mixed to me.

ANE was bred out obviously. Too much mixing with niggers.

Vandals were like 80k and got slaughtered by the Byzantines, the ones in Sardinia too

I didnt say they werent mixed

Percentage for light hair and eyes are obviously extremely wrong. The source is this map, right? He must've sampled like 30 people from a remote village colonized by the Vandals, Spaniards or Romans to have a result this bizarre. I don't trust any of those maps about hair and eye color. They're all shit.


Question: what is your feeling to the fact that Morroco is on average 20% SSA admixed? I'm curious.

Multiple anthropologists report the same figures monkey. Why don't you look it up.

>colonized by the vandals


lol look at these blonde Aryans.

There's lots of actual black people here so I'm not surprised
You're trying to trigger people into going "no we are white" and sperg out in autistic manners in general but I don't care, I'm not a racist and I know what I am, I don't hate people based on their nationality/ethnicity/skin color so why would I care if Morocco was 20% SSA or 50%? I'm still me.

Another super Aryan Riffian.

Truly Nordic.