/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Always consider an SSD if you can afford one and buy an HDD later.
If you want to use WiFi, you will need a Wireless Network Adapter. General rule of thumb is 2.4ghz or 5ghz.

>If you want help
Assemble a part list: pcpartpicker.com/
Remember, we're not here to build a parts list for you, we're here to help you.
If your part list has a monitor, list the monitor specs that you need.
State your budget, currency, and usage scenarios.
Learn how to build a PC: youtu.be/VhdV2wv3jQs

A8-9600 - Absolute bare minimum gaymen, does not require a dedicated GPU.
R5 1400 - Best with OCing & high-speed RAM.
i5-8400 - Best value for gaymen
R5 1600 - Best value for mixed uses
R7, used Xeon, Threadripper, or 8700k - Heavy multi-tasking & mixed uses

* Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up, using an old GPU or waiting to build may be a good idea right now.
1060 3GB - 1080p 60hz at medium/high settings, anything below this just buy an Optiplex and put this GPU or better in.
1060 6GB or RX 580 - 1080p 60hz at ultra settings, former supports G-Sync, latter supports Freesync
1070 - 1080p 144hz / 1440p 60hz at ultra settings
1080 TI - 1440p 144hz / 4k 60hz at ultra settings

* RAM costs so much because newer phones use DDR4 memory.
Check your Mobo's QVL if your on a Ryzen platform
Ryzen CPUs benefit a lot from high speed RAM, 3200MHz is ideal

Other urls found in this thread:


And on the 6th day God created AMD.

Reminder that game benchmark articles are fake news.

>buy OptiPlex 790 SFF
>1060 won't fit in it
Memed by /pcbg/ again

>Ryzen 1700x
>16 GB RAM
>64 Bit
>Radeon 480 8gb

This will be primarily for music production and general computer stuff. Can someone here recommend a good monitor with the most bang for its buck?

Should've checked the specifications, nerd.

love this gpu
last truly good gpu amd ever made

also was the last time amd had the fastest gpu

looks good

get a hacksaw and just nigger-rig it

continuing from previous thread.

i'm about to order this one

i intend to use it mostly for gaming and programming
i have a curved 27" 1080p/144hz with g-sync and a budget of 1000€

should I just do it?
somebody said on previous thread my GPU is subpar, any suggestions on that?

is this one any better:
I'm considering this one instead

also, any better ideas to make this thing puke rainbows?


I bought the 8400 and 3000mhz ram. Can i just xmp and it will auto set my ram to 3000mhz and set its timing and i dont have to fuck with it?

>wd blue
those things are unreliable and slow, look into getting a 1tb barracuda or something HGST

xmp a noose around your neck



good monitor recommendations for those who dont play pc games?

I'd probably just get an EVGA 6G for customer support alone for that price.

a 10 bit color dell monitor

Maybe. It might crash anyway, XMP can be pretty garbage sometimes. You might have to increase DRAM voltage, VCCSA and VCCIO manually depending on your RAM brand.

Unless you aren't happy with 60fps the gpu is good enough.

Hm okay. Ill give it a try and take it from there

Western Digital is fine? You're retarded, stop shilling for Seagate.
Looks alright. Get an EVGA card, and an EVGA or Seasonic PSU. You don't need the extra cores & threads for just programming, so something Coffee Lake would probably be better. But, the 1600 is alright for gaming.

Ive had a wd blue for 2 years, its fine. They just have higher failure rates than the hd he described

Please remove the 8400.

Insert 8600k as the mid top range.

The 8400 probably won't perform that well and no one will ever couple it with an expensive z370 mobo.

The 8600k should be the new king of gaming cpus since the i7 doesn't have any benefits over it now that it's a six core.

save money and buy a 1070. You will spend 300€ for a 1060 so why not 100 more for a 1070? You will game for years or not?


Oh look, the BTFO Pajeet is back.

Mce doesnt work on locked chips, stop spreading lies. My 8400 maxes out at 3.8 on all cored with a stock cooler and mce off no problem.


Are large capacity HDD's ok nowadays? I remember hearing bad things, but that was a while ago.

Should I get one 4TB HD, or two 2TB HDs?

You are retarded
What resolution do you desire, and what is your budget?
Depends on budget

What's a good, and more importantly, quiet 750W PSU? Been trying to identify what the fan sound was coming from when it clearly wasn't my GPU or CPU and it turned out to be my fucking noisy PSU.
Price is not so important, sound levels and efficiency are the priority

Does this look any better?

Also, extra cores would be helpful for distributed compile in order to build faster.
I use incredibuild with VS2015, it's quite efficient.

Yes, I'm planning to keep this rig for gaming for as long as possible and upgrade when necessary.
Which 1070 would you recommend?

I believe it is fine. I've owned WD before


You realise that people posting in this very thread have one, right? I don't mind AdoredTV, but he's completely wrong about the supposed "issue" of 8400s losing performance on lesser motherboards. Objectively and demonstrably so. MCE does absolutely nothing for locked chips. The 8400 performs the same with it on or off. Nobody has managed to get it to stick to 4GHz under load, which is what it would be doing under MCE conditions. Its all-core turbo is 3.8GHz, rising to 3.9GHz on four cores and 4GHz on a single core. Its performance isn't going to change.

People are confusing a real issue (the 8700K and MCE) with something that just isn't one. Deliberately so in some cases I'm sure, to talk down what is the pick of the Coffee Lake chips and a great option to Ryzen for gaming.

Focus Plus?
PRIME Titanium?

>Also, extra cores would be helpful for distributed compile in order to build faster.
>I use incredibuild with VS2015, it's quite efficient.
Sorry, I don't program. Yeah, that looks good.

How is it in gayming? What GPU do you have?

>he was dumb enough to use windows 10
>he was dumb enough to use SJWfox bloatware
>he was dumb enough to use coffin lake
>he was dumb enough to play overwatch
do tell why anyone should be listening to a retard like you



Who do you game on, lincucks?


How new are you to gee?

Not an argument faggot.


Why do people here trust AdoredTV so much when he deliberately spread FUD about the 8400? He had no evidence as to whether the 8400, yet specualted that it was and now retards are parroting him all over Sup Forums. It doesn't matter that people are posting evidence that the 8400 multicore is 3.8GHz, people still think that the 8400 is using MCE when it's not. He should have left the 8400 out of his video because it was just speculation and now it's causing mass confusion.

>Sup Forums kiddies getting assblasted when someone insults their """hobby"""

using firecucks, wangblows 10 and coffin lake is enough of a argument against anything you have to say, if you are a complete retard ans you show it im not listening to anything you have to say

samefag, no one likes yous shit cpu, locked, and non hyperthreaded bottom of the barrel cpu, now fuck off back to Sup Forums

Why dont you take a break from the internet

If no one cared we wouldnt see so much damage control.

Purpose is an AMD gaymen build, budget is 1500$.
Planning to put the two HDD's in RAID.

I'm currently looking to build my first PC and frankly the volume of information is a bit overwhelming. I feel like I've gotten the basics down like which gpu, psu (50% above recommended ampage for gpu), hdd/ssds to go for and a mobo with slots for everything. There are SO many cpus though and I have absolutely no idea what to go for and in terms of cooling I don't know what fans will fit where or if I am fine with the case built in ones alone etc. I just want to play videogames within a $2000AU budget and not get ripped off.


>look mom i posted grand theft pajeet 5 benchmarks again

lets tally things we got going for gta 5

>built around a triple core ibm power cpu
>built around the first unified shader arch gpu
>last gen
>uses 1 thread
>worst console port of 2015
>shitty steam reviews (65% favorable lol)
>stutters constantly on my i7
want me to go on or will you agree that gta 5 i s a all around shitty game and shittier benchmark

I guess you realize now that SFF stands for Small Form Factor

>asscock mobo I got from friend
>killer ethernet microdisconnects sporadically
>update killer drivers
>problem goes away for a day and comes back
>update mobo bios
>microdisconnects stop completely
>notice that my dl speeds are unusually slow, on google fiber getting 999 mbps normally up/down
>speedtest and get 50 mbps

you realize that's a SATA SSD, right? You should get NVME

I know. The M.2 SATA is the same price as the 2.5 equivalent. I just don't like cable management.

What resolution and refresh rate are you aiming at?
What monitor do you use for gayming?

Just post that and your current list together.

>mid-tower case
>ATX board
>>>>compact CPU cooler

>not NVME

>optical drive

>$300 gpu
>shitty monitor

>mechanical keyboard meme

>hard drives
fucking gag tier shit

here i fixed it

The R5 is a great case.

I have old CD games that I want to play.

no one cares asus shill

Get 1070ti if you want to utilize that high refresh rate monitor's capabilities

asrock dummy

>he doesn't use optical media
you obviously don't belong here Sup Forumseddit

the point isn't the case, the point is that there is plenty of space for an equally priced but larger cpu cooler

that cooler is made for compact ITX builds and such

Eh, your right. H7 is fine?

I would like the following out of my build
>1440p 60fps on latest games maxed (figure this will be a 1080 due to shit Australian prices of 1070s)
>monitor (1440p/60hz/~27-34") will be part of the build
>large ATX(?) case focus on being quiet/effective cooling
>16gb ram
>500gb SSD (OS & main games) + hdds to figure out later for bulk storage
Been moving around for work for the last 3 years and just settled down. Only had a laptop in that time

>muh """""""""""""""""""""""""""(((premium)))""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" chink shit
off yourself asusfag


What should I pick up for the GPU + Motherboard combo? I have a i7-2600 that is still running extremely strong even after all these years of having it, so I plan on bringing it over to the new build with fresh paste and an aftermarket CPU cooler.

Target is 1920x1080 60fps on highest settings, although the 2600 might bottleneck if I'm aiming for highest settings, so I am a bit locked. Either way.

Thank you.

hey man im complaining about them
they carry killer ethernet and are shit
what are you doing

at least the asrock mobo works, i got an asus one that just came dead

like a 580 or 1060 6gb, keep the sandy bridge

What manu would you recommend for the 580? I can afford a little higher end on the 580 no problem, so.

And what should I get for the mobo?

Reminder that if you're looking at sub-$700 range your money will go significantly further in used parts.
I was given an FX-8150, 8GB of RAM, and a Radeon HD 6870 by a friend. I refurbished it and am giving it away to another friend who just needs something that can handle Overwatch.
The old piledriver stuff is pretty solid for how cheap it is. The price of a 3970X is significantly down, and that think still shows up pretty high in the single-thread benchmarks.
On the server side of things Opteron 6000s are being given away, so if all you want is core count for VMs they are a steal.
Used and last gen is where you should be looking if you want to shoe string.

xfx or gigabyte probably


So something like this? Or should I ditch Asus GPU/Mobo for something else like you said.

I've always had a good time with Asus manu'd stuff so I don't know.



>kaby lake mobo
>sandy bridge
ok now what the fuck are you doing


This is what I've done so far au.pcpartpicker.com/list/
I'd like to keep it around $2200 total including monitor but that is a bit ambitious here in Aus it seems

woops au.pcpartpicker.com/list/GYxMzM

NVMe is a meme. Unless he has 2 of them to transfer files between eachother the speeds are negligible and loading into the os is faster on a sata iii.

Too bad that all perfectly optimized, multi-threaded, vulkan/DX12 using games might be technically good but they're shit games no one wants to play lol

>ashes of benchmarks

whichever is cheaper assuming you don't RAID

>A8-9600 - Absolute bare minimum gaymen, does not require a dedicated GPU.
Retarded. If you want an APU you have to wait for the Zen/Vega APUs coming in early 2018

The only reasonable choice for a "minimum" CPU with a dedicated graphics card.

>i3 8100
Better than the R3 1200 for not much more money.

>R3 1200
One of the best budget CPUs

>R5 1400
A cheap 8 thread CPU. Consider the i5 8400 at this price point.

>anything below this just buy an Optiplex and put this GPU or better in
Absolutely retarded. The 1050Ti is a good value gfx card that produces extremely playable framerates even at high settings. Additionally, Optiplex prebuilts do not have a PSU with a 6+2 pin connector, so you'll be shit out of luck with a GTX 1060, which requires one. Furthermore you can't switch out the PSU because it has a proprietary connection to the motherboard.

>Hz Hz Hz Hz (except lowercase like a retard)
All your Hz comments are retarded. Graphics cards do not produce Hz. The 1070 is a great card for 1440p whether used with a 60Hz monitor or a 144Hz monitor; the same goes for the 580 or 1060 at 1080p (great for either type of monitor).

Case looks like ass but otherwise nothing is wrong with the rest of the build.


Why do barely any reviewers benchmark the 1600X instead of the 1600 if they're not going to be bothered to OC the 1600? Someone like Hardware Unboxed benchmark the 1500X and 1800X but not the 1600X

Also pick a z270 mobo.

I'll be honest I just pulled it off one of the highest rated. I quite like the big block but completely open to suggestions

Why'd you skip the 1080 in GPUs? 1080 Ti is considerably more expensive. Like minimum $200 more expensive. Over $300 from a 1070. It's also a great deal at around $450-470 which you can get them at with sales.

I wish Vega was good as the next guy, but the cards are going for like $80-100 over MSRP which is way overpriced.

I have a R5 1600 and GTX 1080, but I got great deals. Both new for ~$165 for R51600 and ~$350 for the GTX 1080 (did some fuckery with discounts/price matches). Couldn't be happier. Would definitely pay the $450 the GTX 1080 was actually worth though. I think the 1070 Ti will push 1080 prices up.

My manager at work is saying he has a connection to get an i7-7700 used for under $100.

Aside from it being mostly fried from excessive OC, or having been procured in a home invasion, what's the worst that could happen?

I'd pick a phanteks or fractal design because those are the only cases I've bought from in the last 3 years but corsair makes some nice eye candy. 460x or carbides look ok.

No, you don't have to wait for Zen APUs since the Bristol Ridge APUs are AM4, that's the entire point. You can just get one now and upgrade later. And the full sized Optiplexes use standard form factor PSUs and there's adapters for the PSU you can buy.


>All your Hz comments are retarded. Graphics cards do not produce Hz. The 1070 is a great card for 1440p whether used with a 60Hz monitor or a 144Hz monitor; the same goes for the 580 or 1060 at 1080p (great for either type of monitor).
We've had this conversation before, it's about getting as much out of your GPU as possible. Stay mad, shill.

Just added that and I'm skating around my budget now even without the screen. Not to worry though I'll just save a little more for that.
Thanks mate I'll have a browse through them

>A8-9600 - Absolute bare minimum gaymen, does not require a dedicated GPU.

Why the hell are you recommending a dead socket?

Bare minimum should be a G4560/G4600

I really like phanteks because of the space they have for cable management in the nooks and crannies behind the mobo and they send a little screw box to hold all the screws it comes with. Best of luck to you m8. Enjoy building.

The A8 9600 is an AM4 processor, you dumb shit.

Go be a retard somewhere else. You're the one who's recommending a dead socket with Kaby Lake.


are PCI-E SSDs better than SATA ones or is it just a meme?

Oh rly well that i didn't know lol

its kewl then and yes kaby lake is kinda ded 2