Eat shit Aussies

Muh internet is faster than yours


And this costs me $14/month

watch it cunt

Atleast i won't get shot by a nigger when I walk down the road.

How's the siberian gulag?

>tfw I pay $80/mo for mine

Fiber optic, pay ~100EUR/Mo, suggest better prices.


I'm geting 120/20 in 5 days, just moved here where I am now. I had 70 Mbps at home... Oh and 120 Mbps will cost me ~24$


30€/month with Television and Unlimited Telephone all over EU included


As an Aussie that barely posts anywhere, why do you guys hate us so much?

Sup Forums has to be one of the few places that isn't plauged with Aussie shit posters

And how much of your income is that $14?

It's like you northerners only just got internet or something...

most of us are too normie for this nest of autism

Same here.
Feels good.

Because ypu're a bunch of bogans, and your drop bears shit on people.


why do even need such speed ?
Do you host a cloud with 1000+ users at your home ?

Of these two tell me which you'd pay for.

why the fuck would you ever need these kinds of speeds


Kill yourselves.

>the human eye can't see more than 1 kilobit/s


It's 2017 not 2002. 1gbps should be far more widespread

You just made a prime example of expectation vs reality. Jews ruin tech.

Reality is I have 1gbps and it should be more widely available than it is.

$80nzd here

jelly as desu

> DL 900/UL 100
I'd rather have it the other way around.

Why not just get symmetric

It's alright i suppose

I'd rather half the download into upload, but can't complain

i'd be more than happy with 1/20th of that, both ways

Like a server-rack machine?


Nice ancient memes ya wombat

Live in a server farm

Funny, I pay the same amount

looking at your fast download speeds, the world is truly an unfair place

On my 5ghz network. Pay 70 a month. Feels badman

So slow you can't even upload a picture. Sucks to suck

Don't mind them. Until I moved to this boiler room size mini apartment for $700 and $250 for parking, my fastest internet I can get was from Century Link only. No other choice. It was 7mbits/687kbits and it sucked gay cock.

Are you retarded? I can fully saturate my line downloading a steam game and a gpu driver at the same time, it's not hard.