Hey, what do you think about Hackintosh PCs/Laptops?


Not as good as the real thing, but a better value for the money.

For a proprietary OS, MacOS is not that bad. If you need something like adobe or (((Respondus))) That doesn't support GNU/Linux, then I would say MacOS is better than Windows for those purposes. My main problem with Apple (aside from botnet) is how retardedly overpriced their hardware is, so a hackintosh might be a good idea

Why not just go use Linux at this point?

I have Hackintosh on one of my laptops and GNU/Linux on others. I need some proprietary software that only runs on Windows and MacOS and MacOS is the lesser evil there. I don't enjoy using MacOS a bit and only use it whenever necessary. Funny thing is, I have a Macbook as my main laptop and I've thrown a Linux on it. In my experience, Hackintosh has worked just as well as MacOS on a Macbook.

What hardware did you use for hackintosh? I've always run into issues with the gpu or nic

Why Linux on a Macbook? Isn't it just a waste of money?

Bretty gud if done right.
I've got my laptop on hackintosh, i unironically get a better performance than with any other OS ive tested (which are Windows 7 and 10, Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Antergos, Neon KDE and Solus)
I also tried it on my desktop, but there i get worse performance.

It's a Lenovo with an intel processor and an nvidia GPU. It's not very new, I think it came with Windows 8.

I like Macbooks, they are thin, quiet and good looking. I'm not a fan of MacOS though and prefer Linux. Sure it's a waste of money but I use laptops for quite a long time so I don't care if I "lose" a few hundred dollars.

Well... what do you think about iPads? Can they replace laptops?


There are other laptops that are thin, quiet, and good looking. Not just macs.

You're just a fucking idiot.

I can't be arsed to browse and research. If I like Macbooks and don't give a shit about few hundred, why should I bother? I'm pleased with my choice of laptop, why do you care.

>can't be arsed to browse and research
>spends time on Sup Forums

Sure. Idiot.

Sorry, another question.
How much do I need to build a decent PC? And should I split my budget (build PC and buy XBOne/PS4/Switch?)

Not really interested in Gaming tho

I enjoy shitposting, ricing and other kinds of cancerous activities. This is the only place where I get to be a complete dickhead and not give a shit about other people's opinions. I don't enjoy searching for a new laptop and Linux compability. I actually tried it the last time I was purchasing a laptop. I entered the store and asked about their more expensive models, their battery lives and Linux compability. The vendor said he doesn't know, almost laughed, and told me they all come with Windows so I don't have to worry about that. After that experience I just went to an Apple store and got a fucking Macbook. The new thinkpads look tempting though.

>I don't enjoy searching for a new laptop and Linux compability
>I entered the store and asked about their more expensive models, their battery lives and Linux compability. The vendor said he doesn't know, almost laughed, and told me they all come with Windows so I don't have to worry about that
>After that experience I just went to an Apple store and got a fucking Macbook. The new thinkpads look tempting though.

> Trying to use Linux without a previous research
> Buying shit becuse too lazy to do a proper research.


Macbooks arent shit. Theyre overpriced. Are you really this triggered I wasted $300 more thab I could have. I probably make that in the time it would have taken me to find an alternative.

Thinking of installing OsX in my t410 thinkpad, found a guide and doesnt look so hard. I use it mainly for music production but dont know how stable it might be.
Do hackitosh crash often?
Btw, I think only Mountain Lion is compatible
Should I do it?

AFAIK, the Thinkpads use the same Intel chipsets as the Macbooks and OSX it's very stable for they.

I'm planning on install OSX on my T420

Also ask on the /tpg/ threads, there are some experienced users who already did this or use as his main OS

>Do hackitosh crash often?
I don't understand this question but see it quite often and I'm wondering where this comes from.
At this point and in this time, no system crashes unless you do shit with it and then it's your fault. If you really have a system that crashes on a regular basis, well, use something else.

I'm running a hackintosh since 2012 and I've done all upgrades so far. I've never had a problem and there was only one update that required minimal manual intervention but this was known in advance (you had to enter a flag at boot for some GPUs).
I had exactly 2 crashes and that was when I removed some drivers I should not have removed (removed the wrong ones). The other was when I installed a bad/old Ethernet driver (hackintoshes support non-Mac networking chips by porting the appropriate Linux drivers for this hardware and I've compiled and installed an old and unmaintained one).
Naturally, you can kill proper macs just as easy by removing random kexts (drivers on OSX).

>Macbooks arent shit. Theyre overpriced.

That's the only actual issue with apple products in general, they're very good but overpriced.

In general, Hackintosh is just like a real Mac once you get everything running. It's really stable, provided you don't do any major updates before you confirm it's going to work after.

>Btw, I think only Mountain Lion is compatible

Are you sure? my laptop is only 1 year newer than yours (E6420) and supports up to High Sierra.
For mountain lion i wouldn't even bother.

From what I could gather, the t410 with intel gpu is not as friendly as the nvidia one and can only run Mountain Lion.
Is it really that outdated? never used osX but do they become that obsolete after upgrades?
I plan on using Ableton Live, Photoshop and Premiere and the usual stuff, Win7 works fine but running Logic and a better OS would be cool.

I also have a T410 and want to Hackintosh it, but have never done it before (most of my other computers are Macs, some older and some newer)
macOS versions can become obsolete over time as new versions of software can drop support.
The current version of Ableton will work on Mountain Lion, but Adobe software drops support really quickly so you'll have to go with an older version.

it's like boying a mac but
You did this to yourself. You're the one who fucked up. Think about the repercussions of your actions.

It's like buying a Mac except you can fix it.

I can fix my Macs
t. Apple Technician

If I were a video editor or a music producer, both of which no one has made a competent Linux program for, I'd go with OS X over Windows. Hackintosh is a better value, and frankly if you're going nuts with maxing out your hardware (becuz "professional"), a regular Mac's 2012 hardware simply won't cut it. The only problem is that you have to do a bit of research to make sure that all your hardware is compatible, but there're a fuckton of resources for that.

X220 hackintosh user here. Both Sierra and now High Sierra works without problems. If you do the install correctly, it's just as stable as any other OS. I never had any real problems, except for a few easily fixable things like volume controls breaking.

React-Native/Dart + MacOSx = God tier mode.
Just werks

The only reason to use MacOS these days is if you're a programmer or a musician.

>muh adobe

Performance on Windows is better!

>It's like buying a Mac except you'll need to fix it.

Been considering dual-booting or outright replacing the OS on my laptop with Macos for my CS courses. Would be so much better for the C Programming that I'm doing, since muh UNIX.

Anyway, what's the battery life on a Hackintosh? Right now mine is sub-par on Windows (56w/hr on XPS 15 9560). Also, how is the GPU support for a Hackintosh? I'm using a GTX 1050(m?) and I'd like to have it for photoshop or some shit, should I need it.

Go to bed, Tim.

Build your next PC with hackintosh in mind, even if you don't plan on doing it right now. Go the path of least resistance:
>natively supported CPU+iGPU
>mobo with consistent success reports
>Nvidia GPU is probably your best bet since they actively produce macOS drivers
>make sure your ethernet chipset has good drivers, don't expect wifi to work
>for sound, get a cheap USB DAC and save yourself the hassle of AppleALC
>SSD with well-supported TRIM or of a type that doesn't need TRIM to have good performance
>although updates usually go quite smoothly, don't apply them without a backup if you rely on your setup
>don't expect to hackintosh a laptop
I use mine full-time for web and app dev, happy to answer any questions.

Well, except for the recent macbooks. Charging that much for tablet processors.. Pfft.