
If you can't access this site, your internet connection is more than 10 years out of date.


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That's sad.

>If you can access this site your attempts at privacy/anonymity are forever futile.


I can't access it

I can't access it too :(

Ah well, I have no problem getting on sites I give a shit about.

i disabled ip6 on my machine lol


Router firmware patch broke IPv6 (Charter either has native DS or 6rd depending on cable system), using MS teredo instead.

>tfw 1 gbps connection without ipv6


This. IPv6 is designed to remove anonymity


Uh oh, class! Retard alert!

Death to NAT forced upon us. I want to actually access my home server god dammit.

When I connect to a machine on the internet, I connect to a fucking machine on the internet. That's what fucking IP is. Anyone making it any more complicated can do their own VPN layers or go kill themselves you fucks.

>inb4 wow i'm so anonymous with muh dynamic IP XDddd
It's nothing more than a highly unreliable coincidence. Use a real anonymity network or even a VPN service. Fuck you it's because of retards like you we can't have a proper network infrastructure.

>I am anonymous because ISP customer records will only lead the FBI to my parents paying my internet bill
What are tracking cookies, cross-site scripting and Google/Facebook like buttons.

You're head

>Death to NAT forced upon us.
ISPs will still use force customers behind NAT because then they can charge money per IP address/per range.

I don't think you understand how it works.
>ISP customer records now contain MAC and device names.

>MAC and device name
You obviously don't understand how L2/L3 separation works.

>wanting to be identified by your IP

>he can't change his devices MAC address

>implying that no one from the outside can connect to your wifi router

Everyone can now make a list of all your devices.

Instead of one front door your house now has a door facing the street for each individual room. Your whole topology is visible now.

>>implying that no one from the outside can connect to your wifi router
How is this related to IPv4 vs IPv6? The gateway router is just as reachable, also firewalls exist.

>Everyone can now make a list of all your devices.
They can't. At best, they can *maybe* infer how large your IP range is. But you can just configure your DHCPv6 server or whatever autoconf you're using to use temporary host IPs and fool everyone.

>Instead of one front door your house now has a door facing the street for each individual room. Your whole topology is visible now.
How are they going to make a topology map if all they have is an arbitrarily large IP range?

>Everyone can now make a list of all your devices.
Google and Facebook can already, based on tracking cookies and embedded XS scripts. Also, what said.

I like to keep things balanced, so I use my 10 years out-of-date Gopher server.

Most people don't.

if ipv6 is botnet what will you do when it becomes the standard?

didn't mean to quite


Just werks, amigo.

thanks based italy