jealous, Sup Forums?
Jealous, Sup Forums?
Nah, I'm not a homosexual.
I especially like how the stylus plugs in so you can easily break the connector off the end whenever you want to go buy a new one.
Of your womanly hands?
No, not at all.
How much are you getting paid for making shit threads about that?
I always wondered how much do you really earn?
Are you disabled? Do you work from home?
I make 0$ from shilling.
I make approximately $165k a year including bonus from my job
I am not disabled and do not work from home
That's some smooth hands, what kind of lotion?
It annoys me. A fagot like this is not banned and does not even have the IP range banned, but anyone who never does anything wrong in this fucking site has the IP range banned, for whatever reason (like me.)
Why would I be jealous if I have one?
stop trying to bring back hand meme posts.
Nice toy.
wtf is wrong with your hands weirdo? you look like a cone head
And why the fuck are you charging your Apple Pencil like that? You don’t even need to stick it back into the device once you’ve paired it. You can charge it through the included lightning adapter.
Because op is underaged which explains why op’s brain is underdeveloped.
I speculate that op is around 8 years old and is borrowing their mother’s iPad and phone to bait people online.
What 8 year old makes $160k, retard?
sometimes I like to go on the Applel site and load up the most expensive possible iPad Pro with literally all the "recommended" accessories just to see how much it's possible to pay for useless garbage that seems to be aimed mostly at people who make web comics about how great Apple products are.
Did you sandpaper your hands?
>borrowing their mother’s iPad
Maybe you should learn to read before making a post criticizing someone else’s literacy skills.
Testing if my hands look as smooth
Maybe you should learn to read the whole thread, kid Clearly says he makes $165k a year (heck I got it wrong too), why would he need to borrow an iPad when he can probably afford one easily?
No, you have a hairy arm and man hand because you have an ayylmaoware. You have to buy Apple products to look as feminine as OP.
Fucking kek
Normal Hands
Donald Trump
nice 3d render
Not really Mr. Hotdog Hands
Might as well play along.
>Lmao drumpf, orange, Cheeto, Hitler, small hands ahahaha hahahahahahahaha
Kill yourself idiot
see OP, that are some normal human hands. take a hint
Reminder to hide, report, and sage is you MUST post.
>cheeto hitler
makes me lol every time
Rate my hand. Plz be gentle
what the fuck is wrong with your deformed finger you fucking sick freak? people like you should be euthanized.
Concerning bulbous end of pinky/10
>Nah, I'm not a homosexual.
Same, but I want those squishy hands around my cock.
Short tendon. Unable to extend it fully since birth. Only on one hand though.
Will that affect your rating?
stupid cumskin/10
t. rajesh jealous of the white mans pure alabaster like skin
augh fuck help
u already made this thread
OwO what's this?
skeleton hand/10
>made me laugh/10
I'm jealous of the Dr Pepper. I wish I had one right now.
you've been voted off the island.
Is that Holo?
I couldn't keep a straight face taking this
you guys doing the hand thing?
So are laptops essentially mundane now?
sure is
still not apple's dumbest design decision.
Jealous Of over priced Mac Garbage .........Nope
this will NEVER make sense to me
they could've put the port at the front of the mouse, plug it in while you're using it. a bunch of logitech mice do that, it's cool.
but on the bottom? what the fuck?
by your keyboard I see you dislike your neighbors and like to keep them awake at night.
the best I can come up with is they know their users are retarded and want them to make sure they don't just leave it plugged in 24/7 and fuck up the batteries.
Low effort bait.
Try harder.
They don't want you using it while plugged in.
Hand thread?
cherry blues too, nobody sleeps here
ive never really fancied its green backlighting though. i look forward to an RGB one when this dies
retarded pinky ring/10
You think so?
Wireless future and this
would let your jack off my dingus
might consider shaking hands
What if I coated my hands with lemon peel juice first? That stings, you know.
well why'd you go and do that for
This isn't even my final form.
tfw you don't realize you got hot sauce on your hands and then you touch your penis
Yeah, I'm aware. Wife made me get rid of mine. Switched to reds. She can handle those.
I think your monitor is damaged, lad.
I prefer Deep Heat, but lemon juice is ok. ;)
oh wow
It costed you to upload this pic at least 21 minutes and still being smug.
BIRTH OF A FRESH MEME hand as fuck
>100k a year meme
Never seen that one before.
This is me when I want to walk outside with a swagger. Behold the final boss of all hand picture battles!
reminds me of the old gentlemen memes
You said it on Sup Forums and it's undeniably true. Who do you think you're fooling?
what did you name your tardigrade?