why the fuck is infinite scrolling website design accepted? If you scroll down and then click a link you are then unable to hit the back button to return and instead have to start back at the beginning and scroll back down.
Why the fuck is infinite scrolling website design accepted...
Not to mention that games are being listed twice if they drop in viewership. Twitches infinite-scrolling also has terrible performance.
>why the fuck is infinite scrolling website design accepted?
Psychologists determined that people spend more time on infinite scrolling websites, as it removes any way to immediately judge how long you've been there or how much content you've consumed (unlike pages, for example).
If the site is designed well, you can click back and retain your position.
Otherwise, just open links in a new tab.
>new tab
and watch your memory usage skyrocket
>why the fuck is infinite scrolling website design accepted?
because clicking pagination links is a pain in the ass and a waste of time
>If you scroll down and then click a link you are then unable to hit the back button to return and instead have to start back at the beginning and scroll back down.
I don't think that's inherent to infinite scrolling. if we're talking SPAs then you could easily store scroll position after clicking on a link and then restore it when showing the page again. I think that might get confusing though, so you should probably be using middle click to open stuff in new tabs
if you actually need to use tabs to a browse a website then it's a shitty website
that's retarded
>want to see old SC2 tournament finals from 2015
>literally have to spend 5 minutes to scroll all the way as the shitty site loads more videos
>by the time it gets to 2015 the site is lagging like shit and slow as fuck
>click on link
>video takes forever to load and when it starts playing it's stuttering like crazy
>it's not even the right video
>realize which video it was on the previous page
>decide i would just open it in a separate tab and close the list tab
>click back
>starts at top of page again
The shitstain that created scroll-to-load should be dragged out into the street and shot.
another thing people fail to realize: your experience on a scrolling website is completely dependent on the quality of your scroll wheel. Scroll wheel broke? Your fucked, use the space bar or have fun dragging the slider.
I agree, infinite scrolling is a horrible concept.
>not using j/k keys for scrollin
>not using pgup pgdown
>not using spacebar/shift+spacebar
>Scroll wheel broke? Your fucked, use the space bar
jesus it's so obvious how the fuck did i never try this.
>not using j/k keys for scrollin
what are joking keys?
L, O, H, A. Also M and F in some rare cases.
Seems like there should be a way to separate infinite pages under the hood. So as you're scrolling, you are registering new page visits in browser history and when you go back, you actually go back where you were
The problem this creates, which was already solved by infinite scrolling is you've now got 37272 pages in your history from one site. Maybe a special variable to mark this behavior could group together pages as far as the user is concerned
Wait duck no duh
Just have a variable that tracks where the user is and when going back to the page use 4th at
I don't car too tired to write the s out crretly fuvck
I fucking hate websites which have links in the footer which I'm trying to get to but are also infinitely scrollable
just like Sup Forums with infinite scroll enabled!
>he doesn't use frames
Infinite scrolling only really works when you don't care about the content above where you're scrolling, I'd say items should open in a new tab to avoid you scrolling after navigating back.
Generally UX patterns like this are designed for touch/tablet.
>If the site is designed well, you can click back and retain your position.
Never seen it happen.
then why do they force it on the desktop?
>feels "slick"/good for touch input
>forces you to look at more shit
>makes it less obvious how much you've looked at
>less easy to scrape
Perhaps desktop users are not their primary target market? You know we're in the minority here?
um ok, laptop then, same thing
Laptops have trackpads
>disable javascript
>infinite scroll fails over to actual pages with a navigator and everything
Based sankaku channel.
Google image search
Better question would be why don't they make it usable instead?
Like dynamically showing content instead of just dumping it all, and keeping track of where the user is?