Search for tutorials/info on stuff

>search for tutorials/info on stuff
>click youtube link
>"hello, my friends" in indian accent

Other urls found in this thread:

White people go to pluralsight for tutorials

>open tutorial
>stock iMovie music plays

>open tutorial
>009 sound system plays

How may I help you further?
Goodbye for now!

I know that feel, but I came across a really good video on pointers when I was having trouble understanding them, by an Indian.

Is it that guy explaining some generals algorithms
I watch it subtitled, he seems nice

Every time

>clicking on jewtube videos
>not just reading about what you want to learn
Should just off yourself.

I don't think I've seen an Indian with Lynda tutorials.

>learning from youtube videos

the world is so fucked

In a way, how is it any different to watching a video during a tutorial?
Or watching a recording of a lecture later?

Or if you want to go back 20 years, listening to a recording you made of a lecture since you were too hung over after drinking at the unibar last night?

>posts a pajeet tutorial in a pajeet tutorial hate thread
good work, pajeet

not him but from my experience its a thing done by stupid people who can't read well

>having trouble understanding them

programming isn't for you sandeep.

sir that's not very polite sir

>search for YT tutorial
>click link
>female or nigger
>dislike and close tab

I would much rather listen to 009 soundscape than "hey guys i know i haven't been uploading for a while" skip 1 min in "so this tutorial is for sony vegas 14 today" skip another minute "firstly you will want to start the program" skip another minute "traditionally i like to use the template project but feel free to use a blank template"

>look at the video slider
>14 minutes for a masking tutorial

>search for laravel tutorials
>dl a couple in a hurry coz i gtg, and no internet at home
>go home, check tutorials
>both indians
>nerd rage
>go back to internet sauce 2 days pater.
>shuffle randomly in each tutorial
>all pajeets.
>mfw i find someone european.
>dl it, go home ipen it
>listen guy presents the series for 10 mins, buy the advanced tut for on 9.95, let's start
>everything goes silent, pajeets greets everyone, flip out, del everything related to laravel
>start everything from scratch with pirated pajeet ebooks(which suck balls) and sites that i downloaded with a crawler.
Who the fuck makes paid english tutorials and hires a motherfuckingpajeet to do them?

i read something like 10 billion words but video tutorials are really helpful for learning linux and computer stuff.

i never used linux before and installed arch linux thanks to them. between reading the wiki and the videos i'm not trying to install i3

That's your own fault for not picking a god damn book instead, like any non nu-male would do.

>Video recorded by some random pajeet
>Lecture by a certified university professor

Yeah sure, they are the same.

>pajeet framework for pajeet languaje
>complains all videos are from pajeets

I wonder how a youtube tutorial of pajeet english -> english will do

>tfw searching for MW2 multi-hacks

>click on youtube link
end yourself now

Yeah I agree but for some things like LDAP or dns it does help a lot to watch a video first.

sound system plays
What is this, 2008? I never heard that for modern videos

>load up tutorial

I miss 2006

Adventure quest hacks top trainers of 2007 *working* *NO SURVEY*

I miss 009 Sound System
Now it's that one fucking stock marimba/ukelele track

There are a bunch of university lectures on Youtube as well

I've literally never seen a programming tutorial from a nigger before, do they even exist? Black people aren't programmers

i dont like watching yt videos for anything other than entertainment but i do understand why some people would like to use it. if you are a complete beginner and need your hand held through a certain process then it is great. the video makers also provide explanations in multiple ways so that the viewer can understand it. It can be even used to deepen understanding on more complicated topics.
I strongly prefer reading since i can pick and choose whats important to me and i read much much faster than i can possibly watch but videos have their place.


>click youtube link

>Load up youtube video on coding
>Hear a *plompf* and something hitting the ground
>someone with an indian accent says he was preoccupied

>youtube video

go back


>terrible sound quality
>hello friends

That is ok, but OP was talking about tutorials made by literal random nobodies.

My local university has a site with recorded lectures for people who can't go because of schedules, is not as good as being on the lecture, but a good thing.

>in comments
hello sir

>click youtube tutorial
>he opens up notepad
>you can still hear his breathing over the mic

Some things are easier to understand in video form like guitar lessons

>>search for tutorials/info on stuff
>>click youtube link
>>"hello, my friends" in indian accent
five min latter
>>"please don't for get to like, comment and subscribe and support des channal"

>search for SDL tutorials
>realize only stupid people need videos
>read the official docs
learn to read kids

>muh superior text based information only philosophy

when will you realize that not all tutorials are efficiently described with words. When learning a new object for example.


buzzword overload; triggered; erp erp

"As your industry and business model evolve, you need a learning solution that helps you deliver key innovations on time and on budget. With our platform, you can evaluate the technical abilities of your teams, align learning to key business objectives and close skills gaps in critical areas like cloud, design, security, mobile and data."

>visual learning is not a thing

>>learning from youtube videos
only thing i use youtube for baka

for libraries, text is all you need

It's US-based and owned by LinkedIn, and takes its presenters fairly seriously.

i heard many good things about this site does it cost much to learn?

>english title
>speaks in poop language
>uses newest version of notepad
