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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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Posted this in other thread.
If c is a char, ~c flips the bits, right? This is in C++, btw.
>GPU died
Rest in piece my old friend
Where can I buy a decent sex doll?
u fags answer me
>reinstalled windows 10 on asus laptop
>mousepad wont work
>driver won't work even after reinstall
anyone got a fix for this?
What is a good alternative to Cyberfox? It keeps crashing and Flash Player won't work on it.
Can you get caught cheating by the college with e-mails?
Install Gentoo
Windows 10 seem to have no memory of my folder activity like on previous Windows which were 'learning' what was my last place and had different views for different folders.
What do?
Seconding this.
Recommend me a someone-else's-computer backup solution.
Must haves:
>lightweight (not Electron) macOS and Windows clients
>trustworthy (unlikely to be hacked)
>automated incremental backups
>mobile clients
>revision history (think Time Machine)
>a high fixed storage limit (or low per-GiB rate) instead of "unlimited*"
>client-side encryption with user-supplied key
>dedupe (ideally before upload rather than after)
I will be backing up between 1 and 3 TiB. My upstream is only 20Mbit of which I would probably want it to use 15, so best-case initial transfer time is 7 to 19 days. I therefore want to choose the right one first time rather than trialling a few.
My new build arrive this week, i have a windows 10 iso on a pendrive to install it, will i need anything else to make it works? Like drivers to connect to internet etc. Last time i did it was on windows xp and i had a usb drive with windows+easydriverpack and the things just works
Why are all programmers such fucking autists that think everyone knows what the fuck they are talking about and just says shit without ever explaining what the fuck does it mean?
is dat sum cp?
Nah. 10 just werks. Usually downloads all the drivers automatically. You plannin on piratin?
Don't project your bad experience onto an entire field. It's possible whoever you're talking about was obnoxiously showing off, yes, but it's also possible they just misread their audience and assumed you had more experience than you did.
If you ask your question and briefly state what you already know, and preferably avoid flatly insulting my profession in the process, I'll try my best to help you.
it's a community of people who sacrificed social lives to learn 16 different dictionaries of arcane gibberish just to make tiny lights display different colors. what did you expect?
call asus support
What are the best alternatives to gmail?
Yes, i downloaded the iso from the Sup Forums recommendation pastebin
>asscock mobo I got from friend
>killer ethernet microdisconnects sporadically
>update killer drivers
>problem goes away for a day and comes back
>update mobo bios
>microdisconnects stop completely
>notice that my dl speeds are unusually slow, on google fiber getting 999 mbps normally up/down
>speedtest and get 50 mbps
To get it up and running you don't need anything but get the proper graphic drivers from AMD/Nvidia/Intel and maybe check your motherboards manufacturer for software. Most will be optional utility stuff you probably won't need, but you can check for bios updates and sound drivers
has nothing to do with them being programmers, you literally just spoke to autists
Very nice.
flash your bios back to factory version
should i install a costum rom or root and erase all the trash from the stock?
that might be it
im not sure if i ever upgraded from the factory version or a newer one
Is it possible windows is replacing your manually installed drive with one from windows update? 10 does that.
In most cases Windows will be able to show some sort of output, pick up your USB keyboard and mouse, and load up an ethernet driver out of the box. That's enough to let windows update handle the rest.
In rare cases you could find that you need an ethernet driver. This is an annoying catch 22 requiring you to download the drivers elsewhere and transfer them etc. It's very unlikely to happen with win10 though.
ProtonMail. If you need desktop client support (E.g., Thunderbird), you need to pay, though; bridge isn't free.
Custom is best for most people. Although a few apps will refuse to run if you even root.
nah, it seems to say its the same version I recently installed
Cool, i will be doing it for sure. My main concern was it coming without any drivers and unable to connect to the internet at least. Thanks senpai
Thank u user
firefox keeps freezing and uses 25% of cpu while its frozen, memory usage usually at 2gb.
under 200 tabs open.
the fucking firefox cant read pc specs and use more ram, it simply decides to crash instead, why?
Nice to hear that. I hope the thing works. Thank you bro
how to dl yt video to mp3 on android?
why does my phone show 4 bars but drop to nothing when i make a call?
Is the go-to for pirating Photoshop still this tool? forum.ru-board.com
I know you can just download legit PS files from Adobe's site and run that, but is it still legit?
just torrent it
I just use keepvid. Has worked for me for years.
isn't owncloud dead or smth? My college transitioned to nextcloud because of that.
How do you Root a Tracfone ZTE Majesty Pro?
not all tracfones are rootable but if your is, then kingroot should do the job
no shit, if it's "uni name".edu then they host it
>Tracfone ZTE Majesty Pro
Isn't that the free welfare phone? I wonder if people actually recognize them and judge people with 'em.
no the welfare phone isn't even a smartphone, it's a fucking featurephone
What model is it then?
Why do people care so much about CPU temps? I don't think I've ever had a CPU wear out before I'd decided to just replace it anyway because it was fucking old.
Way back in 2009, I made a mistake of buying a Vaio laptop because I wanted it for "gaming". I didn't know anything about gaming PCs then, and looking back I fucked up big. Now my question is, what would've been age appropriate hardware for 2009? I'm kinda curious as to what I would have gotten instead, if I was aware I could at least swap out the PSU and slap in a GPU in an OEM computer like a Dell or HP. And what would have been "reasonable" RAM to have back then, 4GB?
Dell xps
No, I meant desktop hardware. I should've clarified.
In my Computer Repair class, everybody makes fun of Dell. What exactly is wrong with them and their tech?
What sort of price range?
no specific model, they just send you a random refurbished feature phone unless you're willing to pay at least something for the phone
I heard the OLED TVs made by LG are actually a compromise where they're just still using LCD for the picture but the OLEDs are white only, and basically a backlight? Apparently they did this to prevent blue from wearing out faster than the other colours. Is this true? It's hard to find info online. It would explain the fact that they mysteriously got good enough and cheap enough to go mainstream and it's not like TV makers have a long relationship with the truth especially when the result is still good enough to appease normalfags.
your classmates are tards, for years dell dominated the market, as a result most of the machines that came in for repair were dells so they wrongly gave them a bad reputation. but let's put it this way if you've got twenty computers and fifteen of them are dell then odds are when there's a problem it'll be a dell machine, it's just a matter of statistics
How do I turn off sound notifications for when a download is complete in Transmission?
Is there any way to use the native Sup Forums extension, while having just 1 or 2 4chanx features enabled?
Say I just wanted 4chanx's quick reply feature and the redirect 404'd thread to the archives feature, but wanted everything else just as it is on regular Sup Forums, can I do that?
It's all proper OLED, the white is used to reduce wear when displaying bright whites especially on the blue as that's the least visually efficient, so has to be driven with quite a bit more current to produce it's part of white compared to having a more efficient white subpixel do the job instead and turn down the neighbouring R G and B to compensate.
The whole panel is using a pentile like arangement, with each pixel only having three of the four possible red green blue white subpixels, which does have a detrimental effect on picture quality if you get up close, especially for things like fine text, so not great if you were thinking of using one as a monitor. Fine for video though.
Edit>Preferences>Desktop and there should be an option to turn off sounds.
Thanks, that actually sounds kind of clever.
Essential Firefox addons?
Ublock origin, self-destructing cookies, noscript, https everywhere, enhancer for youtube are the basics
That's a good question. I think I spent $1,300 on the Vaio, though I probably would've paid less for a desktop and a separate PSU/GPU.
Before or after Mozillapocolypse?
After that I'll be going the Palememe way, so it's the same.
early/mid 2000s dell towers used really shitty non-standard power supplies and had a habit of using shitty oem parts which made upgrading a bit of a nightmare, on top of that their laptops had some serious qc issues their support would either fix it without problem or end up causing more problems, I had a friend send a laptop in during late 2000s and they sent it back with more hardware issues than it was sent in for
they basically earned their reputation for being shitty and despite them putting out some good products now, like their xps laptop line or their actual professional monitors, it's a hard reputation to shake, you have to keep in mind that while you get what you pay for the expectation is that you aren't getting a lemon and that the company will actually honour the warranty when it comes to hardware defects, and while every company is going to put out some shitty products some will handle it much more gracefully than others and they don't tend to be consistently bad
if you're going the noscript route you'll want to put it in allow-global (so it still provides xss protection) and use umatrix for blocking javascript/etc as it's a bit nicer
I got KingRoot and it's just telling me about a bunch of oprimization crap and shilling stuff like Game Booster and "Purify."
When do I actually see the "root" option?
Is there a good guide for pleps to figure out umatrix?
Is a home internet connection fast enough to feasibly run a sort of streaming service for friends/family via Plex?
Can someone please tell me how to make this collapsable thing?
Kingroot is malware and you should not use it at all, it takes over your phone
Nah dude, kingroot has been solidly malware for a couple of years now. You're gonna need other apps to try and undo all the crap it puts on your phone.
Go to the projects github and follow the extra settings config for more insight
shit, it's been awhile since I used it. guess I'll stop rec'ing it
What's the best program to encrypt a folder (preferrably FOSS).
I know that there's a lot articles about it but I want Sup Forums's opinion, I somehow trust you more.
Veracrypt. Truecrypt's successor, works well, etc.
What would be the best laptop you'd recommend for under $600?
>sex doll
Pick one. Then try your mom's bedroom.
It now keeps track of "frequent folders" in Quick Access. This is the default place it goes when you open a file explorer with the taskbar icon or win+E, and there's an expandable category for it in the navigation pane. It isn't "recent" exactly, it learns over time.
Yeah... for the most part I avoid the "one click universal solutions" for root. Better to look for a specific exploit for the phone you have, if there is a usable public one.
For that budget I'd probably go with something used. You can probably get something from a generation or two ago that's much nicer than what you'd get brand new for the same money.
What are your requirements?
>does it need to be cross platform compatible so you can open your encrypted folder on another OS?
>fixed size container or expanding?
>how seekrit does it need to be? like, is it okay if people can see the rough number and size of files, just not the contents? what about the filenames?
any recommended program for editing context menu on Windows?
I'm not sure you understand how much of a pleb you're dealing with. Nothing I've seen explaining umatrix has made a lick of sense to me.
Windows 10 for OS.
Don't care about cross platform compatibility.
Ok with fixed size container.
No seekrit required.
I do need it to have SSD of at least 256GB. Don't need HDD.
Also, preferably a good screen of which colors don't wash out too much if I tilt it horizontally. However, I understand my budget is low so it might not be available.
This is the best I found so far but wish screen was better.
I'd like to have plausibe deniability, but I'm retarded so figuring shit out by myself is too hard (I can follow a guide or use a program that walks me through everything).
So are rulesets like the premade blocklists I choose between in ublock? And I edit something if I don't agree with that list? How do I understand what to change?
If it's Win10 Pro or better, consider its native EFS. Right click a folder, properties, advanced, encrypt contents to secure data.
Click the damn interface, its very apparent,
Shit. I replied to the wrong response lol. Ignore this post .
Ok thanks for the reply to , which is my post.