Will Linux ever quit its "tech enthusiasts only" bullshit to be a mainstream OS?
Will Linux ever quit its "tech enthusiasts only" bullshit to be a mainstream OS?
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Linux is for intelligent men, numales and cucks stay on macOS
I don't think they care.
It already has, easily, since 2007. We're just trying to get the autism distro turds to fuck off to BSD since at this point they're only dragging us all down.
Go look up any "linux isn't ready for the mainstream" article. It's always that they used slackware or gentoo. Essentially it's losers who circlejerk on IRC and effectively become someone who keys a supercar just so they can say "lol that was me xD" to their equally loser friends
Fuck you numale, that's not true
Why would being "mainstream" be a goal?
Many people use Android already.
doesn't need to be in the mainstream.
>That analogy
Try it again with the house already built in hundreds of configurations - for free. Sounds much more appealing now doesn't it?
what for??
are you retarded?
Bad argument, Android it's not marketed as Linux nor is recognized as such by most of its users. The reason is simple, you don't have to know anything about Linux (nor about computers in general for that matter) to use Android.
Because it starts a fantastic cycle where you get more support, drivers, and software and then it gets even more mainstream and you get more support drivers and software. Nothing bad will happen if you're a hipster for music, clothes etc but if you do this for technology you quickly become fucked.
Hopefully never. Linux doesn't need to cater to a bunch of tech illiterate retards.
He's a cuck, so yes he is
>support, drivers, and software
I already have plenty of that.
Not enough, compared to Windows.
You have a facebook page, don't you?
Driver support is better in linux than in windows.
Sup Forums always says Linux is a kernel and Android uses the Linux kernel. It just lacks the GNU userland.
ITT: Muh secret club, muh imaginary superiority.
Yes hipsters I know, your time has run out for you to pretend to be all pseudo intelligent by offhandedly mentioning "oh I use linux you should too" and then sabotaging them every step of the way to make sure they don't. Go try BSD, you can still do this there.
Ubuntu and Linux Mint are both designed to be noob friendly. This meme that only tech geniuses can use it is stupid and outdated.
>then sabotaging them every step of the way to make sure they don't
Your inferiority complex is showing, sweetie
Here's something i've thought about. We all pretty much agree on Google being evil with their datamining and connections to the CIAniggers, all these proprietary services/software being botnet, etc.
However, normies would not be on the same page there, They'd expect the Jewgle-style botnet. They'd want it. They'd want to have the "convenience" of having all their searches, and all of the responses they get from their system tailored to them. This, I feel, is something that would have to be implemented. And so I ask, do you REALLY want a Year of the Linux Desktop?
With the rise of cloud-based systems like Chrome OS, and most likely the upcoming Fuchsia, users are going to want to use proprietary webapps anyway for everything. Sure, there may be options that you can host yourself, but they aren't going to want to do that. The trend seems to be moving from a decentralized world, to a land of centralized "services", which is a shift that would have to be accomodated for and accepted. And so I ask again, do you REALLY want a Year of the Linux Desktop?
If bringing Linux into the mainstream will require compromising it with the usual botnets, on a deeper level, then I do not want that to happen.
No it isn't, if anything is less painful because it's already in the kernel, but the fact that some problems are driver specific (screen tearing in xfce is still a problem for me even with compton/compiz) or that new hardware is usually unsupported is pathetic.
Jesusfuck, turn vsync on, I don't have a problem on my xfce with that tired meme
Unless you're using the nouveau drivers, there is zero reason for you to tear. Enable compton with opengl.
Linux is for smart people, not retards that need to be handheld
I'm glad you agree.
We're moving into a scary, centralized, Google-ified world. Many people will not want to compromise on their convenience and embrace Free Software. Many operate under the, "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear" assumption, and gladly buy into closed systems. I admit that some work can be done on a general usability level. Drivers need to be made easier and more available, everybody has to finish the switchover to wayland and abandon Xorg so we're not in this awkward in-between state, more games need to be ported, etc. We can certainly cure the technical flaws with GNU/Linux, of which there are plenty, and maybe even make it competitive with Windows in some areas, but curing the proprietary mindset, and convincing a population to be skeptical of Google is something that cannot easily be done. To this day, there are people who say that Android is Open Source, and that it's "Linux", but the first thing people do is open up the preinstalled, closed-source App Stores and other applications that feed into Google's botnet, as this is what is intended. This is what they were designed for..
So, basically, you prefer to read documentation and edit config files instead of checking/unchecking things in a gui just because it makes you feel smart.
>but the fact that some problems are driver specific (screen tearing in xfce is still a problem for me even with compton/compiz)
your desktop composite manager not being configured or not doing its job properly isn't a driver issue you dumb shit, you can disable "enable desktop composition" on windows and get tearing all over the place too
>so, basically, like, you prefer to understand how a thing works rather than clicking buttons like an ape until it works because it makes you feel smart
real compelling argument
Retards who click buttons have no idea how to do anything when something breaks. They have to open tickets and escalate to real men, like me.
>reading documentation and understand how software works is bad
brainlets everyone
Yes, Android is based off of a Linux kernel butit's been modified so much that it's basically its own thing at this point.
Theres that inferiority complex again. If a piece of software has no gui, the maker deemed it uneeded. This is free/libre software we are talking about, some devs don't see the need to waste time on a gui.
Normalfags will flinch once you show them how much information tech companies get from them, to the point where a product becomes blacklisted. Responsible computing must be pushed to the point where hosting your email on another persons server will get you laughed out of uni, work, etc. This will only happen when tech illiterate grandpas stop being administrators of the former.
And what do you do when that magic check box doesn't solve the problem? You shit yourself and go crying to somebody who actually understands how it works. Ignorance isn't something to be praised.
"That would be fine, of course, if they were promoting linux for other techies. It's not ok when they make random people waste their time with Linux."
He's absolutely right, and Sup Forums is guilty of this too. It would be ok if we just had "secret club normies stay out" threads here. But they constantly start new Friendly GNU/Linux Threads to lure newcomers in and lie about how easy and user friendly Linux is. But as soon someone encounters a problem, since Linux' an unstable piece of shit, it's the users fault and he should have never tried it in the first place...
Make up your mind, freetards. Do you want nomies or not?
If not then stop wasting peoples times with those "friendly" Linux threads.
Now that I'm using linux daily I don't want it to go mainstream
mainstream plebs pls go and stay go, you will ruin linux if you adopt it
This. This is why I actually sometimes insist on the"GNU slash Linux" thing, because of people who think it and Google Android are comparable.
They've had every opportunity to see it though. Snowden happened. The level of data collection Google does on its users is publicly available info now. They're under the assumption that they aren't doing anything bad, so they shouldn't be worried. Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world. I do agree, however, that responsibility may eventually become more of a thing, and the botnet may weaken, but it will take a very long time for that to happen.
wayland should fix screentearing issues
it's a problem with xorg and there's not much that can be done about it until it gets dropped, which people are working on doing. You can already test drive wayland with kde neon
The definition of Linux is confising because other embedded systems mod the kernel as well.
Wayland fixes tearing issues because it forces compositing. You can fix tearing on Xorg with a compositor as well.
>If not then stop wasting peoples times with those "friendly" Linux threads.
you realise they're a kneejerk reaction to the *years* of windows 8/10 shilling we had, right?
Yeah Xorg being dropped, and drivers getting further towards a "Everything just werks" state is what I think needs to happen. I installed CentOS on my old Macbook Pro (2009-era), and the wifi card was a royal pain in the ass, even as someone who is relatively experienced getting around on the command line. Broadcom really needs to get their shit together there, and same goes for some other driver stuff. With time, the functionality can be improved. The minds of the people, the views of the normies, not so much
lol, savage.
You can do that shit on Windows too nigga.
Wayland fixes tearing by decreasing the bullshit that has to be done between your video being rendered and your monitor displaying it.
xorg is slow, the compositors it has are slow. I'm sure it'll be the end of the world once everyone moves away from it.
>flgt is a knee jerk reaction
>the threads are almost as old as Sup Forums itself
mic pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=2048,MaximumSize=2048
done. Git gud scrub
>winfags think this is proper documentation
>implying a man page written by dropout communists and stoners is better
>Wayland fixes tearing by decreasing the bullshit that has to be done between your video being rendered and your monitor displaying it.
That doesn't have anything to do with tearing. Yes, that makes it more efficient and that's a good thing. But like I said, tearing is fixed in Wayland because it forces compositing. Xorg doesn't and a barebones xorg setup will tear.
No, mac is already the mainstream unix OS.
Have some useful documentation.
>he thinks fglt came before flt
>he thinks general threads are almost as old as Sup Forums
just how new are you?
Nigger if you don't want to use linux based OS's, don't use them. Holy fucking shit. It doesn't have to be a "mainstream OS", it's fine. It works on my systems and I'm fine with it, because it runs the things I want in the most reasonably efficient way I feel necessary. You can interpret that as arrogance or whatever you want, but it's it's literally free to use. Pay for over-engineered ez-2-use off the shelf bloatware if you want it to feed you and wipe your ass for you.
this triggers the autists
>this bumps the thread
Just let your shitty opinion die already
linux is for autists who value their time at 0
I bet you think you're "good at computers" yet can't do anything that doesn't have a fucking GUI and a box for you to check. Neck yourself.
And no one with anything valuable in their life should bother with a waste of time hobby project like that
>saying people should host their own email server rather than enceypting mails
autismus maximus
I bet you suffer from a personality disorder, and have nothing meaningful going on in your life
I'm an INTJ which means I'm smarter than you, but we already established this.
>poor attempt at trolling
Stop lying on the internet you dumbass cuck
Whatever makes you feel better about being too stupid to type a command and having to escalate to a real man who can critically think
A real man doesn't waste his time with psudointellectual trash like linux, it's the rick and morty of operating systems.
I literally manage Linux devices for a living, retard.
>the current state of brainlets
>>>>>>>>>>mainstream OS
What are you on about? You mean the majority market share operating system for average users? Why? So it could have more malware made for it?
Right now, GNU/Linux is the go-to operating system for most server systems and quite a lot of embedded devices. Why does it need to be anything besides that?
only if you have the time and money to do it. The analogy is fine, most people just need a house to survive the winter, they aren't house building enthusiasts. I think the middle ground in both cases is knowing how to do some stuff yourself, ie. knowing how to build a wall, or knowing how to automate simple tasks (linux console commands for example). But an OS which is offered to regular users should be accesible to regular users.
Yeah, sure you do son. I bet your mom is really proud of her son in her basement
He wants it dumbed down so he can use it and feel cool when insulting the other OS
>implying it is not
The best software is the one that does not need a manual to operate, that's the entire world wide web for you. It's the exact reason Sup Forums works and Reddit doesn't (fuck that shitty ass complicated post hierarchy)
It's about having to waste your time typing commands a non hobby project wouldn't require.
Used xubuntu, kubuntu and debian for a year, stopped after I wasted a day programming some shitty xrandr monitor configuration program. In windows I would have simply plugged them in and it would remember what to do. On linux no. It couldn't figure the signals based on edid, couldn't remember the positions, couldn't figure out to toggle between monitors depending on if the lid on the laptop was closed. The wireless network or soundsystem wouldn't work out of the box either, let alone none of the browsers supporting hardware accelerated video decoding properly.
What an absolute piece of garbage and a complete waste of time. But like I said I guess when you have nothing other going on in your life it brings you comfort to know you can edit a config file in nano.
>The best software is the one that does not need a manual to operate
Complete nonsense. Good software has a lot of features that are well-documented.
Linux is a kernel, it's just an internal piece of an OS that it's meant to be a way for programs to interact with the hardware. The ones that crafts the OS are the ones that decide to which kind of public the product is directed at, for example ubuntu, debian, suse, etc., the developers of the kernel and other internal parts don't decide that.
>everyone is just like me