What went right?

What went right?

Jack shit


nice joke bill

I guess its not slower than 7

task manager is better and thats it

Can I kill programms faster now?

>can't remove IE/Edge
>can't remove Windows Features
>Windows 10 has cumulative updates
>have to deal with branding to get features you want (Home, Pro, Server, Education, Enterprise)
>telemetry is compulsory on virtually all modern version
>mandatory restart after updates
>Flash is built in
>Windows Store is built into Windows 8+
>Powershell is not easy to use
>GUI is not consistent, borrowing from the past and trying very hard to be "modern" with margins up the yin yang

Fix these problems and more, and then I'll like it.

I like the feel of it, snappy but fluid, and I'm a macfag

Did ANYTHING? At least from where I'm standing, it seems like Microsoft has done their best to make Windows 10 as repulsive as possible.

Agreed, if I had to point out one positive it's that it's rock solid and snappy on shit hardware

it looks better than W8
thats about it


store for 8 i dead, even messager doesnt work anymore

First off I think Windows 10 is dead, you need to update to 1703 and soon 1709 will be out.

Windows 10 is also referred to as build 1507/1511 is pretty much dropped by Microsoft (security updates died May 9, 2017/Oct 10 2017 respectively except for LTS branch).

Build 1607 will die ~Mar 2018

In short Windows 10 is dead, few people use it anymore.
Switch to a newer release.

If you liked pinning windows to left or right in windows 7 at least with Win 10 build 1703 when you have multiple monitors I can now pin windows between monitors and when I resize one it can auto resize the other.
Minor stuff like that make the gui feel good.
Still has a whole fuck ton wrong with it, but so do all other versions of windows.

Why not give up already, make an offshoot Linux distro of Debian, and call it Windows "Finally Half Decent Edition?"

It's simple, if you can't figure out how to make Windows 10 an enjoyable experience, you sure as hell aren't going to figure out how to make Debian an enjoyable experience.
They are both shit in many ways.
*nix builds require a little understanding to make it somewhat usable and generally default to a somewhat secure environment.
Win builds require a little understanding to make it somewhat secure and generally default to a somewhat usable environment.

I think you're overestimating how complicated using Linux is. It's not really any more difficult to use than windows: The difference is that most people already know how to use windows, so they'll perceive something different as "more difficult"


Microsoft admitted it was never going to crush Linux.

Microsoft figured out if people were used to giving up their privacy on mobile devices they would give it up on the desktop in exchange for convenience. People who care deeply about Privacy are on *nix anyways.


I love how well multimonitor support works.

I understand.
In fact I often find the guides such as the Gentoo Handbook and Arch Wiki incredibly easy and resourceful to follow even when using any *nix distro in comparison to MSDN guides.
It can be overwhelming though.
A less than power user can install Windows 10 build 1703 from a flash drive click next until the system is installed and have a very fast snappy gui that doesn't take to long to learn how to use.
A Debian or even Ubuntu less than power user will have a similar experience, but will be coming from Windows, Debian won't be there first OS. They'll be somewhat excited about the easy to use installer and then notice shit Gnome 3s less than subpar speed compared to Windows 10. Then they look online and see they need to just changed gui's completely and come across flamewars on how everything is shit.
They are sheep that just want to use a polished product.
Even if they have a slight interest in learning and security, they don't want to be thrown in.

also, linux looks and feels "third world", and runs all games through a buggy compatibility layer, and every god damned linux forum stinks of sjw. The Vine comment sections / support requests is like a horror novel. Instead of that I can pay $100 every 4-5 years to get a real system made by professionals. Hmm I think I'll go with option number 2...

that being said, windows 10 is a disgrace. pandering to mobilefags. if you use desktop you better get classic shell or something to that degree. looks like they're backtracking tho and i sure hope they will go back to focusing on desktop.

Have fun with the botnet then you cucked little bitch

Holy shit, M$ truly are the maximum overjew:

>Windows 10 was designed as a service, whereby feature updates are required a few times a year.
>For most consumers, both quality and feature updates are delivered automatically according to their Windows Update settings.
>By policy, devices need to install the latest feature update within a 60-day grace period of its release to continue to be eligible for monthly servicing with security updates and other quality updates.
>We extended this grace period for version 1507 beyond this typical 60-day policy, but the time has now come to end servicing for version 1507.

>respectively except for LTS branch

That includes LTSB?

flash is not built in windows

LTSB gets security updates for 10 years


You can replace cmd with PowerShell when you Shift-Right Click in a folder.

I'm on 2015, the 2016 full of new bloated shit?

I'm on LTSB 2016, still no Store/Edge/Cortana/Apps/whatever.
It's still a shit OS, but way better than regular/retail Windows 10.

It's expensive as fuck supporting outdated version of Windows. MS lost a lot of money supporting XP for so long

nah, it looks better, and compared to 8 nothing new

you do that, and you butcher extremely expensive software

When I use Windows 10, I never feel as alone as I should.

I’ve been using OSX since Vista but lately went back to windows with an editing machine to replace my Mac Pro. Honestly it’s a lot better than I remember and my workflow is no slower or faster than on OSX. Font rendering is a little crap though

LTSB doesn't have these problems.

It keeps happening, fpbp.

Source? I'm sure one of your arguments will be "less telemetry".

Not gonna spoonfeed low IQ shitskins.

only 1 thing: DX12