Who /windowmaker/ here?

Who /windowmaker/ here?
You haven't experienced the true comfy until you compute in this way.

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Looks stupid

no u

I personally prefer the IRIX Interactive Desktop.

I tried to use it but there's basically no documentation, and it feels really dated, I bet it doesn't even acknowledge netwm standard hints

it just had a release last year.
The website is full of documentation and dockapps.net has a shitton of cool little dockapps.

I prefer the Motif Window Manager, as I can't get

Yes you can.


doesn't support a lot of EWMH features

no games

also this is not really related to wmaker but gnustep programs fucking suck

they really dont though
and nothing is stopping you from using thunar or pcmanfm etc
it's just a wm user, nothing to do with gaymes

gworkspace doesn't even allow you to easily choose emacs to open text files and is buggy as shit in general

so use pcmanfm

but it doesn't fit with the aesthetics

You can make windowmaker ignore gtk
it's in the settings

I really want to but I just reinstalled winblows

Used it for a while but the GNUstep logo is ugly as shit and I hate looking at it, I prefer to just use mwm, or CDE depending on what platform I'm running.

looks like sh*t
looks like mega sh*t
looks like sh*t
looks like sh*t

Mah niggas

thanks for the shit opinion nobody cared about

your welcome

You know you can change it or remove it altogether, right?

Yeah, but I'm not really that interested in it to the point that I'd bother.

>implying it'll ever be as comfy as AfterStep2

Love your font in Firefox. Which one is it and how did you set it up?

I use IceWM on this old T60. I have played around with Window Maker but it always seemed to always be somewhat obtuse compared to other old *NIX desktops.

outdated crap


>My favorite environment. NT and linux both have advantages in some areas, but if they were on equal footing I would choose NEXTSTEP hands down. It has all the power of unix (there are lots of things I miss in NT), the best UI (IMHO, of course), and it just makes sense on so many more levels than windows. Yes, you can make windows do anything you want to if you have enough time to beat on it, but you can come out of it feeling like you just walked through a sewer.

--john carmack

>March 18, 1997

I see you can't maximize firefox either. shitty bug.

Is it possible to use the keyboard exclusively with window maker like it's i3 or awesomeWM?

1) Why do you have only 26GB of space
2)What game is that and how do I play it? It looks interesting.

I love Window Maker. Very comfortable, has a solid feature set, and fills a niche.
It's not some over-bloated modern desktop environment, it's not old as shit (as in, it's been updated vaguely recently), and it's not made to be minimal (even if its footprint is basically nothing). Makes a few concessions to modern features (like window-snapping) and the only real issue I have is that loads of shit doesn't play nicely with the little per-program window icon blocks it has.

man, if mwm supported window hints at all, I'd probably still use it
was pretty comfortable, and most of the key shortcuts were the ones Windows 2.x used
took a bit of config, but eventually I got things just the way I liked it

most gnustep programs really do suck, and there's a reason Window Maker doesn't depend on gnustep

>and it's not made to be minimal (even if its footprint is basically nothing)

This is what shocks me about so many modern DEs, that they consume so much but do so little.

>1) Why do you have only 26GB of space

he's got one of these

>window maker
>you don't make versions of windows
Defend this

>1) Why do you have only 26GB of space
I haven't installed a larger drive yet
2)What game is that and how do I play it?
Dopewars, you spend a month traveling around NYC and see how much you can make selling drugs

Am I the only one who thinks Windowmaker is awkward as fuck to use? Most of the options make little to no sense, some of the icons are permanently on top, it's easy to get overwhelmed by windows and keyboard navigation doesn't work that well out of the box and so on and so on.

Window maker != windows(tm) maker

Yep, it has pretty robust keyboard controls

yeah i bet carmack loves e.g. windows 10

In my early Linux years (2000-2004) I would flip-flop between WM and AfterStep. I really like Afterstep and how configurable it is but I kept gravitating back to Window Maker.

i don't even bother to rice it.

Is it essential that people use plain xterm for this?

Nope, there's a screenshot itt with urxvt

I had that on my TI-83 (not plus) back in the late 90s.I think it was called Drug Wars on that.

Would you even use xterm?

for the longest (circa late 90's/early 00's) Debian was always presented with WM as it's default desktop. I remember pretty much every pic of 2.2 (potato) had WM as it's desktop.

I have more comfy by using xfce with 2 panels

Yes. Xterm is really best term only outdone by urxvt because of transparency. And no, I don't need funky Japanese fonts.

I really like windowmaker, but I can't get used to it

Yeah, it's fucking retarded. I don't maximize it anyway though so it doesn't really bother me, but accidentally maximizing it every once and a while makes me want to kill myself.

Good fucking taste user

Holy fucking shit user. That's exactly what I wanted from desktop computer UX all that years.
Simple, extensible, standartized, sqare cute little applets I can modify, rearrange, enable and disable whenever I want.
It's essential for basically everything: control media player, check e-mail, news, weather, launch applications, quickly change settings, whatever.
Why can't big mainstream companies implement such godlike thing? Why should we suffer from le meme windows "one-big-button-per-title-because-fuck-you-that's-why" tiles or fisher-price macos interface, or even more retarded GNOME desktop? Why?

All you neeed is the devel libs for windowmaker from your repos and you're set.
Just compile the tarballs and enjoy the comfy

Windowmaker is incredibly comfy and easy to use. I'm never going back to cinnamon.

Is IRIX available on gentoo?

forgot image

>Is IRIX available on gentoo?
IRIX is an OS. IID is the window manager and applications that ran on it, and there's a guy that ported it over to Linux. It's just the desktop. I have no idea if you could get it to work on Gentoo or if source code is available. So far only Fedora is officially supported, though support for more distros has been promised for 1.2.0 (which is also late with no response from the dev). Great project but you need to have patience.

Faux nostalgia is retarded.

So IID is the desktop environment. It looks nice, but I guess I'll have to wait for an ebuild to be made for it.

It's not faux when you've been there.

It's not nostalgia if you're doing it for reasons other than nostalgia.

anyone know a source for dockapp rpms?

What is "faux nostalgia"?

speaking of dock apps, which ones are pretty essential? I don't feel like trying them all.

there's also a firefox theme for windowmaker: addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/wmaker/

wmclock and wmmon, they are both in the fedora default repo.

Like hauntology?

that's a term used around here to discourage anons to use lightweiht, oldschool looking software.

friendly reminder that there is "Window Maker Live", a debian based, installable distribution with a very nice, preconfigured build of windowmaker.

I've got it on my 380ED.
Its extremely lightweight.

Looks comfy.

> NeXT shit

>shittalking based NeXT
that's why you've missed the quads, my dude!

Retarded faggot numale beta cuck, kill yourself. NeXT is one of the best designs, far better than modern operating systems

i prefer ubuntu 17.10 with gnome :^)

i'm all for tech nostalgia but it's apple shit no one cared about that had no niche and was displaced by sun/sgi for not even being useful in its intended bracket

You don't "compute" you retarded memester, you just shitpost on Sup Forums.

>but it's apple shit
check your numbers, you fucked up again. even worse than before.