Describe your tech job

Tell us a typical day in your IT/tech related job.

Help desk
>09:31 Please kill me
>12:18 Please kill me
>14:56 Please kill me
>16:47 Please kill me

>get into office
>run tracker and monitoring software
>sleep 7 hours
>get call from branch office that my shift has ended
>return home and sleep
>goto 1

I don't miss this.

>get into office
>write some java
>go out to the designated street for a quick poo
>go home

so much this

I'm an accountant that also does tech support and shit for the firm, small firm so it doesn't eat up a lot of my time.

We just bought a server though that I'll be setting up between two branches.

Should be in today.

I work as a dev in a small company
Most of the time I type on a disconnected keyboard just for the noise so my colleagues think i'm working.
My weekly work can be done in 3 hours, maybe 30min-1hour if you work efficiently
Most of the time I browse Sup Forums.
Easiest 50k€ of my life

>8:30 arrive at work
>check emails
>update my Trello cards
>9:30 morning meeting, outline what we did yesterday and will do today
>work on implementing react native app for business
>spend a large amount of time looking in to decent navigation solutions for react native because all of them are shit
>work on the Laravel/PHP/angular site, update API endpoints for the react native app
>4:30pm log what I did at end of day with number of hours on each task on Trello

I maintain and operate the electrical distribution system of a warship.

Yup. I tried to get out but every tech job I apply for they're always like "yeah we'll also need someone that does IT for the company on the side". I walked out of the last interview that did that. Fuck IT so much.

>log in
>check ticket queue
>see it's all bullshit a blind monkey could do
>don't do any of it
>masturbate in toilets
>shitpost on Sup Forums and reddit
It's a wonder I still have a job

> go to work
> pull shit out of the back of a robot's ass all day
> go home

>Get into the office
>Shit on my desk
>Piss in my coffee cup
>Hundreds of tickets pileing up
>Ignore them and go fap in the stall
>Go eat lunch
>Poop out lunch
>Pretend to be busy at my desk
>Get paycheck
>Clock out
>Go home

You have fast metabolism

>Update adobe reader

>my headphones mic isnt working
have you tried setting it to the default mic?
>how do you do that
right click sound icon click recording devices and set default
>theres two options, headphone mic and microphone
choose headphone mic

he then calls back to a coworker, turns out his microphone wasnt plugged in...

Apart from that the best one was when a guy was trying to make a super long hdmi cable. I explained that it wouldnt work unless you use a signal booster and he was fine with that. Calls back three weeks later angry at me about it, i explain you need a signal amplifier and he asks if he can return the cable and hdmi joiner. I explain the returns policy and he loses it over this cheap ass cable. I dont get why people dont just listen to you in the first place.

sit down
write code
don't talk to anyone
go home

life is good

>arrive late for SCRUM daily
>team is pissed
>review some junior's pull requests
>point out always the same set of mistakes
>solve a few issues on my own
>review some more code
>go drink a coffee with Mike from first level support, mostly talk about electrical engineering topics
>lurk #food in the company IRC to see who I could join for lunch today
>go try out a new Chinese place for lunch with some people from UX/Design
>come back late from lunch, team is pissed, I missed an estimation meeting
>work on our current project until 3
>use the last working hours of the Friday to use our 20% policy and work on random FOSS projects of my choice

that was today, I'm a Senior Software Engineer in a multi national company

>turn on my pc, browse the net for half an hour
>go out for a smoke
>write some code or browse the web
>go out for a smoke
>write some code or browse the web
>write some code or browse the web
>go out for a smoke
>write some code or browse the web
>go out for a smoke
>write some code or browse the web
>go home

Sometimes I get called to do some tech stuff, like re-install drivers for a printer on someone's laptop in the office, filter out some text, do some graphics or obtain some data and I just scrape it, etc.
I don't pay my rent or bills, 5 minutes away from office. Sometimes I don't even pay for food. Salary is bigger than average in my country and I started 3 weeks ago.

How did you get where you at and if you have a degree what degree is it?
I'm interested in going into it/tech (currently in oil) but I don't want to get fucked like these cs people do.

>get into office
>spend 5 minutes opening visual studio, ticketing system and email client
>see email that my request for an SSD and something better than an A10 APU has been declined once again
>work on a bunch of tickets on a corporate software behemoth, hoping my fixes won't break some other interdependent shit that the useless unit tests fail to detect
>Visual studio 2008 hangs every 2 minutes due to gigantic spaghetti C++ codebase and lack of SSD/decent CPU
>use this time to ponder whether jumping from the 4th floor would be enough to kill me or if I'd just end up paralegic

Oh man who's got that fucking long ass screencap by that Sup Forumstard that was posted here last week about how he basically winged his way through an admin role while knowing nothing about anything.

I have a B. Sc. in Computer Science and 13 years of working experience. I'm 35. I make 147k / year converted to US$ (I work in Germany) and I had a lot of FOSS references mostly in the BSDs when I got this jobs. Currently considering to make a remote M. Sc. because my missing education is an impediment to get a Manager level position

I'm a security tech.
I get to work. I attach my duty belt, radio and keys; after placing my gun in my locker because I'm not a real cop. I then proceed to handle all altercations and security issues in a behavioral hospital. I regular get attacked and more often than not have to deal with literal retards who smear poop on themselves and try to assault others. And this is BEFORE they take drugs.

Be glad you work at a desk answering idiots all day tbqh

>wake up at 9:10
>ponder getting up
>check phone
>get out of bed to shower 10:00
>log into laptop 10:30
>oh meeting isn't for 30 minutes
>queue some music
>check email
>ignore email
>lurk Sup Forums
Almost meeting time boys.

+1 on react native navigation solutions being shit

I'm working on a react native project rn, how do you find working with it as a project grows? Do you use flow/redux?

LARPing faggot

>Wake up
>Drive 15 minutes to work
>Open up shop
>Finish up a few tickets from the previous night
>Wait for customers
>Fix shit if customers drop stuff off
>Otherwise, read and play SNES roms all day
>Close up shop 15 minutes early
>Sit in car until 5:59 and leave

>tfw finally out of help desk next month

Yeah, we're using flow + redux right now. We've done a lot of refactoring as the project's grown. We have two separate branches just for navigation implementations (react native navigation v1 and react navigation).

So far we're liking react native navigation but it seems to have some serious bugs that need addressing such as handling deep links inside a tab based app and knowing what screen is active/visible so that we can push the screen on the right tab. Hot reloading never works. Opening the app from notification intents stalls the app on the splash screen. Also it seems much more difficult to debug. We can't handle navigation through redux like react navigation can.

React navigation on the other hand seems to just layer each screen over each other in one activity and mimicks the transitions rather than actually natively transition to a different activity which causes performance issues on Android. There's no decent way to handle hiding of the top bar while scrolling. They've implemented tab bars completely differently on iOS and Android. Handling navigation between nested navigators is also extremely messy.

Some general annoyances like remote debugging breaking half of the time when refreshing and console errors when interacting with android touch ripple buttons when debugging is enabled.

>get to office
>clerical coding
>walk to whole foods
>sit outside watching homeless people and pigeons
>back to office
>walk to coffee shop
>make up bullshit reasoning for arbitrary choice i made
>idiots are amazed
>wait around in lounge browsing Internet until traffic is off peak

I don't even remember how to actually work at this point

>I don't pay my rent or bills, 5 minutes away from office.
Are you living at home or are you a bum?

My boss is paying for it. Also she offered to buy me stuff like food and more but I declined.

Work for an MSSP
>get into work
>log into phone
>hop into ticket queue
>handle network and server tickets and calls all day
>hope no Indians call

Is he your sugar daddy or something?

working at a retail help desk atm, but the experiences I got here are helping a lot with applications to real IT jobs

>147k in Germany as a dev.

Impossible. I'm in the Netherlands and this is unheard of.

Nah, she just cares about her employees. She makes sure all of us have what we need, respects our plans and schedules and so on.
My ex-bosses were paying for food, I lived 100m away from the office. New boss came to pick me up with her van so I can move 300km away and work there, she found me an apartment 5 minutes away from the office.
Oh and she told me she will triple my wage in the next year if she is satisfied with my work. She has a lot of money but isn't doing anything related to technology and she wanted to get a programmer to do some stuff so my friend and I were kind enough to accept her invitation :)

>bosses and ex-bosses that pay for food and/or rent
Is this normal in your country?

Hahaha in my country you don't get paid for 6 months and if they didn't have the money to pay (their bank accounts get checked), they don't owe you shit.
It's common that bosses here buy food at least once a week or do the financing for team building, from a drink in a local pub/cafe to travelling somewhere. At least, you get a chocolate or something once a week.

I have actually worked with a VP of Development in Germany who made a little shy of 250k (Euros that is, so just shy of US$300k).

But those are outliers, I agree, the median is way below that, although "IT jobs" get bunched together in most reports, so when looking at "average IT salaries" there will be Google developers as well as people whose job it is to replace printer ink.

If you assume responsibilities and have experience, you can make 6 figures. But that means taking up managerial stuff. Just sitting in your cubicle and coding away? No way unless you work for Google or Amazon.

it's probably something like cobol or fortran for old banking systems, not javascript in electron framework

>wake up
>still no IT related job

So you don't get paid, but at least you get food? Sounds like a weird country, mate.

I am more of a tech assistant at a college, i help with a few classes and so general networking mostly
>arrive late... like everyone else
>fire up work station
>shitpost for an hour
>make hot cereal
>a printer somewhere fucks up... always
>help fix the error
>chill out and chat with students
>sometimes it's my busiest hour, otherwise i go play volleyball or basketball with students
>be late from lunch
>helping computer illiterate noobs for rest of day
>helping classes is fun because it's just chatting and chilling
>go home

i like my job


Technical IT-consultant
>get dragged into a status meetings for 7 out of 8 hours of my work day
>get 30 minutes of actual work in
>spend 15 of those dealing/troubleshooting with incompetent IT-personnel who still manage to fuck up even if you're hand holding them

Every non-technical personnel need to get the fuck out of the industry. Calling meetings just to make it seem like they actually do something. Also, IT-personnel need to learn more than just adding people to AD, then again I know that all the retards from my studies who nobody would hire all became sys-admins.

>6:15 AM arrive and park
>finish walking to the other side of the complex where I actually work 15 minutes later
>check tickets
>morning hour long meeting
>make tea, deal with tickets
>help coworkers with their projects because nothing to do
>maybe lunch
>help coworkers with their projects because nothing to do
>leave somewhere between 3:00 and 3:30

I built a few pieces of mission critical software over the last few years and now I'm stuck maintaining and being tech support for them. Every time I try to move onto a new project someone talks to my bosses boss and keeps me on these ones to answer peoples tickets about how to do X or Y.

>get to work
>reinstall Microsoft Office
>install the latest version of adobe reader
>install Google Ultron
>go home

>new build is fucked
>spend 1 hour checking all recent defects to make sure that they are indeed broken again
>fucking merge broke everything
>browse 4chin rest of the day, occasionally checking mail thread where all the merge guys are getting fucked in the ass

Well, that's it for today.

It's the country in general, laws and other stuff which prevents smaller people from succeeding even if they have a good idea and mediocre business plan.
I really don't mind not being paid on time as I always have some money around me from doing some student's homework or just some freelancing. Not being paid on time shouldn't be a problem with new boss.


>log in
>check problem queue (3rd line)
>not enough information because 1st and 2nd line are useless and don't ask basic questions
>fix problems that could have been fixed in 10 seconds by googling the error message
>work on implementation projects for the rest of the day

It's alright, but I wish 1st and 2nd line didn't just throw everything at us because we're usually busy with development or implementation projects.

I would like to point out that it's a finance company and the wages are much higher than the German average, yes. But it comes with conditions. For example, in case of emergency in my holiday time, I must be in the office within 24 hours no matter where I am. I was in the middle of nowhere in China once when this happened and I hat to rush to the next city and take the next plane with no discussion. I also have to be reachable 24/7 with a max. reaction time of one hour. I have to disclose my personal hardware, my bank accounts, the working contract details of my close family, the income of my close family etc etc. the high wage comes with a price tag in personal freedom. I definitely won't be able to do that my whole life, but at least until I'm done financing my house. Another 3 years, then I will be probably burnt out and take a job to sort stuff in some warehouse or so...

Well that's nice for you at least then.
Been there as a tourist sometimes, it's one of the better countries I've been on vacation in.

>customer refuses to get dedicated IT-personnel so you have to troubleshoot complicated shit with people who don't even know how to ping a server


>Can you boot into BIOS?
>"what's BIOS?"

>Go to the ballistic missiles factory.
>Do nothing
>Fix some shit
>Fill some papers
>Get home

>Sorry Ma'm, I need to log the ticket first

I couldn't tell you much about it as I don't travel anywhere hahaha
Not sure how prices seem to you as a tourist, I'm from the eastern part of it and prices are AT LEAST 1/2 than those you get on the seaside.
That's just a tip, go east from the coast and you'll find cheaper stuff and places to stay at, along with that better and cheaper food.

I've mostly been to the coast since that's where the sea is. I've made trips into the inland though, like the Krka national park. Even went into Bosnia this summer, was nervous as fuck when flying home with a .50 BMG bottle opener I bought there.

>meeting didn't have link to virtual meeting
>oh well, guess it wasn't important
>lay in bed for a bit
>oh yeah, I still have to submit expenses
>do that
>submit timecard
Guess that's all the work for today. Sitting around waiting for girlfriend to get here so I can leave and start my weekend.
Fuck life is hard.

well, the so called West isn't better with the internship, so don't make yourself any hopes until you have 2-3 years experience in order to move


Open web panel on phone's browser while on the crapper, see that user failed to log in so many times the app froze his account, email user asking if he needs me to reset his password, reset his password, resume taking a shit.

i have to do this times 50+ every so often, sometimes reinstall or upgrade the OS. a real ain in the arse, it's easy but tmie consuming

>1pm be in office
>drink coffee
>8pm take beer from the fridge
>more beer
>shitpost till 10pm
>go home
I have to take a break from it..

Let's say I wanted to be an IT technician. What degree would I need?


Why dont you guys try harder so you have jobs that are more fun? I dont understand slacking off like that.

> wake up around 6:30 to 7:45
> mess around on internet or bug the girlfriend
> start working at 8am (I work from home)
> do most of my work for the day
> eat a late breakfast, have coffee--usually around 10am to 11am
> emails/slack
> lunch
> emails/slack
> maybe some work
> play dota with coworkers if we're not busy, more work otherwise
> log off slack, shut down editors/dev servers around 4:30/5:00

an absurd amount of my time is taken by slack calls, emails, whatever

Because if we weren't lazy losers we wouldn't be on an anime forum.

I work at a restaurant.

>Get up at 06:30
>Be at work by 08:00
>Start going through the prep list
>Shit talk with co-workers, play music on the shitty stereo in the prep area
>Morning break usually from 12:00-12:10
>Start prepping for dinner service, restock line after breakfast service is over (13:00)
>Usually finish prep+cleaning before 16:00
>Afternoon break/lunch from 16:00-16:30
>Start cooking on whatever station I'm needed at (usually saute or pizza)
>Grab a dart and a piss at least once between 17:00-20:00
>Service ends at 21:00, finish final orders, break down and clean my section
>If I'm not too tired I'll help out the dishwashers because since I was once one, I know their struggle
>Usually leave around 22:00
>Get home, down 100mL of hard liquor, smoke a joint if I have weed, and take a shower
>Watch some anime/TV show

I usually have one day off a week. The kitchen life is not for everyone.

But. .. why? I've never understood people who work in kitchens. You work so damn hard and yet you likely make under $15/hr.

I just don't understand why anyone works in a kitchen, the same amount effort applied to ANYTHING else would pay off much better. Even something like factorywork or serving/bartending...

I was listening to a pod cast about how servers at a high scale restaurant make $1k/week+ while the cooks are horribly understaffed/overworked and make maybe $25k a year or so.

Due to tips?

It's just a decent job for while I'm in school (CE). Depending on how busy it is, it can be enjoyable, but you are right, we work too hard for too little.

>84 hours a week at 15/hour
Bro he's probably making like 5 an hour

I make $14.25 CAD/h

> wake up at 6
> bus to work
> at desk by 7am
> manage to get some work done between 7am and 9am
> spend roughly the next 6 hours being told how to spend my time by various managers with 20 minutes interim for lunch sat by myself at my desk
> get some more work done between 4 and 6
> go home and try to catch up on reading
> cant concentrate
> eat ramen for dinner
> contemplate suicide
> try to sleep but brain unable to shut off

PhD student doing probabilistic modelling for a reasonably large engineering company

>try to sleep but brain unable to shut off

Cook honestly seems like the most cucked job ever.
>Work extremely hard
>Horribly conditions
>Even 5-10 years experience gets you maybe a few dollars off $20/hr
>No real transferrable skills
>Coworkers are all drug addicts, weirdos, pedos, etc

Factory jobs near me start at $21/hr.

genuine thanks, user

hehe nice.

>Work extremely hard
That really depends on how busy your restaurant is, how people you have on the line, etc

>Horribly conditions
Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen etc etc

>Even 5-10 years experience gets you maybe a few dollars off $20/hr

>No real transferrable skills
Maybe, but at least you can cook delicious meals for yourself and others

>Coworkers are all drug addicts, weirdos, pedos, etc
This is an extreme generalization. Of course, there are some, but they are a minority.

>wake up at 625
>out door at 700
>arrive at 755
>grab a random snack and go get a red bull from my fridge
>do almost nothing until 1400
>go drive around and fix stuff that's collected over the morning
>leave at 1700
>get home at 1800
>watch YouTube until 2100
>draw pistol from drawer and put it against my head
>sit for 5 minutes thinking about life
>figure I'll see how it is tomorrow

go in at 10
learn scala
take a break and get lunch around 1
learn more scala
crack a beer at 3
go home at 5

>draw pistol
my CZ-75 is on the way

Full-stack programmer
>go to job somewhere between 8 and 12
>check if there are tasks assigned to me on Trello
>if not, do some minor annoyance fix straight to master anyways if I feel like it, otherwise goof around the office pretending I'm busy while actually listening to Daily Shoah or Fash The Nation and flirting with office ladies
>if yes, do them away typically in 5-30 minutes, always wait hour or two extra before pushing commit to avoid overburdening
>lunch with bunch of other chads whenever we want and I mean very long lunch, sometimes with beer because who's watching
>go home typically one or three hours early

Life in medium size company where management really has no clue about anything and everyone is underpaid and undermotivated.

It's an entry level job. You need to start somewhere.

Lately my job is terrible
>girl I really liked gets terminated
>new office manager didn't like her or something
>come in next day depressed
>"hey blah blah the system isn't working"
>she deleted the fucking whole thing remotely
>I have to fix it all
>I'm holding my fucking tongue the whole day
>everyone fucking knows anyway
>finally the owners reach out to me
>I blame HR for not debriefing
>they blame her
>legal action is possible
>no matter what, I'm going to look like a bad guy.
>half the other girls are personal friends too.
I hate life.

>get up
>pet dog, kiss wife, give daughter hug
>go to kitchen, grab a bottle of Magnesia and a beer
>open door to office
>open the blinds
>sit down
>check email, skype, sms, trello, github
>listen in on daily scrum
>take a shower
>assist dev guys as needed
>work on prototype for advanced subsystem
>study up on replacement platform
>argue with crazy ass stakeholders to deflect their 472nd “highest priority” new thing from dev team while making them think we’re given them the new thing
>negotiate with some vendors/help with some crazy new “impossible problem”/do SWOT analysis for new products & features
>read some academic papers on techniques for advanced subsystem
>have some pointless meetings
>respond to email
>update plans for tomorrow, the week, this month
>look at backlog, plan for grooming
>grab another beer, good off waiting to see if anyone in one of the four time zones is going to ask for something
>call it a day

All that I didn’t even have to put on pants.

Her fucking fault, should've put that shit on task schedule on a dummy account.

just rape them

>work in biggest IT-company in my area
>contractually obligated to stay 8 hours
>I always leave after 5-6 hours

Im so fkin crazy

Field Engineer SAN
>wake up 1100
>read e-mails from management, contemplate grave
>check route & optimize traveling salesman to do most work quickly
>brace for shitstorm of pajeet project managers & customers
>install shitty hardware that always breaks
>go home, sleep, repeat

entry level pc technician
>fire off email from wherever I'm at by 7:30 with priorities for the day
>get on group call on skype and say the same shit i just said in the email
>drive to office or client site and work on closing calls
>bathroom shared by multiple shitty buisnesses so fapping is a no go unless i want to smell old man fart the whole time
>fuck off to some shitty restaurant for an hour
>back to work doing preventative maintenence which honestly consists of running reports and then telling the network engieneers that their shit needs fixing.
>get bitched at by network engineers that they already know and just upload the info and shut the fuck up
>mfw dont have a degree just experience at bestbuy before i got this job
>mfw I only make 40k and you fucks are making upwards of 100k

I tried helpdesk and techsupport. I could not survive more than 1 year. I swallowed my ethics for a year for it.

I will never work in an environment that requires me to interact with people. People are disgusting.

> be admin
> sit around twiddling my thumbs
> coffee brake
> check on the AD out of boredom
> find stupid/insane settings left by predecessor, completely undocumented and pointless
> fix things
> find more irrational things
> leave them for later
> coffee break
> guy comes in, whining about something inane
> tell him to fuck off and get back once he made a ticket
> catch up on some shows
> coffee break
> leave early because I'm in charge of the reporting system

>Arrive to college tech department.
>Sit at desk doing homework, playing 3ds, or starring at a wall.
>Occasionally a student walks in with issue and I just tell them to sit while I google what's wrong with their laptop.
>99/100 times its easy fix.
>Once a day a projector isn't displaying the PC or the teacher's camera.
>easy unless the morning tech dude leaves a lecture hall's projector needing to be fixed.
I stare a lot at the wall. I really wish I could just have this chilled job my entire life.

>back to work doing preventative maintenence which honestly consists of running reports and then telling the network engieneers that their shit needs fixing.
>get bitched at by network engineers that they already know and just upload the info and shut the fuck up

I'm in the situation your network engineers are albeit a different area. It is very annoying.