what advantages does vim offer over something like sublime or atom?
Christian Williams
>It's so fucking quick, I can edit files, and do shit in the terminal all-in-one at lightening fucking speed.
Brayden Flores
>it's fast assertion >edit files basic function of any editor >do shit in the terminal all-in-one many ides feature a terminal, they also don't make you kill a process before doing shit either
Benjamin Richardson
Liam Walker
I dont know man, my hands start hurting when I only use the keyboard..
probably because my muscular shoulders are too wide, so I have to relax them reaching for the mouse from time to time..
so sadly, no vim for me :)
Juan Clark
six month vim user here, switched over from sublime
imo if you learn your keyboard shortcuts in sublime you can to a lot of stuff (but not everything) you can in vim regarding editing text. But vim's shortcuts are a bit more intuitive imo, and have easier mnemonics - in the end you gotta invest time for both to git gud.
things i think vim does better: > changing between files, finding files you touched before, working with a lot of files in general > build around repeating stuff, the more repetitive a task the better choice vim can be > programmable to death, you can create a shortcut that does anything you want on a file
there are a few things that sublime does better but as a whole experience I prefer vim. The reason I moved from sublime was that I was working with 10+ Rails projects at the same time and i had them all loaded in sublime to quckly move around and indexing and other shit got really slow. Vim doesn't seem to care about this that much.
In the end, use what you like.
Except Atom. Atom is shit.
James Roberts
Yea its keybinds are fun so to speak not necessarily quick - that why I've implemented them in my IDE - Visual Studio enterprise.
Asher Price
>Except Atom. Atom is shit.
i just recently hopped over to atom because i couldn't be fucked configuring sublime to do babel autocompletion again
Benjamin Perry
To be honest I'd prefer to use Atom myself over Sublime too but it's so laggy it's a shame. Thankfully I liked Vim.
Aiden Williams
Figure it out, pleb. Don't give up.
Chase James
I don't want to start the nth flame war between Emacs and Vim, but after becoming a bit proficient in using Emacs+AucTeX, I am now learning to use Python. Should I keep using Emacs or should I switch to Vim for Python?
Ethan Green
vim IS fast. it opens huge files instantly.
Joseph Lewis
was fun to show that at my coworker you thought that it made sense that sublime takes 20 seconds to open a file of 100mb
now if only vim could handle very long lines nicely.... nothing's perfect i guess
Charles Flores
It can, though. You just gotta git gud.
Jaxson Campbell
it gets really laggy for me, any tips ? I'm talking log files that have single lines that are huge
Wyatt Morris
>have to press a button to start to type things >in a text editor
Luis Wright
What advantages does vim offer over something like vi?
Charles Jones
what i love about vim is that you can use the hotkeys everywhere
i'm not masochistic enough to use it for development, but most ides have a vim plugin. ideavim is even rolled with intellij. so you can use the same bindings in pretty much everything you do
imo if you go full autist with plugins you are doing it wrong, the most i do is a quick edit of vimrc to get stuff like line numbers and spaced tabs
Grayson Gutierrez
Emacs has a great integration with the Python REPL, wouldn't give up on that.
William Kelly
Vim is great for *exactly* what you said: being quick.
For everything else: emacs.
I do like Vim’s nav key arrangement though, so they’re in me .emacs file.
Dylan Evans
Do people use Vim for large projects? I've tried it and shit freezes for about 30 seconds when doing mundane stuff like Go to definition, not to mention it's not exactly precise.
Michael Green
In many distros, vi is just an alias to vim.
Colton Collins
There really isn't a better text editor than this.
It's so fucking quick, I can edit literal terabytes, and do shit in the terminal all-in-one at lightening fucking speed.
Why are you using anything else? Learn Ed, and I promise you, you will never go back to Vim bloat.
Justin Ortiz
Not on any I use.
Christopher Anderson
Multi level persistent undo. Graphical User Interface (GUI). Multiple windows and buffers. Syntax highlighting. Spell checking. Folding. Diff mode. Plugins. Asynchronous communication and timers. Repeat a series of commands. Flexible insert mode. Visual mode. Block operators. Help system. Command-line editing and history. Command-line completion. Insert-mode completion. Long line support. Text formatting. Extended search patterns. Directory, remote and archive browsing. Edit-compile-edit speedup. Finding matches in files. Improved indenting for programs. Searching for words in included files. Automatic commands. Scripts and Expressions. Viminfo. Printing. Mouse support. Usage of key names. Editing binary files. Multi-language support. Move cursor beyond lines.
(see :help vim-additions for details)
Thomas Russell
I see. Thanks. A couple of those seem alright.
Colton Reed
Kakuone aims to replace it. Haven't tried it because I invested too much time in vim already but it looks promising and technically more efficient with less keystrokes and better visualization what you are currently doing
Dominic Brooks
Emacs is superior in almost every way. The only thing vim beats it in is startup time, and that hardly matters if I pay the cost once and never have to leave.
Tyler Fisher
dude if I had 4 arms emacs might be nice but those shutcuts of emacs are so hard to hit
Benjamin Wright
>:! >he also doesn't use screens, or atleast other 'new' terminal window shortcuts in his terminal emulator
Michael Rivera
I can't hit the default shortcuts either. The trick is to customize the shit out of it. I've got my basic cursor movement tied to C-, for example. Emacs really shines when you want to customize things.
Brandon Reed
vim does too
Adam Kelly
>They don't make you kill a process before doing shit Use nvim
Asher Morales
Not nearly as well as Emacs. Can you emulate the entirety of Emacs behavior inside vim? Because you can do the reverse in Emacs.
Nicholas Watson
At least go with VSCode, have some fucking self respect, man
Andrew Nguyen
More features != better I'd rather have a piece of software for every task, and do it well. I don't need bloat
Anthony Ward
Do you suggest that I try to learn emacs when I invested a good chunk of time into vim already? What advantage will I have? Also what is a good starting point to learn the basics?
Jace Rodriguez
I've used vim/emacs for decades, but jumped ship to vscode, it's so damn comfy
Tyler Peterson
Jason Johnson
jedi isn't great t. vim+python user
Brandon Flores
Not bloat. Bloat would be if every potential feature were packaged with the basic version of the program. Not every feature is included with the basic version of Emacs, but it allows for maximum extensibility in the realm of text manipulation and related workflows.
Lucas Smith
Actually, they do the trick pretty well for a french azerty keyboard.
Nicholas Cruz
I switched over to nvim from sublime + vintage mode. Nothing beats editing from the command line
Chase Ross
>tfw using gvim
Julian Roberts
Split keyboard maybe?
Jose Brown
quick, pull in the line, somebody fell for the bait
Kevin Wood
I think it depends entirely on how far into vim you are, and what you're using it for.
The main advantage I can give without knowing what exactly you're using it for is a universal, customizable interface between all your text-related activities. The ability to handle emails, programming, scientific/mathematic write-ups, and general writing under the same customizable interface is super comfy.
I use it primarily for programming, so most of the things I gravitate toward aid in that. Stuff like ivy/helm fuzzy completion/search, yasnippets (especially with the ability to execute elisp inside one), sx (stack overflow searching directly in-editor is really nice).
Other than that: wolfram integration, instant LaTeX visualization, org-mode if that's your thing
Hunter Green
thanks I'll try emacs and learn it to some degree, worst case scenario is I have 2 editors to choose from. Sounds definitely nice with the stack overflow searching
Jaxon Mitchell
>Vim keybinds >not quick Are you serious? They're the entire point of the editor. Maybe you just need to get good t. Someone who uses vim keybinds in my visual studio IDE for work
Juan Ramirez
vscode is the mozilla firefox of editors. it's slow and laggy as fuck.
Benjamin Turner
it's fast on my machine ;^) maybe you should stop using a potato for a computer
Alexander Gutierrez
Here is the list of Youtube videos that took me from knowing nothing to being so comfortable as to installing a vim plugin on my browser. Ignore titles these videos are great for beginners, just watch them in this exact sequence: Mastering the Vim Language youtube.com/watch?v=wlR5gYd6um0 How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim) youtube.com/watch?v=XA2WjJbmmoM Let Vim Do the Typing youtube.com/watch?v=3TX3kV3TICU
NOTE: I've realized what emacs-like bindings are best suited for when I tried TeXmacs.
Christopher Johnson
This is the correct answer
Hudson Martinez
>try to type something >delete 20 lines by accident okay now that I've had my fun, tell me how to make my vim super sexy for C dev so I can be the cool kid in my class
Jayden Gray
Type "u" to undo. For C programming onsider using Ctags via the taglist extension.
Liam Rodriguez
TIP: You hear all the time that vi keys are used everywhere, one such example is as a pager, the program "less" use it. Inside the program type "h" to see the keys.
Robert Watson
Saving your post, thank you
Brandon Campbell
Because I personally prefer VSCode.
Brayden Perry
Why do you prefer vscode?
Chase Price
I find it easier to use OOB, and I don't have all the time to set vim up. Vim isn't bad, I'm just comfortable with VSCode
Also search around for 'Vim as an IDE' in addition to above, a recent presentation at CMU. I could never accept Vimscript so have been using Emacs all this time
John Martin
Can Vim properly do symbol renaming in a source file w/o a plugin?
Yeah. So in most IDE's, if you press F2 over a variable or function name, you can rename it, and it will rename it in every source file it is referenced in the whole project folder, even unopened files. Note that this is also different than global search/replace, since it won't change the same word in comments or wherever else. Very handy. It seems Vim can't do it out of the box.
Aaron Edwards
I suppose, but if you're going to use vim like an IDE you might as well set it up like one. I get where you're coming from, but refactoring likely isn't something you'll be doing daily, and forcing vim to not use a plug-in just to prove a point is kind of an empty victory
Cameron Russell
>refactoring likely isn't something you'll be doing daily I'm currently debating learning vim, and I'm trying to see what it can or can't do. When I develop, I use refactoring quite a bit.
>forcing vim to not use a plug-in just to prove a point is kind of an empty victory I'm just trying to figure out if Vim is right for me, or if I could set it up to be.
Nolan Clark
you can set vim to start in insert mode
Jaxson Morgan
emacs is too bloated to be a text editor and lacks too many features to be an IDE. kinda like C++, it tries to be too many things and as a result is never the best tool for the job
Mason Young
Fair enough, but if that's the case why would you add in the stipulation that vim can't use any plug-ins? Wouldn't you want to know the full capabilities it can do plug-ins and all? Also, your IDE likely has one that gives you vim key binds so if you don't want to learn vim itself at work or wherever you're working on your projects, you can still get the key binds
Carson Hall
vim is a text editor, not an IDE
Ian Bailey
>Wouldn't you want to know the full capabilities it can do plug-ins and all? I'm assuming it can do everything, since it's quite powerful, and I'm sure there's a plug-in for everything too. I mean, even w/o a plug-in you could probably refactor good enough with a clever command.
>vim is a text editor, not an IDE true, but it can do what most IDE's can do, especially if you can bash script. i'm still figuring things out.
Alexander Perry
>vim is fast Why do people say this? How do you compile it so it is fast? I find it slow as fuck. And I am not talking about the way you do things although that can be slow as well. I mean the UI takes more time to show you the changes you make.
Logan Williams
What? Compilation has nothing to do with the speed at which you edit text after the fact. Do you have evidence of the UI being slow? I'm using it at work, as we speak, and the screen updates as quickly as any text editor Sure, but if you're learning vim and wanting to try it, a plug-in would better suit you so you don't get overwhelmed too early
Bentley Hall
Sorry, misread. Why would you need to compile vim at all? It's quick enough out of the box. Maybe you're screwing something up when you compile it?
Justin Powell
I was told it was because I installed the vim-nox package and there was a faster one available, so that's why I asked how to compile it to make it fast. For me, the UI is just slower to update. I can't record it with a high enough frame rate to show you, but the worst offender for me is when I edit multiple lines.
Josiah Thomas
I don't know what to tell you. May I suggest removing all the extra stuff and just installing nvim?
Dylan Rogers
maybe i have high standards for an IDE. vim can't auto-sort my imports, filtering the unused ones. it can't do intelligent, code-aware refactoring. it can't integrate with gradle or spring-boot. it's auto-completion is a little buggy. it won't let you set breakpoints. the list goes on and on.
i mean, i love vim, i use it every day for shell scripting, python, and text editing, but i wouln't use it for java or large c programs.
David Hernandez
>not using vim key binds in your IDE
Luke Murphy
Caleb Wilson
acme's quicker, especially with in piping the text selection or entire document through a load of programs
Colton James
>they also don't make you kill a process before doing shit either You do realize that 99% of console programs let you press Ctrl-Z to freeze and background the program, right? >^Z >run other command >fg
Jaxon Thompson
>didn't read the post
Jayden James
>Java So use IntelliJ and its vim emulation plugin. It actually works pretty well.
Isaiah Powell
You said you would not use it for large Java/C programs but unless you're doing text editing, shell scripting, and python in an IDE I assumed you did those things not in an IDE and Java/C in an IDE. Correct me if I'm getting this wrong, by all means
Lucas Torres
i run intellij locally at work (java, windows), but all my python and shell scripting is done remotely (ssh session to headless linux box back home). i use the vim keybinds in intellij
Leo Cooper
>maybe i have high standards for an IDE yeah i'm so used to traditional text editing and ide's with their language plug-ins. my workflow is good enough in them.
i'll probably just use vi/vim as a nano replacement and for quick scripting and text editing. it's fun to use. plus ide's have vim keybinding plug-ins which is nice if i ever get good.
knowing vim is also good for those cli programs that use vim keybindings, like ranger for file management.
Lincoln Miller
btw, i find the vim keybinds far less useful for java compared to scripting languages. especially the spring-web projects.
Nathaniel Williams
and vim is indispensable for running headlessly or working on high-latency remote systems.
Jayden Lee
>vscode en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code >Visual Studio Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft, although this telemetry reporting can be disabled.[19] The data is shared among Microsoft-controlled affiliates and subsidiaries and with law enforcement per the privacy statement.[20] microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement/EnterpriseDev/default.aspx >Finally, we will access, transfer, disclose, and preserve personal data when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: >comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; >protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of our products, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; >operate and maintain the security of our products, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; >protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services - however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer's private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement. I seriously hope you compile your own.
Connor Martinez
I like vim for just general text editing, but I find it to be clunky when doing large scale refactoring. I'm sure vim wizards can make it work, but at least for me it's an easier task when you have mouse support.
Landon Long
It's not hard to block all network access to an individual application if you're really concerned about that shit.
Not that I'd ever actually use Visual Studio Code.
Logan Robinson
Yes it's a text EDITOR, not a text adder. If you're a programmer, you'd know that most of your time is spent editing code, not typing code. That's why your far better off with something that optimises the editing process, cause it can't make you type or think faster.
Daniel Bailey
It's also not hard to use alternative software that respects your privacy.
Jacob Gonzalez
There is mouse support, but you don't need it in practice. I mostly just use it to scroll if I'm just reading a file.
Benjamin Flores
I'm using sublime because I dont't have the tiniest nerves to learn some apparently useful shit in other editors.
But have a collegue who is using Emacs. He started it using it a few months ago, he is still struggling from time to time, but he says it's pretty dope.
Also for me, emacs has one of the best font rendering I mean holly shit.
So go for Emacs.
Ryan Williams
it literally doesn't matter as long as you commit to one, you producitvity will be great either way
Austin Powell
Adrian Jenkins
What are the use cases of an advanced text editor? Coming from a background of notepad. What exactly would you use something like this for? Programing? Only just getting into linux from windows and I'm still pretty technologically illiterate.
Austin Ward
Unfortunately I could not find an easy way to securely open a GPG file but then also read it with an org-mode plugin. Emacs is better doing things like that. I do use vim for quick editing tho.