How does one stump facial recognition surveillance without looking like an autistic hipster?

How does one stump facial recognition surveillance without looking like an autistic hipster?

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You can't. With things like gait analysis and proper volumetric imaging (multiple cameras) it's pretty much impossible.

have you been living under a rock?

>not faking a disability

Anti facial recognition looks cyberpunk as fuck


looks like what an autist would do to live out their distopian dreams

pic related

I have an idea, what about a necklace made of infrared ligths, when a camera is pointed at you, the light will overexpose the camera and you would be like a gosth.
I need to experiment more with this idea.


>just lighting up your own face for better night pictures

Technically this could work, but you'd need incredibly bright LEDs, a way to direct them directly at the camera, and optionally a way to turn them on and off when necessary. And then something to power it for at least 24 hours.

Might be possible with glasses though.

You guys are fucking brainlets, i'm a /p/ user, i know what i'm talking about, IN FACT that kind of light not only will blind the camera, infrared is inivisble to the human eye so this device is los profile.
(Sorry forma muy english, i'm a 3rd world baboon)

It definitely works with glasses, I've seen it in one or two movies and there are a few videos on youtube of people making them.

thats an alium

>"not only will blind the camera" == this works

what did he mean by this?

Putting a pair of IR LEDs at the back of transparent plastic frames could be the way to go here. Making them flash to confuse the software might make it possible to decrease the brightness and save power too.

this is already an existing product.

Need to get me some Orbital glasses

Wear a false nose. All the face recognition uses the nose as a base reference.


You guys do know that CCTV cameras made for indoor use in well lit areas have filters to block out infrared light completely now days and some companies even make cameras where the IR filter gets engaged/disengaged depending on the lighting conditions/time of day, don't you?

Doesn't matter since the tracking techniques are more accurate for revealing identity...

Don't leave your apartment/house

>Being outside during the day
>Being in a well lit mall
It's like you're a full on normie or someshit.

pic related is what you need

My cousin works for the CIA. That picture is accurate.

This needs to be done.

>Party Wizard
We need to make the chads think this is top notch.

>How does one stump facial recognition surveillance without looking like an autistic hipster?

By never going outside.

They can still figure out who you are from your eyes.

Only real way is IR LED glasses

*expresses freedom*