Get Firefox 57

>Get Firefox 57
>Tons of broken add-ons
>Seek out replacements and realize the vast majority have better more regularly updated versions
>The few important legacy ones are in their final weeks of testing prepping for the official release of 57
>Its ridiculously fast
>Create containers to compartmentalize everything
>Put Sup Forums in its own separate container from all personal information
>Get the shitty street sign captchas for a day
>Nothing but instant verifications ever since

Why the hell are you still using a browser that spies on you?

>Why the hell are you still using a browser that spies on you?
But I'm not, I'm using Palemoon.

>getting instant verifications
>thinks google isn't spying on him

>not using opera

>chinese botnet

>Why the hell are you still using a browser that spies on you?
Why are you? And why are you using a browser that wants to fight/control/censor anything it deems "fake" news? Why are you using a browser that's taking your donation money and "redonating" it to groups with (not so?) obvious agendas you may not trust or support? Why are you using a browser that's going to start offering you "freemium" services?

> Why the hell are you still using a browser that spies on you?
Yeah, OP, why are you?

>look for a vertical tab webextension
>they all look bad, lack basic functionality and don't allow opening another sidebar at the same time

>look for a mouse gesture webextension
>none of them work properly and from the looks of it they support so few actions I question if they'd even be worth it

>look for a way to bind keys to certain actions

>look for a way to at least simplify cluttered menus

>notice some ads are no longer being blocked
>find out that the webextension version of uBO can't selectively block inline scripts
>find out that services like Cloudflare can automatically insert them for site owners

What the fuck, Mozilla? What am I supposed to do now?



Come to the light side, Sup Forums-tard.

>>Tons of broken add-ons
>implying any of my addons are shit-tier addons that haven't been updated in half a century
Get rekt, faggot.

Thanks Firefox, what would I do without you?

>Firefox insults you

Sure it doesn't force a neutered extension API but how will that help in say a year or two when barely any up to date extensions will work with it?

>Being worked on
>Being worked on
>Being worked on

Anyone know a good replacement for All-in-One Sidebar since it's been abandoned?

Are you bashing Firefox or praising it? I dont get your point.

You mean the same type of extensions as lol who cares. You know as well as I do that extensions are simple to create and merely make it easier to shitpost on the web. If you think you will need a new and fancy type of extension in the future, I certainly won't stop you from doing whatever the fuck you want, but know that your current extensions will continue to work on the modern web with Pale Moon. Also, you you find you need a fancy and new type of extension to shitpost on a new and fancy type of website, then make it your self; its easy to do it.

>Also, you you
Also, if you*

are you unironically retarded?

Are you?
>Why the hell are you still using a browser that spies on you?
What does that supposed to mean?

>it's being worked on! We'll have it soon, promise!
I don't really trust them on that. And anyway the correct way to have handled this would have been to completely finish the webextension system before deprecating legacy addons. Before deprecating, note, not before removing. Basically they've caused a massive flag day for users because they, the mozilla devs, were too lazy to bother with supporting some things any longer, or to bother with completing something before releasing it. This kind of attitude is endemic among modern developers (it's the very soul of agile, devops, rolling/rapid release, and so many other "in" buzzwords) but that doesn't make it not cancerous.

Video downloadhelper

>the correct way to have handled this would have been to completely finish the webextension system before deprecating legacy addons.
I agree, but that ship has sailed. And the WONTFIX crusade one developer decided to do lost them a a lot of trust and goodwill.

The vertical tab thing especially pisses me off. The Tab Center addon that mozilla did as an experimental feature was perfect. I literally suggested it as a reason to move to FF to some people, and mozilla just went "well this experiment was fun, thanks for your feedback, time to scrape everything"

>Get Firefox 57
>Tons of broken add-ons
>Seek out replacements and realize the vast majority are crippled half assed versions of the old one.
>The few important legacy ones are in their final weeks of removing features for the official release of 57
>Its as fast as 56 with some about:config flags but without addons.
>Create containers to compartmentalize everything
>Put Sup Forums in its own separate container from all personal information
>Get the shitty street sign captchas for a day
>Nothing but instant verifications ever since
>I love the false belief of security that containers gives me.

>letting a furfag dictate which addons you get to install

That's kind of the point. You let Google spy on your Sup Forums usage, but they don't track you outside of it because Sup Forums is in a container.

You can do the same when booking flights/hotels to avoid those fuckers who increase prices based on how "desperate" you seem to book.

>You can do the same when booking flights/hotels to avoid those fuckers who increase prices based on how "desperate" you seem to book.

never heard of this, do you have an article of something about this?

>using Mozilla Sorosfox
top kek, use chromium, waterfox, or brave

Somehow this made me giggle. Keep it up user



lol digits

Just clear your cookies regularly when shopping placed

Is palemoon crashing for anyone else if they open google after having it on for a long time?

Does firefox give up its ram use yet? I got chrome because old firefox choked the fuck out on multimedia, I stayed with chrome because when I closed tabs, it gave back ram, something firefox never did.

they solve this issue or not?

I use opera

I like it

Please no bully

What if even after upgrading to 57 it's till up to 3GB of RAM during normal use?

>already have uBlock and Self-Destruct cookies

Not sure what you mean as those are handled by separate processes but about:memory gives you fine control of what it's doing with it.

I haven't used main like firefox since 14, and have used the 64 bit variants up till around 20-22 where I just couldn't deal with ff shitting the bed that hard on multimedia so I tried chrome...

sure chrome uses a bit more resources at launch then firefox does, but after 2 or so hours of use, firefox would have 2gb of use, meanwhile chrome would give everything up the moment tabs were closed. that doesn't seem like a lot, but that 2gb impacted performance so negatively that fully restarting firefox was the only way to fix it.

It got to the point I gave up entirely with firefox and went to chrome.

however so much bullshit with chrome has happened over the years i'm willing to do anything to get off this shit, but some extensions see me tied to it, if firefox is able to give up resources it would be worth looking into for me at the very least to see if there are viable alternatives to the extensions I deem required.

Yeah whatever, firefox media player stuff is mostly just a frontend for your system-wide media backend. Sure their media code is bad but it doesn't have to do any work anyway. Lots of the FF memory leaks were literally just addons using permanently unstable API bullshit that 57+ has completely wiped clean. If it's using memory now it's actually supposed to be doing so but that doesn't mean much.


OP is insulting Chrome aka THE botnet browser

Which flags?


Such a waste of digits on redditor.


>vertical tab webextension
>they all look bad, lack basic functionality
What is wrong with this? It looks good to me

Does anyone know if there is a webext similar to the Addon Bar (Restored)?

>using a browser developed by a communist cuck

>What is wrong with this?
It's probably not a WebExtension, judging by your pre-photon theme and lack of a sidebar header. This means it doesn't work in Firefox 57.

I see you've changed the font to Ubuntu, but google searching sudo apt update? Ubuntu is a pile of shite, use Manjaro if you're new, and Arch if you're experienced.

Your dad is a cuck

I only want PasswordMaker and DownThemAll to work in NuFox :(


>not using superior browser built on Firefox

ha haha

Only safe browser for anonymity networks

Vertical Tabs is webextension

I thought Ubuntu was the newfag distro :(

With FF57 I've been getting ”this connection is not secure” message in a lot of websites. I have HTTPS everywhere installed and it doesn't seem to be working properly, too. What's up with that? My login credentials are leaking through the web?

It is, but manjaro is better because arch based. You'll have less trouble with manjaro, and will never need to hunt down PPAs on the web everytime you need to install software.

>Vertical Tabs is webextension
It's not or else it would have a green "Compatible with Firefox 57+" label next to the title.
But if you do as the description says (scroll down and open the development channel) you can find a WebExtension version of it.

I dont think https everywhere works with 57
try smart https

>letting an sjw dictate which addons you get to install
>communist cuck
[citation needed]


Yes yes, use the distro maintained by retards who forget to renew their own SSL certificates.

Fuck off Manjaro dev.

Don't listen to that retard.

Arch has time and time again proved that they love sucking Poettering's dick. They even implemented Systemd and PulseAudio before fucking Fedora did. Ubuntu is a decent distro, and is the only distro (besides for RHEL) that you'll find in an actual production/corporate environment.


>>Seek out replacements and realize the vast majority have better more regularly updated versions
That's because everyone stopped updating their legacy addons lol

is 57b2 out yet
b1 was incredibly buggy and completely shit the bed for me

>tons of broken addons

Why do you have 'tons' of addons? What is a full-featured browser not doing for you that you need these tons of addons in everyday use? I use 4.

You're also using a preview build, so fuck off with the whining.

How about this one.

Another early feature chrome has/had over firefox for me was I was able to expand every image and when the thread 404'd was able to drag and drop the opened images off and save them.
Since Sup Forums started to keep small archives, this is seldom needed anymore, but is useful nonetheless.

also, unbloated firefox, as in just fucking opening it fresh and loading websites, then closing them would see firefox retain 90% of the ram use, this was no extension firefox.

Has that behavior changed at all? Can anyone using quantum weigh in on this?

When does quantium leave beta?
Also, anyone know of a Tabs Outliner like extension for firefox?

heil mine furour

I'm really liking it, but unfortunately it rapes the battery life on my MBP. Estimates go from 10h using Safari to 6h using FF. When I'm at work (Xcode + simulators + VSCode) it goes from the usual 6h to 4h.

Also, how do you guys use containers?

Non-shit browser for macOS when?

Safari desu. But for dumb ass reason Tapermonkey + Sup Forums X stopped working.

Preach brother

>not shit
It looks nice, it's smooth, but try to do something neat and it shits itself. Worst extensions of any browser, awful media playback, and lots of random wtf like losing tabs or extensions.

There's a development version on the official site that works flawlessly. I don't know if it has been added to AMO dev/stable yet.

Refresh your profile.

mozilla literally funds antifa