Web hosting

I’m thinkig of switching to name cheap.
What are some good hosts besides (gofuckyourselfdady) to host a small personal website with little to no trafic.

I’m not looking for the free ones that sale your data or advertise.

Is namecheap a good choice?

20bucks for the first year privacy included and 40 for all other years 5 extra for privacy.


I use Siteground for domain and webhost. First year customership is super cheap.

1and1 is giga cheap but idk about quality. 12$ for the first whole 12 months.

I use namecheapf for basically the same situation. A website with like no traffic, mainly because I want the domain email addresses.

Sounds good but all the extra charges you need to make the site work is around the same price.

Why use an email host when it’s the same for a web host

I use just host
Getting renewed for 200 bucks for a year
How fucked am I

namecheap are sjws, they'll kick you if you don't align with their politics

I don’t host porn or edgy content I’m An adult
I’m good there

pick one

Sup Forums end of it

just host, host monster and blue host are all ran by the same business, which is owned by EIG.

just host is marketed for mexicans, and other third world (see: poor) people. host monster is a catch all. blue host is a blogger / 'modern' market, also bloggers.

the hardware in the data center is all the same, however the support departments are handled by different groups. if you're Indian keep using just host, otherwise you should probably migrate to bluehost or host monster.

I host my own server because I'm not a retard

Why not use a VPS? There's a world beyond the LAMP stack, and it's so much nicer.

Now you really have to explain further

When someone says they want to buy "web hosting" without elaborating, they mean something along these lines: A shared host with cPanel, FTP access, and a place to drop HTML and PHP files to be served by Apache/CGI-PHP.

This is frankly a really 90s way to do things and I've come to think that it's now completely obsolete. It's a huge topic but look into technologies like Node and Go to learn a fresher approach to the whole thing. You would be using a provider like Digital Ocean, Vultr, or Linode.

buy the domain from $10 at namecheap and then pay $3 per year for hosting at lowendspirit.

If you just want a box that you can do with what you will, digital ocean is a fine option

Digitalocean has done well by me.

Check out lowendbox , they have a listing of cheap VPS hosts.

Digitalocean is ok, but a bit overpriced for OP's goals.

Use a static site generator and host on github, gitlab, or netlify for free.

I suspose you run your own dns and hacked icann
Gtfo with that shit

Resident hipster here. Try google domains.

If it's really that small of a website just use a free service like Heroku or Firebase

domains are like 7€ a year

Thanks for confirming that you're a retard

Thanks for the filter

You're asking retard Boomer tier questions on Sup Forums and getting salty when someone tells you to kill yourself. You might be on the wrong site.

namecheap is excelent for domain registration.

For hosting, your random personal website can go into github pages for free.