What is the best, most lightweight, most efficient, least cluttered, most compatible with software and games...

what is the best, most lightweight, most efficient, least cluttered, most compatible with software and games, least bloatwared, least botnet operating system there is?

Been using windows for the past five years and I'm getting sick of all the updates and unnecessary stuff.

Install gentoo

haha nice meeeeeeem frend xd

Create your own. If your lazy just do above.

>most lightweight
>most efficient
>least cluttered
>least bloatwared
>least botnet
Literally any linux distribution. But you'll have to kiss 'muh games' goodbye. Or you can just dualboot like the rest of us do.

Everything but Windows fails at
>most compatible with software and games

Linux wins at the other ones. Pick whichever is more important to you and then just try a bunch of distros if you end up with linux.

Linux mint.

Windows 7 unless you play Microsoft games

Dual boot mac. This is clearly the best option.

Depends how you weigh the shit:

Focus on program and game compability: Windows

Focus on security, privacy and lightness: GNU/Linux

Compromise (efficiency, software compability): MacOS

You can't game at all on a mac. That's a terrible choice for OP.
At least with linux, if you have the Nvidia binary drivers games will run relatively flawlessly and perform well.

gentoo is your answer.

Windows 10 when you sleek it down and schedule updates for when you're sleeping. You won't find anything better.

>you have the Nvidia binary drivers games will run relatively flawlessly and perform well.
today on "complete and utter lies":

You really think he would do that. Low on the Internet.

Linux host + 64G RAM + Seamless VM passthrough for every Windows program.

Manjaro is like Ubuntu but ugly out of the box and it has the God-tier AUR

>what is the best, most lightweight, most efficient, least cluttered, most compatible with software and games, least bloatwared, least botnet operating system there is?
Windows 10 when you know how to use it.

> Updating
> Windows.

KYS fagot.

Dual boot GNU/Linux with Windows. Use Windows only for games that aren't support on GNU/Linux or don't work on Wine.

what is the best version of linux then?

Honestly when do you actually notice Windows updating? Yeah sure sometimes it will perform some updates while shutting down, but who cares? Turn of your monitor on walk away as usual. Your Computer doesn't need to you brainlessly staring at the monitor while it updates itself without your help.

install ltsb

>I'm getting sick of all the updates and unnecessary stuff.
you don't even need to do anything to update your system retard
what unnecessary stuff are you talking about retard?
just don't use them retard.
or delete them retard.
or delete yourself retard
your life is probably too hard to handle retard

Just start off with Ubuntu or Xubuntu (whichever one looks better to you) then work your way from there