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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
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>the ABSOLUTE state of fortranlets
>i see shit like this every day
Is it customary in fortran to have big ass files with global constants named by somali witch doctors?
Hello /dpt/
I'm not into web dev, but my company wanted to take some old program using flex3 to use something more up to date (we will probably start it in a few months, maybe 1 year)
They were talking about using AngularJS and Node.js and asked me about learning it.
I heard a lot of things but never tried to understand the pros and cons of those technologies.
Can I get a quick rundown about it ? What are similar technologies worth to consider ?
>ywn be Yuno in that pic
I'm going to go make my life return zero.
Nothing wrong with short variable names as long as they're understandable. Rather strnlen(char* s, size_t n) than getLengthOfStringUpToLimit(stringHeadPointer pointerToString, size_t maxLimitForReading)
writing C++ gives me boner
Trying to do almost the exact same shitty image manipulator program I did last semester in Python, but this time in Java so it takes ten times as long to code.
I really don't get why half the projects I've done so far in CS have just been:
>some variation of reinvent list/array methods that are already present by default in the language
>code up another shitty CSV data processor that doesn't work nearly as well as the built-in one you're not allowed to use
>some kind of ghetto file I/O image manipulation program using shitty obsolete external libraries where you spend more time getting it to play nice with your OS than actually writing the program
and just doing it in a different language the next semester.
Is there any merit to doing this?
Did I get memed into wasting my money?
> image manipulation with obsolete libraries that don't like my system
this one hurts
yes my son
>struggled with mergesort
>took me 2 hours just to implement the merge part of algorithm
Am I going to be alright?
> go to /r/programmingcirclejerk/
> it's mostly about Go-fags being obnoxiously retarded
I'm not even surprised.
undefined behavior
That must be a widescreen monitor.
Basically they are saying "use Javascript".
Node is pretty much a given. AngularJS is one of the many frameworks alongside React, Vue, Ember. Views on what's best is largely opinion.
>Be me
>Take class with Craig Wright
>Entire class in C
>Get to final exam
>One question
>"Design some shit in Fortran"
>I've never seen Fortran
You could've tried not being a dumbfuck and going to a decent school instead where you don't waste your time and money being treated like a pajeet my dude
refactoring what my boss calls code
I don't usually touch web dev shit, but my gf wants me to build her a website.
I'm using this template: html5up.net
How do I remove all of that padding inside the red boxes? The setting to do that would be somewhere in the padding or margin settings in the CSS, right? I'm lost as shit here
go to wdg
yeah. coding is hard and frustrating in the beginning. take the time to understand what was wrong. keep your shitty code and comment in explanations.
I heard that this WAS a good school and their CS department was pretty legit since it's in the Bay Area.
Plus I got hella scholarship gibsmedat from them in addition to the fat GI Bill checks I get every month of school time.
Then I get there and find out that their gen ed requirements are absurd and I'll be spending at least four semesters worth of credit-hours just checking the box on those. I'm literally taking a class on cultural Marxism this semester because this place apparently values (((social justice))) over producing grads that will make it in the work force.
Listening to rich white kids from SoCal talk about privilege in no way makes me a more effective programmer or has any real world application.
Just need to play the game and get a good enough GPA to transfer to somewhere that doesn't make me want to suck-start a shotgun every day.
Haskell more like Hasklel amirite
Does anyone else enjoy programming in C and Go because of how simple and unpretentious they are?
Doesn't surprise me. I've had a lot of CS teachers that purposely put troll questions like that on their exams to test attention to detail.
>mfw ameriburgers have to take gen ed
>meanwhile for my leaf CS education I took 4-5 math/CS/EE courses every term and the only mandatory breadth electives I took were Japanese language courses and some econ classes, no cultural marxism required
the absolute state of American university
legit question can you make a misfire happen by fellatiating the barrel of a gun with negative-pressure?
i rather program in haskell than rust
how do you handle db migrations?
By gathering the db admin flock to head south.
i don't
I use amazon's migration since i host it there
I have to implement the Java language spec for an intro to compilers course next semester.
What language should I use? C++? Hasklel?
No that's not how guns work.
The powder needs to ignite for the round to be pushed out of the gun.
I think he was requesting that you suck on a pistol dude
aka "kys"
> simple and unpretentious
I bet you like talking with mentally retarded people as well.
Ocaml, you will thank me later
The Racket dialect of Scheme.
It comes with a bunch of features for creating languages, it’s constantly maintained, and they’re very responsive.
I can't enjoy programming in a statically typed language without generics.
But the simplicity of C and Go has an enderaing quality.
Every other dumbass that thought they knew what they were doing.
Yeah, that's what suck-start means.
He was wondering if you could make a gun fire by just sucking on the barrel which is a p. retarded question desu.
You think they’re “simple” because you aren’t skilled at coding. People who are choke on their fucking limitations.
K&R made C to be “portable assembly”, which is exactly what it is.
Deprecated. Using C is unethical.
It's not their fault that all public school before college in Clapistan is a joke since most places can't into math or science as well as gooks, pajeets or russkies.
This would make some good pasta.
No I'm legitimately curious. As in:
>this is a legit question
I agree, complex languages like C++ are much better for skilled programmers.
>not writing device drivers in Malbolge or doing webdev shit in Fetlang
And you call yourself a programmer.
So I was going over pointers in visual studio at school and took it to codeblocks editor home and got this error what do?
for what purpose.png
C++ isn’t “complex”, it’s (needlessly) “complicated”.
I’m talking about the advanced type systems of Haskell, Ocaml, et al. The macro systems of Lisp and Scheme. Call/cc of Scheme. Etc etc ad nausuem. The powerful shit that let’s you build pretty much anytihng you can think of or need*.
*don’t give me that “muh turing complete” bullshit that all C programmers run to. yeah, you can build those in C...but all you’ve done is build a whole fucking runtime to recreate 1/10 of the languages I mentioned.
You are passing pointers to printf when it expects an integer. You should use %p instead of %i for pointers.
How do I learn to write obfuscated C?
Linux kernel.
You don’t have to. Just set every opitimization flag you can find.
What did he mean by this?
Thanks user
is it normal for the addresses to change after a new run?
Our projects have been:
>make Risk
>choice from a few topics like a code judging system, scheduling system, cytometry system (.csv processor, basically), shit like that
>another choice like the above, but a bit harder and meant for teams of 6
Considering that they are actually logical addresses, yes.
It would be a security vulnerability if it didn't.
good to know
Fortran 77
is this saying there's an array of IPTOT strings, each of length 10?
It's a feature of most modern operating systems
wtf delete this, this is inappropriate
imagine someone replaced the sushi with you know what
>FreeBSD still doesn't support ASLR
Who distributed and parallel HPC here?
Shaving off bytes from this:
perl -lne'$_{$_}++if(1x$_)!~/^.$|^(..+?)\1+$/}{$_=keys%_;print'
>perl -lne'$_{$_}++if(1x$_)!~/^.$|^(..+?)\1+$/}{$_=keys%_;print'
Still more readable than rust.
and this is strict perl!
How can white sushis even compete?
I prefer Go and C++. Best of both worlds.
C has better generics than Go does
nasa has hardware backdoors in everything anyways
I want to come back to vim but it doesn't have tabs and file explorer
>he doesn't know
int *a;
void *b = a;
char *c = b;
at least Go typechecks.
Are you trying to say that the compiler should prevent you from getting char* out of int*?
You dumb fucking nu-males.
It should, casting pointers is a violation of strict aliasing, use unions cunt
Casting a pointer to char* never violates strict aliasing tho.
All types are multiples of sizeof(char) dumb nu-male.
If he is a ``nu-male``, are you suggesting that you are an old man?
:help tabs
:help Explore
Not him, but
char *a;
void *b = a;
int *c = b;
is actually pretty retarded.
c user will defend this
it just works
Now I think if it, what's the point of having void* in C? Isn't it an equivalent of char* for all intents and purposes anyway?
Daily reminder that this is what the average function signature in a non-fizzbuzz Rust program looks like:
fn upchain_set(&'a self) -> &'a Vec
shits and giggles, mostly
Will convert without a cast
Look, it's this meme again. If you want some real non-trivial Rust signatures to spread FUD with, you should check out tokio.
>tfw can't get any work done because can't get intellij set up right
jesus christ
and then there's go, where everything make sense