When she sees that you have green bubbles instead of blue bubbles

>When she sees that you have green bubbles instead of blue bubbles
How can Android fags recover?

>literally not talking to somebody because of a coloured text message


>How can Android fags recover?
Recover from what? Vapid whores only use 0-damage attacks.

>women are stupid
Yeah no shit

>Girl walks up to me
>"Hey user, that's a nice phone! Is it the latest iPhone?"
>Uh, no. It's a Xiaomi Mi-
>*Pussy dries up like a desert, vagina walls and cervix closes, smile disappears and she loses interest*

Every time.

>"c-can i take you out on a date?"
>uhh no, you have green bubbles
>"y-you must have autism... that's one thing we have in common then"
this is what poordroids actually believe

More like
>"c-can i take you out on a date?"
>uhh no, you have green bubbles
>"Oh, bullet dodged then"

Smh poor androiders


this thread again

Fuk u bitch I'm gonna greentext 4 lyfe

It's funny because in my country everyone uses Android and we laugh at iPhones.

fuck off pajeet

It's funny because in my country basically no one uses iMessage.

I have an iPhone 4S, not an android my friend.

Americans are truly degenerate

I was waiting for that. Thanks for the chuckle. (But I was being serious.)

American problems, the thread. This is why people make fun of you.

>Implying she'd have my # if I didn't meet her in person first
>Implying I don't use iMessage on my chinkpad hackintosh install to have blue bubbles when I give my # to iPhone sluts
>Implying I don't smugly pull out my budget Android phone after sex just to rub it in that she fucked a green bubble

Androidlets btfo

>this is what the PR teams of companies with almost a trillion in market cap have reverted to

what a time to be alive

Enjoy your rape charges

>there are people who get unironically worried about what colour chat bubbles they have

if a girl was going to reject you over that, why would being with them be better than being single?

who the fuck still uses text messages in 2017? I haven't sent a single single sms to an actual human being in five years, let alone received one.

What has to go wrong in someone's life that they end up like pic related and make threads like these 20x a day:

holy shit

holy shit

Where do I sign up for your blog?

>being an no life appletard loser


iPhone SE is made in India because iPhones are popular there too but to open Apple stores and shit they have to abide by a law that requires Apple to manufacture goods in India. So he's definitely not pajeet.... If I had to guess I'd say one of the emerging African markets. Especially since African blacks try to distance themselves from American nignogs, and since Jamal loves iPhones, that's probably it.



Americans were both a mistake and a blight on this universe.

Please god, destroy them.

She'll fuck 'em though. And that's good enough.

>iToddler virgins have to photoshop tweets to delude themselves into thinking they'll ever get anything other than nigger dicks up their ass


I live in the UK and it's true that Apple users get more pussy than Android users.


>have Android
>No problems getting laid

This must be an American thing.

paying for hookers doesn't count pajeet

Stupid people get more pussy than smart people

>I haven't sent a single single sms to an actual human being in five years, let alone received one.
that's because no one wants to text your green bubble ass

It's not any anywhere thing. OP is cherry picking posts from basic bitches

Not even cherry picking posts. This is most likely some photoshopped picture intended to make beta males fall for the MGTOW meme so that alpha males have a higher supply of women


>Interacting with (((that))) kind of people


It's true in the US, too.

>does anal
How is that bad?


Only the sender sees the 'green bubble' not the recipient who sees a gray bubble. How fucking clueless are you people, doesn't one single person know anything about iMessage here?

So, women with iPhones are bigger sluts. Got it, bro.

Pajeet doesn't have hooker money, they just rape.

>search billions of tweet
>find 3 that match your narrative
>bait losers on Sup Forums
epic strategy OP lots of (You)s for sure

It's true. Much of the world uses Whatsapp/Facebook messenger

Equally sad, and even more centralized than SMS.

I'm actually surprised by Blackberry, although it does make sense. Business dealings and such make you meet and interact with a lot of people. If you're more social you're more likely to end up getting the fugg.

I'm hooking up with a Colombian chick I met (UK) and she admitted she judged me for my 'small' phone. iPhone SE. She didn't even know it was an iPhone which was the thing. She didn't even know what phone she had. She's not retarded but she's a turbo tech brainlette. She thought it was a cheapo shitty phone, while it's 'cheap' that's not why I use it. I just don't like the 6/7 series phones, but I may be forced to get the iPhone 8 because Apple seem to be intentionally crippling function on iPhone SE by making UI elements too big for the smaller display. Kike move but, Android still isn't an alternative for me.

>dating shallow THOTs
na, I'll keep my Android, it's a great filter

I guess you live in Europe or something.

wouldn't your bubble be green?

Recover from what? I'm not a pedo so I'm not dating 10 year olds.

>How can Android fags recover?
They don't have to. When Chad texts these whores, they really don't give two shits about the colour of the bubble, and if you're a beta, the colour of your bubbles won't matter either, it's not like you'd have a chance if you had blue bubbles.

please keep nurturing your incel fantasy

less competition for the average joe

>when i see non free software

look at their skin color. the problem is not gender related...

>>Girl walks up to me
>>"Hey user, that's a nice phone! Is it the latest iPhone?"
>>Why, yes, it is!
>>She bends me over and shoves a dog-cock dragon dildo into my colon

i can't wait for the war between iphone users and normal people. it'll be like the Tutsi and the Hutu in Rwanda - they check your phone and then they hack your head off with a machete if you have the wrong one.

i guess it's too late to point out to them that the grammatically correct expression is "Think Differently".

>white, soutchink/nigger and nigger
I'd say it is, user.

it isn't, because it's not telling you to think differently.

>when he sees that you majored in CS instead of IT

low iq pleb detected

In UK EVERYONE uses Whatsapp. I have groups for friends, family, work, everything.
My and my friends will make a group containing only the guys who are involved and use that for a night.
iMessage is a piece of shit and only used by TimCucks.

>uhh no, you have green bubbles
>"eww, you use a fucking iPhone? Retard."

Can we meme this by saying the bubble colors represent Apple supporting and promoting racial discrimination and allow their users to practice and normalize racism?

Sounds fun

Oh yeah i forgot the only things allowed to be written on this board are the same gnoooh and AMD Memes and pictures of smug green amphibeans so you can feel comfortable in your safe haven

>iToddlers filtering themselves out.
What a time to be alive!

>"I hate when I text someone with an android the green bubbles look so childish."
And how is concerning yourself with a different hue of bubble NOT childish?

>roasties being superficial retards
Why did you even bother making a thread

>Sexual partners
>No breakdown of gender or sexual orientation
Guaranteed that all of the males of the red line are fucking men, and all the females of the red line are getting drilled by blue and green line at about a rate of 10 dicks a week, most likely making up 100% of the sexual partners of the other two lines.

say it's a chinese iPhone and you wanted to try something different and chinks reflect your personality. next time she talks to a gf of her she talks with her about chink iPhones.