God is gnome 3.26 broken

This piece of shit is crashing all the time.
>new settings design
that one's decent, the old one looked pretty childish with the shitload of icons but
>randomly crashes when hitting the meta/windows/super key
>wifi sometimes just won't connect or find any connections
>the whole extension thing is becoming more and more of a shitload to deal with (install extension in firefox and an additional package to get the extension store to work - are you fucking shitting me?)

Problem is: I really fucking love Gnome as a general desktop environment, mostly for the super-key overview feature that no other desktop has implemented this comfy; also I mostly use GTK apps so a Qt DE will look like dog vomit cobbled together by thousands of teams that don't properly cooperate if I don't change all my apps

any alternative to gnome that doesn't suck balls and has a similar workflow? no, kevin, solus with budgie is not the answer just because it also uses the gnome stack

Other urls found in this thread:




>similar workflow
funny lad, I also don't have hours and hours to make this thing as usable and appealing as gnome with a simple theme

Just roll back to the stable version.

Okay, just use KDE instead of being autistic. There isn't a good GNOME fork when GNOME isn't even good itself. If you wan't a featureless DE why even use a DE then?

Gnome will only get worse if the current trend continues, I don't want to sit on an old version for the rest of my life.

I never said I want a featureless DE, you're pulling this out of your ass. Thought about using KDE for a while, though, but it still seems kinda broken as well. Messed with 5.10 for a while, didn't seem stable to me.

Looks like a poor clone of ChromeOS.

Yeah I just tried to install it but was getting too many crashes.

Btw anyone know what's up with tray icons? What is used for them now? I think they fully removed GtkStatusIcon I don't know what library is being used now. I think Gnome still has tray icons.

Tray icons disappeared completely for me, even though I installed TopIcons. I remember there was an article about the Gnome Team removing them completely. Makes sense, Gnome just keeps removing features instead of progressing in a meaningful way, same thing with terminal transparency (I know there's a package and some distros come with the option, but come on, it's not available by default, e.g. on Arch).

>GNOME isn't featureless

nice meme, kid

Nah you just wait out the bugs, gnome3 was a disaster when it came out.

You can wait out bugs, but you can't wait out the ongoing oversimplification and feature removal.

>I remember there was an article about the Gnome Team removing them completely.
Wow. you are right. Gone in 3.26:


This kills the gnome. I understand fedora because they are the same company but how can Debian default to a fucking playpen distro like this? Removes system tray icons because they're too complicated.

GtkStatusIcon is deprecated and Gnome has officially removed all trace of it from their DE. Only a matter of time before it is removed completely from GTK and distros like XFCE, LXDE, MATE also don't have any tray icons.

I guess libappindicator is going to be the new standard. I think KDE uses that but I couldn't find much info on it other than some docs:


Meh some unofficial extensions will fix it.

You can always just get cinnamon

Switching to KDE now. This is bullshit.

>I don't like hearing truth so I'll call it a meme
t. retard

There was a good discussion about gnome 3 on reddit recently. It boiled down that once again features are being removed but the new thing is that it is being sold as something the users desire, see 'the three pillars of the gnome foundation'.

I guess you have to decide if you want to make Gnome™ apps or ""xfce"" apps ;)

sorry I've never heard of that and don't have any idea what this 'xfce' is

hope you choose gnome ;)

Oh my fucking god, just as I this week installed Fedora Workstation (GNOME) in emergency and have been trying to get used to this. Back to Fedora KDE with me.

GNOME has been driving me nuts really fast anyways
>forced folder opening on drag&drop operations in Files
>no way to edit file menu
>shell customizing in any way requires first installing tweak tool, then making custom theme in CSS without any template to start with for fucks sake what the SHIT are they thinking??
>every vanilla HTML button in Firefox is poorly GNOME themed for whatever reason
>no compact view in Nautilus
>no thumbnail view in Chrome uploading
>need tweak tool to change font size which is fuckhueg by default
>getting suspend button requires holding down alt, then clicking shut down
>default window are so massive I've been practically forced to run IDE in full screen mode
>application settings are all over the place, some in panel, some inside application
>ffmpegthumbnails doesn't seem to work for some reason so no video thumbnails like its 1999
>open any file requiring root access in Nautilus, now every time you view recent list you are asked for password
>no per app volume controls
>the way everything jumps around on winkey press is making me feel like Tweek
>I need to press winkey to do about anything
>alt+tab is partial cure but it switches apps in all desktops goddamn

I'm kinda curious to see "good reddit discussion". Post it.

>shell customizing in any way requires first installing tweak tool
Alright guys just me or has the tweak tool had this bug FOR FUCKING YEARS where it does this retarded shit when unmaximized?

>no scroll bars
what the fuck

>tfw can't even think about using gnome after reading that discussion
Why do people support this crap?

why use scroll bars when you can just increase the size of the window and move it around?

next release we are optimizing out the maximize, close, and minimize buttons. every window will have its own workspace for maximum focus and productivity. we are keeping the title bars though for aesthetic reasons and so we can put random buttons up there. hope you enjoy gnome ;)

Pro tip
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-destop compton arc-theme
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install papirus-icon-theme

wow that was hard

i hate xfeces but this desu

I've actually found the total opposite

3.26 is stable as fuck on Arch. never had a crash or problem with it ever. I just like the configurability of plasma better.

but plasma is the one that's crashing and being an unstable piece of shit. i can't even arrange my pinned icons without them rearranging back and then crashing

>I really fucking love Gnome
we found the problem, love bu attachment, bro this is not a fucking whore that sucks your dick every day or a rich ugly bitch, just drop it.
The only relation you will have is that of an abusive desktop manager that wont move an inch and when ever you want change in your relation she will laugh at you and spin on your selfies. Stop trying to fix others people mess and switch to the much superior KDE


>just me or has the tweak tool had this bug FOR FUCKING YEARS
Just you or your distro.

This. Gnome is great on Arch and Fedora. I don't know what the rest of the distros are doing to screw things up so badly.

>plasma, in comparison
i really want it to work better than gnome, but alas

could you share that record-desktop alias?
duno if im doing something wrong but my files are huge and if don't do it that way the cpu just cant handle it


ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 60 -s 1920x1080 -i $DISPLAY -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -threads 0 output.mkv

if [ "$1" ]; then
read -p "Bitrate? > " br
read -p "Width? > " wd
read -p "Height? > " ht
read -p "File name? > " fn
ffmpeg -i $1 -threads 3 -c:v libvpx -b:v $br -an -vf scale=$wd:$ht -f webm -quality good -qmin 0 -qmax 50 -bufsize 1000k "$fn".webm
echo "No file given."

What extensions are you running?

['[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'native-window-placement@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]']

thx man

Anyone else feel like there has been a mission of sabotage against Linux over the last five-or-so years?

I think the problem is that corporations have totally stopped using Linux on the desktop, so no money is going into DE development.

IBM, Sun, SGI, etc. used to fund all this shit in the 90s.

That's why the kernel continues to keep up: servers, android, chromeos, internet-of-things, etc. while the oss user software side has totally stagnated.

Should be *NIX on the desktop.

There's nothing inherently wrong with that though, all they need to do is stop fucking around and code within their means.

KDE3 and GNOME2 were functionally sound for what people want Linux to be, in terms of major draw.

it's not like these devs get money from the hardware sales that being "up to date" would require. Remember when the selling point of Linux was that you could use it on old computers and they'd get a new lease of life? Yeah, fuck that now, I guess. Windows 7 works better on this T60 than even MATE.

>KDE3 and GNOME2 were functionally sound
MATE still is totally sound. MATE and xfce are the only decent choices for full linux desktop.

Now if we could just leave them the way they are and fix all the bugs they would be a solid choice comparable to anything from microsoft or apple.

Another issue is the proliferation of DEs. In particular there's never been any reason to have both Gnome and KDE as full-featured desktop clients: the duplication of effort there is astounding.

The problem is the attitude in a lot of programming these days (I blame start-up culture) where there's this idea that all software should be a "rolling beta". I know it's more fun to play around and do cool things, but it's not more fun for the user when the simple things they used to be able to do can no longer be done, or done as well.

This all comes again into the "let's do something new and cool!" culture. Not only that, but the more complex you make a piece of software the less able users are to make changes and commit improvements.

Reminds me of Stallman saying something like "We wanted a GNU desktop, GNOME was it, we didn't need another one."

Desktop environments aren't like other software. They shouldn't "do" anything by themselves, but rather should be the access point to the doing of something. Having a single DE doesn't go against community spirit any more than only a single framebuffer.

>the year of the gnu/lennicks desktop

Yeah I really dont see the point in a new gnome. Look at apple they've been using the same desktop for what decades. They just make incremental improvements and update the icons and people still think it looks cool.
Thats what gnome should have been. If gnome3 and mate devs would have put all their efforts into gnome2 it could be just as good as mac, except for the icons.

the old settings was so nice with its dynamically adjusted size, why did they change it?


End yourself

fuck you

Gnome 3 is the right direction. AFAIK the whole UI is defined in javascript or something like that, so it's easy to customize and extend.

The worst part is that about 2005 or so it felt like Linux was growing up, but it's probably in a worse state that its ever been in in terms of raw base-level quality. Yes, great, we can play Stea, games now, but we have shitty desktops that consume more resources and do less than ever.

>Gnome 3 is the right direction.
>the whole UI is defined in javascript

>wifi sometimes just won't connect or find any connections
Thank fuck I'm not the only one. I thought this shit was hardware-specific.
Looks like I'm getting either a macbook or a hackintoshable elitebook, I can't stand this shit anymore.

I was wondering if it was just something with my wi-fi. It'll just randomly drop everything and require a reboot.

>linux is broken
breaking news



GNOME is shit but it's the best shit we've got. It's the only DE whicj doesn't look amateurish or obsolete
werks good on my machine (openSUSE Tumbleweed)
Yep, no tray icons anymore. I'm still in shock. Got to keep torrent client on a seperate workspace now.
Most of your points are either related to Fedora or ricing, or your personal preferences. There are some viable points too though. Huge titlebars and no previews in a file picker are fucking annoying.
but Linux on the desktop is now better than ever. It's not completely useless anymore.

>Yep, no tray icons anymore. I'm still in shock. Got to keep torrent client on a seperate workspace now.
gnome fags on suicide watch lol

gnome/gtk is trash, abandon before its too late

Yup. Red Hat wants every distro to be a Red Hat clone so that RHEL becomes the one true distro. I switched to gentoo to avoid the cancers of gnome, systemd, and pulseaudio.

Is this for real? Even fucking barebones shit like tint2 have tray/status icons.

Works for me.

Yup. Welcome to Red Hats world.

>my hacked together openbox+tint2 setup has more features than GNOME now
what a time to be alive