Try to learn C

>try to learn C
>write hello world
>execute it
>segmentation fault

Other urls found in this thread:


>try to learn java
>write hello world
>execute it
>out of memory

> try to learn lisp

>try to learn go
>write hello world
>compile it
>1.8 MB


>try to learn c++
>write hello world
>3 years later, still writing it

>learn C
>write compiler
>write os
>die in obscurity

Make sure you're not using a poozen cpu.

>try to learn assembly
>still writing hello world

>try to learn HolyC
>write hello world
>cia niggers steal my fucking compiler

Welcome to C.

>try to learn ocaml
>try to write hello world
>realize too retarded to smart think

>try to learn C
>write hello world
>execute it
>runs so fast no device in the known universe is able to confirm it happened

I guarantee its because you're using the K&R book. That shit is so outdated that the new versions of C require more declarations than that book shows you. After two minutes of trying to get it to work and googling, I tossed that book in the trash and moved on to "C Programming for the Absolute Beginner" 2nd Ed. Much better and clearer. Plus the challenges at the end of each chapter are really helpful for learning and practicing what you've learned.

>(((((((("""""""""programming languages""""""""))))))))))
>not directly editing the 0s and 1s on your hard drive

Fuck off shill

>implying you would edit direct binary and not hex

If you're op, you gotta be retarded to have a segfault in hello world lmfao


>try to learn javascript
>write hello world
>execute it


I'm pretty sure the hello world in K&R still works perfectly fine.

0s and 1s dont do shit on your harddrive, they need to be in RAM....

>try to learn html
>write hello world
>open file
It's turing complete, why are you fags not exclusively using HTML?

You cannot directly address bits even in the RAM.

Then how the fuck do programming languages do it?

html5 isn't turing complete on its own, it's turing complete in combination with css3 u big idiot :^)

Guaranteed replies.

So is brainfuck, but that doesn't mean I'd want to write anything in it.

>what the fuck is a hex editor


Byte + offset usually.
Go back to your cage, monkey.

Are you retarded?

Everything the computer loads into RAM comes from the HARD DRIVE.

You are too stupid to reply to that post.

Stay butthurt, brainlet.

Butthurt about your reading comprehension or your lack of knowledge?
You cannot address bits directly, you fucking retard. Only bytes.

>try to write hello world in rust
>doesn't compile; programming is considered unsafe by sjw overlords

fake news

It does. With more complex shit you get warnings but you can avoid all that by just using the --ansi flag

>try to write hello world in linux terminal
>distro has to be compiled 6 more times to run it

>try to learn C++
>write hello world
>execute it

fuckin watch me


>try to learn C#
>write hello world
>execute it
>don't have .NET Framework

When I first started programming it took me probably an hour to realize I needed to download that

Considering that the C# compiler is itself written in C#, it begs the question how you were able to compile an application but not run it.

>try to learn python
>write hello world
>inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation


>realloc() an array
>segmentation fault

>create a VLA
>accidentally blow up the stack

what "complex shit"? Fuck off retard.

try a language that has been designed with dumb people in mind. C has been written by (pretty genius) engineers for engineers. not for dumb frogposter kiddies.

it's essentially moving some shit into a few registers and executing a syscall. holy fuck, how retarded can numales get?

K&R 2nd Ed is pretty current. all the C99 changes are just syntactic sugar for lazy morons and low iq niggers

Haha, is he out of mental ward at the moment?

Wew, I see the IDF (Intel Defense Force) is already in positions to shill

>being that retarded

>try to learn Python
>write hello world
>"Kernel died, restarting..."

>import __hello__

You mean "Absolute Beginner's Guide to C"? I gave that a read and that author is fucking retarded as fuck. I actually felt less intelligent after doing the majority of the exercises in the book. Fucking aweful and teaches you very little.
pic related.

>Uses breaks in an if else ladder which should be a switch
>Multiple printf statements in a row
This better be his bad example

If you wanted to sound like a edgy greasy nerd well you are, but at least don't write bullshit

literally ho can you segfault a hello world? are you using printf?

>try to learn rust
>start browsing reddit

>Try to learn python
>write hello world
>SyntaxError: Missing parenthesis

>try learn apl
>write 6 lines of code
>those 6 lines searchthe ‘net to find out how to say “hello world” in all known languages and prints them out
>spend the rest of your life trying to figure out how it works

>what are bitfields

>Windows 2000 preview build 1585

>don't try to learn a programming language because you're rich and won't ever need to be a wageslave

>what is BIOS
>what is UEFI
>what is NetBoot
>what is user input

>try to learn PHP
>write hello world
>execute it

>A few registers
You have more than three registers? Pussy.

>try to learn js
>sit down for two hours
>learned js


int main(void){
char *msg = "Hello world!";

pretty simple, really.

Is that so easy? How much time to start freelancing?

how long does it take you to register on

>open notepad
>write hello world
>save as...

As easy as writing it in BASIC.
Specially if you have a machine language monitor build in.

>not using an advanced debugger
Yes I can.

>Try to learn Android
>Create application class, activity class, activity lifecycle, layout, views
>Import org.pajeet.helloworld
>Gradle sync
>Wait hours
>Wait hours
>Generate APK
>Wait years
>Warning: you're using 100 deprecated methods
>App stopped unexpectedly: nullpointer

Well you could just learn the difference between a reference and its value, if you encounter such problems
(I might be the one baited, but you really dont want to print *msg as a value for "%s", but rather only msg, as it is the one holding the value "hello world")

> learning to develop for iOS
> create new project
> drag UI elements to a visual representation of an iPhone
> “warning: you should add constraints”
> press the auto constraint button
> everything done automagically
> hello world app is now compatible with any iPad or iPhone on different resolutions
> I wonder how should I call a method after pressing a button
> click and drag from the button to the code
> method created
> print(“Hello World”)
> no ; required because it’s Swift
> compile with absolutely no errors
t-thanks Apple

>Try to learn PHP
>Write hello world
>Out of memory, try increasing memory_limit to 8G and max_threads to 1000

I was simply trying to reverse engineer what op did to get a segfault on hello_world.c

>you could just learn the difference between a reference and its value
this is not something someone writing his first ever c program will understand

Is android development really that fucked up?

>try to learn C
>write hello world
>compile using gcc with optimizations set to the max because you don't get why everyone limits them
>the optimizations are so advanced, the compiler temporarily gains sapience while going through the code, founds out that all existence is ultimately meaningless, optimizes away the entire program and replaces it with a virus to do the same to all other entities that exist or may ever exist in the universe, then exits successfully

Yes, just read a few lines of the this Google’s getting started:

tldr: it’s hell.

Also, Android studio is pretty discouraging

Android studio will do most of the work for you and you obviously don't need to import external libraries to print hello world on a label, but in general an Android app requires a lot of different shit just for a single page with a single view. But iOS is the same, Xcode prepares everything and you just code on top of the shiny new autogenerated controller

>actually learn it
>realize its the pinnacle of human achievement and every other language is torture now

> pic related is a button

even simpler
$ echo 'main(){char*msg="asdf";printf(*msg);}' > sf.c && gcc sf.c 2>/dev/null && ./a.out
Segmentation fault

>read out value as number at memory location
>convert to binary mentally
>change bit
>convert back
>store value
Or literally any operation

>try to run the virus
>segmentation fault

>be brainlet
Nothing surprising here

>try to learn fortran
>write hello world
>accidentally drop punched card stack walking to the computer



My father did this for his final programming project when he went to uni back in the late 70s. He was biking to the student office with punchcards and of course fell and had to manually sort them before the deadline.

I literally can't believe anybody bothers to make apps for Android after using XCode. Don't get me wrong, it still makes me want to blow my brains out for a thousand reasons, but damn it does a lot of the work for you.