Just did a fresh install of Ubuntu, what now?
Just did a fresh install of Ubuntu, what now?
Other urls found in this thread:
install gentoo
Install Gentoo
Do a fresh uninstall of Ubuntu.
sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
Start learning the details of bash shell (string expansion, pipes, redirects, file system organization, etc) and the command line tools. Specifically, for the tools:
-history (actually, I think this a bash command)
Doing this right will also mean getting decent at regular expressions. Also, learn enough vi, or just just nano, to make quick edits and write short scripts.
If you get proficient, in just the above, everything you do will take less time. In fact, you’ll be able to do lots of tasks quickly; some that you might not have considered doing before.
now buy a mac you dumb neet cuck
1) open the terminal
2) type sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
You can thank me later
use it for a couple weeks and then go back to windows once you realize linux is a meme and not actually useful and you need a program that doesn't support linux
spend 3 days setting it up to your liking then either :
A: find out a certain program or service you use isn't available on linux, so uninstall and back to windows
b: you fuck around with some terminal commands while troubleshooting why something isn't working, it fucks your whole system and now it won't boot, time to install Windows.
c: you miss gayming or need a windows only program so you decide to dual boot, every time you boot to windows you get an overwhelming feeling of joy that everything just werks and you start using Linux less and less till you forget you even had it installed. eventually you need to free up some disk space so you delete that old Linux partition that you never use.
>need a program that doesn’t support linux
There is exactly ONE piece of commerical software that anyone could possible need that only runs on windows:
(no, the Mac version doesn’t count since it’s not as capable).
overwrite with windows partion
wait till 18.04 LTS
>everything just werks
That would be a Mac.
>There is exactly ONE piece of commerical software that anyone could possible need that only runs on windows
Unless you're planning on doing any image/video editing or music production and want to use professional software rather than broken garbage.
Davinci resolve
photoshop and using it with wine is not an actual thing, nor in a vm not enough vram
Those all run on Macs.
Why dont you install MATE then?
It looks like shit
So true
There's software for all this on Linux.
Troll harder.
apt install build-essential
make an update/upgrade script
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
put the dockbar thingie back where it goes you fucking degenerate
i'm waiting for 18.04.1, running 16.04.1 now
apt-get dist-upgrade you mongrel, apt is for sissies :p
Blackmagicdesign hardware always gets me hard
Now kys
Pffft, that's a good one. Everything, meaning the handful of Apple made products? Or the handful of shitty software?
Make the theme and icons just right for your tastes. There's a noobslab PPA with a bunch of them available.
Make a couple of terminal profiles to suit your system theme and tastes.
If you have old games, see if they work in Playonlinux.
Oh and do whatever actual work you usually do using Firefox/chrome, libreoffice, programming, etc.
If you need VMs try Gnome-Boxes or VirtManager, they can be better than virtualbox.
Revel in the fact you have a stable, convenient, and mostly free system.
Start using it.
Expand only if needed.
Set it and forget it.
Start writing drivers for it. No one else is.
>want to install Popcorn-time
>It's not in the software center of Ubuntu
>read tutorials
>type weird shit in the terminal
I mean, it's one click on Windows
>>type weird shit in the terminal
You type weird shit in the reply boxes on Sup Forums. What the fuck is so difficult about doing it anywhere else?
What if I fuck up the OS?
>mostly free system
meanwhile arch
yaourt -S popcorntime
so comfy
inb4 >yaourt
browse Sup Forums
Download some porn.
Yes, mostly free. Has a blobby kernel, software center with proprietary stuff
For fully free, you should check out Debian without enabling the nonfree repo, Trisquel, Parabola, and GuixSD.
I fucking hate yaourt I always forgot how to spell it
yaourt or yoaurt
holy shit
cower -d popcorntime
cd popcorntime/
makepkg -sic
More sane
yeah thats why i use pacaur desu
damn this hit close to home
You done fucked up user, you should've installed gentoo.
Now honest tip, go get Pale Moon as your browser, do some fiddling with security features to install adnauseam, replace your main UI with Openbox, and for completion sake, make sure to get moebuntu.
savor that sweet, sweet compiz compositing
because its going to be replaced by its down syndrome cousin, Mutter.
underrated post
Remove unity
Install cinnamon
Install mint tools.
alias yoaurt='yaourt'
>shouldhave ibstalled gentoo
yes :^)
>now honest tip
Oh :'(
oh yes :^)))
ahh :^\
Yuck D^:
what a rollercoaster ride.
change those ugly icons
install fedora
Install gnome
don't do this
you install another distro, the life of true linux dekstop user
uninstall and install manjaro or arch
upgrade it to win 10
uncuck yourself from proprietary software and blobs shipped with ubuntu
also install gentoo
rm -rf /*
Try FreeBSD, it might not work, but at least you are not bound by any commie licensing.
maybe he is not homosexual
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mpv screenfetch
Install Mint instead
Remember it like this:
The "yao" in "yaoi",
plus the "urt" in "joghurt".
--> yaourt
Get TimeShift, its like system restore for Linux. Also, grab a spare USB and throw systemrescuecd on there, in case you somehow corrupt GRUB or whatever. Saved my ass one time when I accidentally used gparted on the wrong partition.
Just download popcorn-time.zip from their website, unzip it and run the binary. Easy as fuck. doesn't need any terminal action.
Unless you work in design, parts fabrication, music production, or just like the occasional video game.
uninstall ubuntu and install arch
install it again.
Samefagging this hard
but 3 commands vs 1 command, defeated my friend
All me.
Lies, it was me
here's your reply, buddy
It was ME all along.