Kernels and OS under GPL

Friendly reminder that Linux is just the kernel. Other kernels under GPL are:
The Muen Separation Kernel
and HiStar

Operating Systems under GPL are:

Special mention to GNU/Hurd
Arch Hurd
Debian GNU/Hurd

Other urls found in this thread:

Did anyone used kolibri as a daily driver?

GPL is communism.

>make code
>GPL it
>others can contribute
>you can still sell the binaries
>nobody has the monopoly over the code
Free as in free market.

Remember, If it doesn't say Linux, it's n͟o͟t GNU/Linux.

>make kode
>BSD it
>do whatever the fuck you want with it
true freedom

>what is copyright

they are "free" to do so

Of course you let your "kode" get stole by other companies.

>code gets stolen by faggot company

Reminder that GNU is actually pronounced "new".

Reminder that all we need is the right major Windows exploit and the nations will have to accept the GNU World Order

An invention by commies/socialists
>free market without monopolies
also nice multi kilobyte license fuck

>supporting monopolies
Damn, that is idiotic.

Not supporting them wont be really free though.

>supporting a monopoly
>supporting something that is not your property
>being a true cuck
Take out that Stirner image you are a dishonoring it.

won't ego be effectively your own monopoly

>thinking the money, competition and viability of something is in the binaries and not the ideas and implementation in the code that all gets thrown out the window when everyone else can copy it freely

>supporting BSD
>supporting another company can copy your code freely
>supporting another company can relicense your code
>being a cuck

Well, alt-right technically supports big firms and that pleases the happy merchant.

You can't sell your ego. Maybe you would.


This is sad because I've seen some cases of this being true. I wonder how much alt-righters know.

Can you stop this shit? BSD is a free software too.

Some asshole is shitting on GPL and he keeps shilling BSD on Sup Forums. Can you stop him?

Beyond me. Maybe let him grow a brain.

bump this

>use a license that says companies can use the code

>VMS from scratch
Anyone tried this?

FreeDOS is by far the most used of those. Pretty comfy too.

reminder once linus dies that alphabet soup and other shitty people will destroy linux, he already can't keep up with auditing systemd

What does alphabet soup mean in this context?

Give FreeVMS a chance, look all the work put in the project.

Plan 9 from Bell Labs is under the GPL now.
FreeRTOS is GPL'd.

I don't see why you're focusing on GPL though. Why not copyleft and permissive licences in general?

VMS is shit my dude.

So Sup Forums is dead.

Friendly reminder that Linux is the generic name given to a lot of full operating systems running the Linux kernel.

>Sup Forums: piracy isn't stealing, the original is still intact, it's just copying
>Someone copied my code that I released under a license that lets them do exactly that? THEY STEELAN MAH CODES

Never change, Sup Forums, never change.

Sometime I even begin to suspect that Sup Forums is not a single person.

If they had wanted to increase the chance of Plan9 to be actually used they should have BSD'ed it. Still small chance anyone would want to or been able to make commercial success with it.

It's not like Bell Labs lawyers know about any of this. According to Ritchie, all the programmers of Unix and Plan 9 wanted their source to be under a permissive licence from the start.

Right. I remember now. The lawyers changed the license a bunch of times. Amazing

But what about the legendary uptime? Granted, I see that presentation about hacking VMS machines, but that can change right?

>with additional restrictions
>can't benchmark
>other shit
Their restriction sucks.

>Plan 9 from Bell Labs is under the GPL now.
Give me the download link to the code under GPL an then we'll talk.

They went full retard by not GPL'ing the code right from the start.

How many applications has?

My mistake. Here's a list though:

Being a free and open source OS at just the right time, when BSD was stuck in legal difficulties and seemed utterly fucked, was key to Linux's success. Right place, right time.

It doesn't make a huge amount of difference either way, but I can see that permissive licences do yield a more vigorous habit of code reuse. A while ago the Plan 9 community were adding drivers to Plan 9 by porting over OpenBSD and FreeBSD drivers, and they weren't crippled by licence clashes with the weird Lucent Public Licence -- they couldn't have done that with Linux code.

Another example of this vigorous code sharing is the Go community (you can tell I'm a 9fag); nearly everyone shares their package under the MIT or BSD licences, so if you want to use someone's package you don't even need to think about licencing, you just go ahead and you copy over the copyright notice later, and it's all a very productive arrangement. There's very little code off-limits to you if you're surrounded by permissively licenced code, but if you're not using the GPL yourself, GPL'd code is as good as proprietary to you.

And credit to Linux for starting this revolution of code sharing.

>Give me the download link

It probably has Doom.

Wow, so many. Didn't know about CapROS.

Not many devs have i mind get their code used by other companies. This is why responsible programmers license their code as GPL.

GPL is a virus

BSD is cuckery

The whole "BSD is real freedom" shit is just what (((they))) want us to believe.

I never said anything about BSD, retard.

When you pirate you don't sell the copy, you fucking retard.

>The whole "BSD is real freedom" shit is just what (((they))) want us to believe.

no, (((they))) want you to work for free and write (((libre))) software. all free/open source software is a jewish plot to get highly valuable work for free.

GNU is life. GNU is love.
Linux is best kernel.
BSD was a mistake.

no, (((they))) want you to write (((cuck-licensed))) software so they can use it to build their botnet and achieve world domination, sending the world further into darkness and creating a global surveillance state.

google, their parent holding company is alphabet, and they develop android, contributing significantly to the direction of linux in some ways.

without linus's direction, jewgle may well be the driving force in linux development.

>jewgle may well be the driving force in linux development
I'm scared...

I mean, that is if they don't drop android support for this experimental fuchsia. in that case, linux may be permitted to continue life as a hobbyist and developer's os.

that or we have to all switch to bsd or some shit.

>claims a highly developed OS as just hobby
>to an obscure system
Can you guess how I know you are just shilling BSD?

not really, I think the bsds are very nicely structured, but they lack a userbase and development base powered by the fervor of muh gpl. it works though.

what I'm saying is that lots of people might defect elsewhere if google turns linux into another windows 10. of course linux (and to a lesser extent the bsds, too) will be used in server applications forever


You just described cuckolds

maybe "freedom" IS cuckoldry :^)

You are all crazy

You are mistaking impunity with freedom.
Impunity is a form of freedom, it's too much freedom without the fear of consequences.
But hey, you guys want to talk about s/w licenses when you don't have a clear understanding about freedom.
That's why I used the cuckold analogy, because just like "free as in free beer" stupid analogy, you are not able to understand that freedom is not impunity. You don't know why you like it, you don't know if your wife likes more the stranger's cock than yours, you don't know if your role in the family is to just bring the money in, you don't know if you are a free ride pimp or a husband, but you are a cuck.
Bsd is impunity. No respect for the developer, no respect for the public domain, you grab it and it's yours.
Gpl enforces everybody to respect the developers and the public character of the codem it doesn't forbid you to have your local copy with whatever mods, but publishing the code does.
Everything in moderation, ancient greeks said, so even freedom has its own restrictions to avoid becoming impunity.

Why isn't there a general for other OSes? Just saiyan.

>No respect for the developer, no respect for the public domain, you grab it and it's yours.
You are projecting.

I like your take, always though impunity had something to do with the mindset from developers using the bsd but didn't thought of that word. It all makes sense if you think who gets the damage when is left out of the control of the developer.


Of those, which is the most oriented to servers?


Hey Goys! Please write firewall software with a BSD license so we here at Apple can steal it, pay nothing, and wrap our proprietary license around all the future features we add to it, locking out the original developers!
>tfw this is exactly what happened to pf

I actually prefer BSD code and kernels because they're written much better than the piles of shit in the Linux sphere but it's not free as in freedom, and me spending any kind of time helping Apple or Microserf or Google build my own future prison seems like the ultimate cuckoldry. I had a funeral when sending my last svn commit to a BSD project, and moved to GuixSD, and will never go back. I enjoy writing scheme code now that will actually be used for freedom instead of some (((progressive))) corporation taking my work and wrapping their own license around it in the future or building walled prison devices they will try and enslave me with when all personal computers are outlawed in the year 2030.


So what will actually happen if Linus/Stallman both die? Will they have taken precautions for these situations to stop GNU/Linux from becoming a corporate shitshow?

Plenty of successors imho, the community won't let anything happen.

Not that guy, but the community has very little say in what happens with Linux, Intel and Microsoft basically run the show there. I can see GNU being safe though as it has huge community backing

Stallman has successors, FSF board includes Abelson of SICP fame and Don Knuth plus lot's of other FSF members.

Linux however is already run by a corporate shitshow, the board of directors for the 'Linux Foundation' is entirely Samsung, Oracle and other corporate plants.

Linus sits on the technical advisory panel, and he's the manager of mainline development so he just reads emails and commits all day. He has no say in the direction of Linux whatsoever and picks up a cheque. RMS on the other hand generally runs the FSF, and has final say in a lot of things like using Guile instead of Common Lisp, the direction of GCC, ect.

Linus doesn't have final say on Linux? Wow.

Nope, check the foundation site (btw a Microsoft exec now sits on the foundation too)

>The Linux Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of 22 senior leaders from across the IT industry. Board members represent Linux Foundation members and the Linux developer community and set the strategic direction for the organization.

>set the strategic direction

I'm sure Linus can go ballistic in the media and mailing lists if they do something crazy but he doesn't seem to give a shit for last 10 years just shows up and collects a check, can't blame him either

maybe GNU/Hurd is usable then.