Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums

Since you retards love talking about shills and how every tech reviewer on youtube is being paid to fake benchmark results etc... Here's the real story, from a real "techtuber" (I hate that word), and fuck no I'm not telling you who I am because it would guarantee I never get another review sample again, ever.

Before I begin, I'd like you to know that all of this is about money. That's literally all that matters here. That's all the companies care about, that's all the reviewers care about. The end goal is profit. Period.

First, Intel and AMD and Nvidia and every other company that makes benchmark-able products sends golden samples to their favored reviewers. What the final customer ends up with is roughly a non-issue; all that matters is that the guy with 500,000 views or 5,000,000 views on his review video gets a sample that is highly overclockable, stable, lower temps or lower power, etc.

Second, nobody (at least that I'm aware of) literally "makes up data". Their data *is* accurate in that they actually did measure it, but it very often isn't representative of the performance a final retail customer can expect because of point 1 (golden samples).

Third, as a tech reviewer you simply cannot point this out or even mention it, and woe unto he who points out ANY of the shady stuff that ANY of these companies do. If you make a video saying "Yo Intel is doing some shady stuff, and I have proof because they were doing it with ME!" then you have fucked yourself. Completely. Not just with Intel; every other company is going to see that your'e a snitch, and you will never, EVER get review samples from ANYBODY ever again.

If you "fuck over" Intel or AMD by pointing out something shady they did and the other manufacturers get wind of it, congratulations! You've now fucked yourself out of Intel, AMD, Nvidia, EVGA, MSI, ASUS, PNY, GIGABYTE, and every other company that makes competing products.

That's why this happens. That's why no one talks.

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Ah yes, those "golden samples" like AMD's housefire blowers or the SSDs Anandtech keep bricking?

The same is true for Apple. Macrumors(?) wrote about how they called Apple out on some shit that was pulled and stopped receiving samples as a result.

It's not feasible to send a golden sample for every product to every reviewer - manufacturers also can't stop reviewers from buying their own. And yes, in many cases the reviewers are simply given a sample straight off the production line with no selection or verification process for the chip.

Lower volume, less important chips (think like the Ryzen 5 1400 or the various Kaby/Sky Lake i3s that nobody was buying) are much less likely to have "fudged" reviews due to golden samples. It's just not worth the company's time or expense to pick the best out of a group of processors/whatever that aren't going to sell well regardless. But for the big name, mainstream cards? The 1080 Tis and the 8700Ks and the 1800Xs? Oh you betcha those reviews are going to be tainted.

I have no doubt whatsoever that that's true. Manufacturers don't send shit to reviewers for free out of goodwill. They send them review samples for free because they want advertisement, and they want positive advertisement.

Put yourself in their shoes. If you were selling TVs and you wanted to get the word out about your latest and greatest, you'd probably be eyeing those crazy YouTube tech reviewer view counts. You'd probably contact some of them to send them review samples, so they can sing the praises of your products and put it up in front of a huge audience. But if one of them said "yeah this TV sucks, don't buy it", why on earth would you ever send them something again? You'd literally just be doing damage to your business.

And this isn't just with techtubers, or even reviewers of any kind. This is simply how the world works. This is how it's always worked, and this is how it always WILL work. Money comes first. Everything else is just a minor inconvenience.

>The 1080 Tis and the 8700Ks and the 1800Xs? Oh you betcha those reviews are going to be tainted.
And just how do they do that? Do they engineer an entirely different architecture with a higher IPC just for reviewers? Because IPC x clocks = instructions per second. Their samples are operating at stock clocks which means any difference must come down to IPC, and to change that means changing the architecture.

What is turbo and violating TDP, alex?

Hi Steve...

No, they pick the chips with the best overall performance. For most things, these days, that means the best overclocking performance. They test them. It's like what EVGA does with their FTW and FTW+ cards - different binning. The difference is they do it without saying they're binned better. It's more like "look guys this reviewer reach xGHz with his, you can too!"


hi linus

wishful thinking

Don't compare me to that lanky fuck

Why would you want to talk to him? He's an incompetent marketer, he knows next to nothing about hardware, let alone statistics or any business sense.

Yes I'm salty that the most popular PC focused tech tuber, by far, is some idiot meme spouting fuck

Your thoughts on Cunt Steve from HardwareUnboxed?

Not a fan of the hair, but who is? Honestly I do respect him, he seems like a pretty straight up guy.


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linus, is in fact,
"Linus Tech Tips" and not, as others might have mistakenly interpreted, Linus Torvalds.

hi linus hows the wife?

He's an incompetent hack who happens to be a good marketer. The most successful YouTubers (in general) are the best marketers - their actual content, videography, editing, knowledge, script writing, etc etc don't matter that much. All that matters is how well they market themselves, and Linus happens to do that better than almost anyone else despite knowing almost anything about computers.

on hi rich how is the flooded house?

If I wanted to start a review channel, and I wasn't just doing it for the money, I'd literally create it just so I can reveal this kinda shit later. I don't care about these companies shitty ass products except when they're not already inside the computer I'm purchasing.

She looks like hydralisk

Nope, not sure who that is just by first name (I don't watch other channels too much)

well i hope you are at least on a vpn right now this place aint really user like people think

I'd welcome it, in fact please do. That's basically what AdoredTV does, but I can't stand his accent and he's a bit of a cunt.

What do I have to worry about? It's not like we're discussing wikileaks or anything that would get me blackbagged.

would you really put it past intel to not try to figure out who you are and sink you?

Heh, I'm not big enough for Intel to send me anything to begin with. Even some of the big names still have to buy their own Intel parts occasionally.

It's definitely possible that they'd try to figure out who I was based on some posts on a mongolian book burning forum, but I don't think it's very likely; that money and time would be more effective chasing down bigger fish.

Did you get your Tesla yet?

>the 1800Xs
Wtf are you talking about? 1800x _is_ a golden sample of those 1700s.

>hot topic for the last day or so has been golden samples; reviewers being paid shills
>guy turns up and basically confirms what people are already willing to believe, without adding any real new information, writing something that anyone could have written easily

There is likely truth to what you're saying, but you're clearly larping.

I think we can all agree Linus (LTT) is a fucking idiot. The guy knows jack shit about enterprise hardware, and just rote memorizes bullshit stats about mainstream consumer PC products. This guy has probably never touched a *nix command line in his life, or if he did it was to copy and paste some commands he found in a Google search to do something. Blunder after blunder, and the 12 y/o cock suckers that worship his shitty channel swallow every drop of it with a smile on their face.

Oh, better not post an anti-RGB video! The little shits will get pissed. Better get back to making a MEGA ULTRA SUPER RGB GAMING RIG FOR $10K! I'm such an amazing smart tech dude LOL!

His wife also looks like a ladyboi. Probably is quite accustomed to his 3" penis from daddy back at home.

Until you get a guy who litterally does not give a fuck because he has a 9-5 job and is doing this for fun. The type of guy who will put the results of his test in the fucking discription just in case you don't care to watch the whole video. The type of guy with deep, industry knowledge but due to the above will call shit, shit.

Basically, we need an AvE.

>Live Action Role Playing
>Live Action
No. If you're going to steal the /x/ meme steal it correctly. Tell them to stop being a role-playing faggot and move along.

>>Keep your dick in a vice.

I want AvE to have my canuck babies.

I have been caught at work calling a work truck a skookum choocher.

Guy is a fucking legend. I did not really care about tools or industrial machineing, but I'm almost there.

>Layered hardware RAID 5 with windows NTFS volume management

Dude is fucking stupid.
He could've gone babby's first freeNAS but fucked it up royally.
Not even backed up.

Important data doesn't touch windows.

He's a pretty sweet guy. You're likely right about his aptitude involving anything technology related, but damn dude. Give the fucker a break.

Or as I like to call him


>tips hat

Slurp slurp slurp

(Luke is super cool, though)

At least AvE would not botch the custom aluminum cooler as nearly as badly as linus did.

>It's not feasible to send a golden sample for every product to every reviewer

Yes it is. Easily.

He might. But he would work at it until he got it right, or somewhat right, or at the very very least explain what happened, why he thinks it happened, and what you would need to prevent it.

One of the things I like is he shows his mistakes, owns up to them, and works to make whatever he is doing fixed.

It's quite annoying because a lot of his team doesn't really care too much for custom PC's or gaming, but they are really passionate other things
Luke actually knows his shit, Brandon loves cinematography, and Tarran enjoys robotics and video editing

I don't know about the others, I assume they're just writers and people who actually run the business whilst Linus gets in front of a camera and reads the script sent to him by which ever company sent him the product they're reviewing

Think I missed that video
I assume he got some $20 Home Depot jigsaw and tried making fins on a chunk of aluminium?

archiving for later stylometry samples.

It's a nightmare.

>still have their LTX 2017 banner on their website
what an absolute joke of a "company"

You're a fag, Luke

The solution is simple:
Don't make a career out of reviewing shit. Do it as a hobby while having a real job.

The tech companies can go fuck themselves.

Hi luke, did you bang linus wife?

Race traitor, pulled a Zuckerberg and married a gook.

You know that he's playing a character. It's an act, he's being clumsy and dumb on purpose. It's generally entertaining for the average viewer.
If it was just some boring nu-male being super autistic about it no one would watch.
Linus is popular because he envokes a reaction out of the viewer.

Even if it's a negative reaction in your case, you are still talking about him.

t. Jimmy Numale