/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


>GNU is the worst part of GNU/Linux

GNU is bloat

Fun fact, you dont even have to use gnu on a Linux system.

I know you're crying and throwing a tanturm stallmanist, but the harsh reality is, gnu is not needed anymore.

>AcTuAlLy iT's GnU pLuS LiNuX

Are Alpine users allowed to post here?

Are there any functional distros that will run smooth as butter on an old Atom netbook? I don't want to just use Puppy Linux. I'm going to slap an SSD in there, too.

Pic is very related.

>oh yes we provide GNU/Linux tools for this embedded board
>oy vey you need to use our proprietary tool to generate the headers for your application
>windows only

threadly reminder that any anti-GNU poster is from pol trying to seed doubt in the FLOSS movement, and should be ignored.

Every distro will run the same. Its things like de/wm's and other preloaded software that comes with the distro that change its performance.

Use Arch

Fun fact, you dont even have to use linux on a GNU system.

I know you're crying and throwing a tanturm goy, but the harsh reality is, linux is not needed anymore.

I'm curious, point me to an entirely GNU system

I'm curious, point me to an entirely Linux system.

Has anyone here used Debian unstable + KDE for a long period of time? Is it stable enough for a main OS after ditching Windows 10? I'm also considering KDE Neon but I'm not a big fan of the outdated Ubuntu LTS packages and lack of font rendering customization. I'm focused on KDE because it gives me all the functionality/bloat I need in a DE.

I'm not trying to make a point i'm legitimately just wondering if there is one

I sure hope none of you fell for the Devops meme.

BSD cucks are nothing but shills, Their OS is shit and they know it, they meme BSD to cuck other idiots. Just look at the resistance on changing the license If their OS is so great, they wouldn't resist to make a GPL version.

>my source code and derived bits are under a restrictive license don't dare copy them without agreeing to my legal license
wew lad

awful thread

Fuck off BSD cuck

Install GuixSD

According to Microsoft you also don't need Linux, the kernel, in order to run a "Linux system".

Friendly reminder that Linux is just the kernel. Other kernels under GPL are:
The Muen Separation Kernel muen.sk/
and HiStar scs.stanford.edu/histar/

Operating Systems under GPL are:
FreeVMS freevms.net/
FreeDOS freedos.org/
JNode jnode.org/
KolibriOS kolibrios.org/en/
ReactOS reactos.org/

Special mention to GNU/Hurd gnu.org/software/hurd/
Arch Hurd archhurd.org/
Debian GNU/Hurd wiki.debian.org/Debian_GNU/Hurd


would you consider debian bare-bones graphically speaking?

No. This is the main reason I'm using BunsenLabs.

it is what you want it to be bb


ive read the wikipedia page on devops but i still dont know what it actually is

good, means they have job security

That's the point.

Does anyone happen to have an ascii or ansi gondola for my motd?

Debian GNU/Hurd?

Linus Torvalds on suicide watch

Make one yourself you fat lazy sack of shit


Which DE should I use with VOID?

i3-gaps or Openbox.

whatever is most comfortable for you

neither of those are DEs

I installed debian stable, but now I find out the package I need isn't in backports.

How do I get a more recent package onto debian stable?

We don't care what OS you use on your router.

Why not just use debian stable?

is there any reason to use anything but ubuntu? seems like software for every other distro is outdated. if you dont like bloat you can just delete shit

build one.

download source, cd into src/ directory, type make, read error messages, find out you need up-to-date versions of about 5 libraries that are also not in backports, install gentoo



Should I just move to testing?


I've considered Debian stable but I don't want my system to become incredibly outdated in just a couple years.

>is there any reason to use anything but ubuntu?
how about you give me a single reason to use kunterbuntu instead of glorious debilian?

for what exactly? you can modify anything you like

Does the old rule of thumb of making the swap partition twice the size of the RAM still apply? I have 8GB RAM.

honestly windows 10 always fucks up at least once every 6 months for me

yeah debian will be more stable


I'm confused. I've downloaded other distros, installed mint, arch, ubuntu before etc. This is the first time I've seen this type or wording though, is ubuntu not free or something? Why does it mention anything other than the release number or whether its a dev build or not? Their website is kind of confusing to be honest.

package managers, the company behind the distro, age of said packages.
use ubuntu on multiple machines, but canonical lost a lot of goodwill due to many things in years past.
maybe you are too new to have seen that, but it still affects them to this day with the more enthusiast crowd.

try apt pinning or building your own deb package.
build the git version.

>is ubuntu not free or something?
on the RMS-autism spectrum of freetardation, I dont think it would qualify as being particularly "free". (I remember an RMS rant on ubuntu installing spyware by default hehe)

but Im not aware it ever charged money for anything.
does canonical even have enterprise versions?
I think SUSE had a business model like that. what they're selling is maintenance and support

Someone please send help:

I've got a Gobi 3000 modem in my thinkpad
it's listed under USB devices, but I can't find any way to get it working, anyone have an idea how to get it working?

Ah, okay I also see that they sell preinstalled desktops and usb sticks ready for bootable installation. So basically they sell normie support for non-hobbyist users but the actual distro is just download and install onto a usb with Rufus and reformat like anything else?

Ubuntu is windows for linux, it's popular among masses because you can be retarded and still use it without any problems.
I believe it's a good thing we have Ubuntu because it's a contamination zone for the idiots that believe they are superior 'cause they've menaged to type a few commands into the terminal.
It helps other serious distros keeping autistic spergs away and letring them build a healthy community.

You dont need swap with 8gb

It means its supports that version for 5 years and it will update that version with security fixes and etc


Ubuntu Advantage gives security patches/upgrades after end-of-life, potentially at a cost.

>devops but i still dont know what it actually is

>they say
>its all about automation
So kinda like the fucking point of a computer?

Devops is a meme. It just a buzzword that means increased efficiency and amazon web services.

This sentence without retarded wording:
LTS version (long term support) is guaranteed to receive security and maintenance updates for the next 5 years.

So in practical terms:
Devs are promising that you can stay on this particular version of Ubuntu without upgrading for the next 5 years and you'll still get all the security updates and free access to means of getting those updates.
After 5 years - no promises (it means after 5 years you should upgrade to some newer version).

That's it.


Debian unstable is still pretty stable. At least with XFCE. Some debian unstable packages are the same version as other distros stable packages.

They just made it 6 years to make phone/IoT guys happy. Not sure if that becomes effective now or with 4.14, the next LTS.

I tried installing Arch yesterday and couldn't get the Wifi Broadcom drivers/firmware set. No Ethernet connection. b43 or wl and it kept giving errors.

Is Arch really worth the trouble or should I just boot it with something like Fedora/Debian where the wifi will just werk

As far as I can tell devops is having a dev who also does some sysadmin stuff, mostly in the cloud though. So like a dev who also manages the company aws account.

Install jp2a, it converts jpegs to ascii.

Honestly try a Haiku OS nightly. It runs like a bat out of hell on those machines.

USE flags and OpenRC.

Most serious Sup Forumsacks are also Sup Forumsentoomen at this point due to the insane kikery perpetrated by Microsoft, Apple, and Google.

Honestly swap doesn't seem that important. I made a swap file when I did my most recent install months ago but I forgot to add it to fstab and didn't notice until I added something else to my fstab.

Seems you cant read

>Sup Forums
>having enough brain cells to install an os

That's upstream kernels, not Ubuntu releases.

>he doesn't know

Arch really isn't worth it. It's a very vanilla distro, your usual systemd, de's and all that shit. If you actually want customization you choose gentoo, otherwise just use whatever you like most.

But muh AUR. I use Artix though.

Most Sup Forumsacks are edgy 16 year olds who are pissed off because they are teens so they believe any contrarian sounding bs you tell them.

Gentoo has 19000 packages in the official tree so you don't need any aur stuff.

>at this point
Any Sup Forumsack that uses Windows shouldn't be taken seriously. They've railed against the NSA spying and shit for years now.

Offical Arch repos have 15944 packages and AUR has 46025 packages.

Sorry. I didn't read the upstream comments.

>Linking the wiki as if I didn't read it three times.
Thanks for your insightful input, retard.

Honestly I figured as much, I have no issue getting Gentoo to install or any other flavor of linux. But for some retard reason it throws me a
Dual core processors not supported

I posted the same last night and frankly gave up. More trouble than it's worth if it can't even sync the core's with the correct firmware/drivers installed. Only way to fix that was rolling back the kernel. Wow so stable.

That is true, but this is a GNU/Linux thread.

I've recently taken to calling it GNU+Linux.

Debian stable is great, but...I need more recent packages.


switch to unstable

Add the stretch-backports repo.
>new kernels
>new browsers
>new compilers
>still Debian Stable

Do I need to reinstall?
I checked the backports, didn't have what I was looking for.

I managed to compile it to my home directory, but some parts of it still don't work and I dunno why.

It might be a kernel issue for all I know, I'm really new to this. I'm trying to get an embedded dev board to interface with the computer through openocd.

Are there any disadvantages to not using Systemd? Do you miss out on anything or does it make anything more difficult to do for example?

Automounting usbs are a little more annoying because you have to write a udev rule for it, but other than that not really.

So...then why does it even exist in the first place?

>Do I need to reinstall?
no, just change a file in /etc, then upgrade the distro, search on the internet to see how to do it

Because Red Hat needs your money.

More things are centralized, and the composition of most scripts is standardized. Before systemd, these scripts were the definition of patchworks that just barely worked.