Buying a macbook to install Linux?

I see this a lot. People will buy an expensive 1,000+ macbook air / whatever and nuke MacOS and install Linux on it.

I'm very familiar with how great Linux is and all, but why would anyone actually do this? Just curious.

Other urls found in this thread:

you can install w/e you want on a macbook if you prefer linux then dualboot it why not

I get that, but I'm asking WHY would people choose to do this. I'm not saying It's bad or anything.

don't know i honestly prefer macos to linux

I like the hardware but I hate MacOS and have no need for it. Easy and quick purchase with no prior research and Linux usually works quite well.

they probably like a great designed laptop and distro that matches their aesthetic as the same time

Apple hardware has very good Linux support, there aren't dozens of models with different components and developers know what they're working with.
People who can afford it may also prefer well-designed and aesthetically pleasing laptops.

>why would anyone buy a laptop and use the operating system of their choice on it?


>Apple hardware has very good Linux support

MY SIDES!!!!!!!!

Have you actually ever installed linux on a macbook from 2010+?

No, only on my PowerPC Macs.

nobody does this, this is bait

macbooks are noooot:

the most aesthetic
the best hardware

macbooks are:

the best trackpad
the best os (probably)

>I see this a lot. People will buy

environment if you have other apple stuff. same what samsung tries with their surface or rMB like tablets.

I'd agree with that.

Nobody seems to be integrating their services like Apple. Google does in terms of accessibility to their cloud services (drive), which makes it comfy if you can stomach the botnet, but there still isn't an iMessage equiv for android and linux/MS.


before jobs died apple was SOLID bro

>most aesthetic laptop running most aesthetic environment

>hurr durr I don't get it

>fruity toddler toy logo on the lid
>le aesthetic xDDD

Spotted the 12 year old mactoddler.

>but why would anyone actually do this?
Aluminum laptop + GNU Linux, it's not rocket science.

Because they can't afford Lenovo P70 and they are trying to express money.

>tin can water boiler

Into the trash it goes.

I didn't say it was good, just some people like those shitty details.

If you buy a Mac you'll just end up using OSX because it's so vastly superior to Windows and Linux. You've been warned.

Her neck is too big

Autistic assholes do this shit thinking muh superior riced linux.

>fagOS malware

honestly, my macbook is getting a little long in the tooth

so i'll probably install linux in about a year, since its still a good laptop

Why would you install linux, are you a cuck?

I'm the other way around. The is is great for music production but the hardware is shithouse

why not this?

Not everyone has 4" dicks

>Muh RGB rainbow Asus has a better GPU
When's the last time you showered?


I will tell you why OP... mostly people just dont want a THIRD OS

I got a 2011 macbook air 2nd hand and securewiped it... it has 3 partitions : grub/debian/swap

i did this because i have been using windows all my life, been using a flavour of linux since 2007 and learning all the in outs and different progams i would need in mac os to get basic shit done just melted my brain...

i have an iphone 6 and do miss the notifications and tranparent copy and pasting of links etc but 2 operating systems (window and linux )is enough for me... a third (macOS) is in my opinion a waste of time and energy and especially with macOS money...

I've found a Macbook to actually not be too bad of a Gentoo machine. When I installed it I had to screw around with the EFI (my first EFI machine), and I think I had some trouble with the switchable graphics too, but once I got past that I found it worked pretty well.

I was actually thinking of trying something like Fedora on there too. I may also switch back to OS X for a little while just for kicks. I used it before a little and it wasn't too bad, but I just like working in Linux most of the time.

I myself thought I might do that when I first bought my 11-inch Air. But it turns out that OS X is actually a competent operating system with practically everything you might need available right out of the box. It even has a lot of stuff that you never knew you needed, but would be happy to find is readily available, for free. So I didn't go forward with installing Linux. It would just be a waste of time and good hardware.



Unix > Linux all day every day shit bag

> doesn't know Ubuntu and Debian has developmental ties to nsa

I'm actually at a point where I want to have OS on the desktop but I'm too stupid to do a hackintosh for now and I'm enjoying my triple screen setup with Windows 7 too much. But I have been considering getting a 5K iMac. Or an old Mac mini. I think those are the only two desktop options worth considering. A monitor-connected MacBook seems too gimped for me.

Because they're generally nice laptops to use, but not everyone cares for MacOS, and a number of the people who don't aren't really big on Windows either.

>the best trackpad
Some Chromebooks have trackpads that anihilate any mac trackpad

>the best os (probably)
The least secure.

Aesthetics are in the eye of the beholder.

My understanding is many times your company offers you the choice of a Macbook or Dell/hp/whatever and people go with the Mac because they trust the hardware has a much better chance of being less shit.

It's the same deal with operating systems your company won't allow you to install whatever you want so the choice is Windows or OSX. Most developers will prefer a Unix based os since it makes life easier overall.

Can't do a lot of things of OSX you can do on Linux.
PCI-e passthrough for example is impossible.

Chromebooks have super locked down bootloaders, fuck them.

>Some Chromebooks have trackpads that anihilate any mac trackpad
Lies. Nothing compares to Mac trackpads. To date I have used four different Chromebooks and all trackpads have been hot garbage. I had to use a wired mouse and a wireless mouse to compensate.

Why is Sup Forums so hateful and willfully ignorant? Grow the fuck up and get a job, jesus christ.

>One guy posting about an issue on some random forum.
>From 2014.
>Likely an even older MacBook.
Yes, you sure showed that MacToddler around here!
Come on post another one.

>Why is Sup Forums so hateful and willfully ignorant?
Because it's easier for people to just go along with hating what everyone else hates rather than form their own even halfway informed judgements.

Basically this, it's a case of attention to the product during design.
Acer/Dell/HP/Lenovo/etc all release hundreds of different models every year, Apple releases 2 or 3...
So the engineer to production ratio is much higher, Applel might have joke engineers but when you put a small army a jokers to work on only 2-3 products, they're more likely to produce a good product than an overworked HP engineer overseeing 6 different 15" laptops, each with a different frame and PCB.

>Nobody does this
>Linus Torvalds has done exactly that

>Think Different
>Just like everybody else.

ive never seen anyone do this ever
thats the point of the image

what does that have to do with aesthetics you retard?

>implies that newer MBP are better