Is Elementary OS a meme?
Is Elementary OS a meme?
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> We're built on Linux: the same software powering the U.S Department of Defense, the Bank of China, and more.
Seems like they focus on users who has no knowledge within technology
It's not a meme, however since they updated from freya I think it's been a huge clusterfuck of an OS.
Yep, I used it for 2 years straight, until everything broke after I updated.
It was so nice and clean, I wonder if it's better yet
It would be a good tablet OS. Built in applications are thoughtfully designed. Within minutes I was able to find some UI stuff that could be improved, but that's nitpicking.
I like the developer and UX/UI guidelines and info but I don't see anyone developing specific applications for it in the future. It's design centric approach means gnome/qt/whatever applications will look out of place if they work at all.
So yeah it's basically chromeos with some extra GNU/Linux functionality. I would not say it's any better than Ubuntu for noobs and considering it uses the same base it's not special.
>2 years straight, until everything broke after I updated
been using hackintosh since 20113,hasn't broken once
why waste time with shitty linux when there's a perfect *nix O.S available
>inb4 autism
macos for poorfags
my meme
Every single Ubuntu fork is a worthless meme.
Ubuntu exists only to be a base for perfect distro.
Your top panel is ugly as fuck.
Wow, thats the most toaster ass toaster i've seen in a while.
I really love it. For once, there is a serious UI/UX team. I see what they are trying to do and it is amazing, but I am not going to use it.
I did try it a while back when I wanted to quit Windows and Mac OS, but software simply isn't there for Linux/GNU and probably never will be. If you are not a sysadmin you are going to lack essential software for your daily tasks.
>you are going to lack essential software for your daily tasks.
Oh shit, in 7+ years of using Linux only I never noticed I can't do daily tasks on my computer. Quick, what am I missing?
it is literally just gnome3 with a theme
absolutely disgusting
its gay as fuck
trisquel is unironically great
not a fan, being based on Gnome isn't helping
it was a meme. now it's abandonware that no one uses
> (OP)
>Every single Debian fork is a worthless meme.
Its not based on GNOME.
It got a bit more stable now. In the beginning of this year, it was really buggy.
> (OP)
>I like the developer and UX/UI guidelines and info but I don't see anyone developing specific applications for it in the future.
There are some developers building software following their design lines and putting in their app center. Though they aren't exactly full of features.
I wish the default programs were more polished in their inner workings. They're buggier than the ones developed by third parties, despite looking better.
IMO this is now the best time to use Loki because its not breaking nearly as often as it did before. And below the Pantheon DE, it's Ubuntu with a few newer packages.
>Its not based on GNOME
It is though. it's heavily rewritten to be more lightweight but it's still mostly GNOME under the hood. That being said, a lot of people think that it's just GNOME with extensions - it's not, they've got a lot of their own stuff also.
>why run something other than hackintosh
Because I don't like the idea of having to jump through hoops to get bash to work. I just want it to work.
elementary OS is still an alright OS but in terms of support you'll get basically zero if you install it now. The latest release info is a bit confusing, the elementary website was down for a while right around the update after freya and that sucked. There was nowhere to get official info about the distro and there really was no focus on it on the blogosphere. I should have had my ass on it but I didn't, and now I feel it's quite disappointing that there isn't really that much clout or influence online for the elementary "team" or whatever. I really want to use it but it will take a serious effort on my part.
Guys, what should i downlad and install?
Manjaro or Solus?
Both are very amateurish. Manjaro is basically a slower and bloated Arch. Solus has a shitty package manager (on top of not having a lot of packages themselves) and is very young. I would go with Manjaro because it's still Arch under the hood. That being said - Manjaro is not as user friendly as it seems. If something breaks - you'll have to fix everything yourself manually the Arch way.
what would you suggest?
>If something breaks
Wait, just wait, hold the fucking phone and wait.
You're saying, here on Sup Forums, in a thread about some Linux distros, that Linux isn't perfect? Linux isn't infallible? Linux has problems that require fixing?
Say it ain't so, user, say it just fucking ain't fucking so.
Not him, but Debian is always a good choice. Stable, fast, and efficient.
Gnome crap.
Fullscreen option far right, close far left, minimise double click I guess. Useless trash.
Why does someone so marginal think they can change concepts, being small they should stick to tradition. Made me go from liking them to disliking them when I tried it a while back.
okay i will install gentoo instead.
MacOS is free
>it's heavily rewritten to be more lightweight but it's still mostly GNOME under the hood.
You have 0 clue about what you are talking about
aaalrhighty then. How is it different? And how can you make not a GNOME desktop using GTK3?
Same here, it was my first distro, but went shit with loki.
There is no reason to use it over ubuntu+gnome.
The project killed themselves when they said anyone who didn't donate was stealing.
No, BSD and Arch are memes.
To be a meme more than ten people have to give a fuck about it.
The closest thing to a source, because they edited that
Cheating the system apparently.
Besides even if they get some things right (their file manager is closer to Finder than anything else on linux currently) it's fairly unusable.
>To be a meme more than ten people have to give a fuck about it.
>why would anyone have preferences