Sup Forums-user joins project group

>Sup Forums-user joins project group
>demands that we rewrite the webapp in x86 assembly

Other urls found in this thread:

Please consider using AMD x64 assembly.

>code artisan joins project group
>demands we establish a code of conduct

>free tard joins group
>demands we all install gentoo

>sjw joins project group
>demands we use minority-friendly code

That would be rust then.

>op joins project group
>demands we let him suck our dicks

Please do not use master-slave naming scheme. It is triggering.

is LISP ableist?

is it even possible to write a web application in an assembler without having some kind of compiled/interpreted front end?

>So then you stick the master male plug into the slave female socket...

>Sup Forums-user2 joins the project group
>rewrites the entire project in Delphi overnight and trashes the versioning so we can't go back

> Terry Davis joins project group
> Demands that app runs on bare metal at ring 0 and is written in HolyC.

>Master Programmer joins group
>demands that we use Common Lisp


>he has a speech impediment

>Terry Davis joins project group
>other guy suggest "lets use Google/Apple sign in for payment issues in our apps"
>Terry goes apeshit shouting "BTFO CIA NIGGER"

>Terry disappears from group
>find him jerking off in a minivan while laying on a 24 box of Budweiser

>Terry created 5 new operating systems, 12 new languages, and 60 new compilers from scratch while in a drunken stupor, as well as calculating several quintillion bitcoin hashes by hand on a sheet of paper

Didn't that happen to node.js or something?


>JetBrains joins project group
>demands that we name a golang IDE
How about monGoloide?

>post-op fag rejoins group
>rewrites git history to account for xirs "new identity"

>trap joins group
>starts babbling about trump, pepe, programming socks and feminine penises(?)

I'll make the logo

ayo HoldUp.js

>trapfags join group
>start talking about how liking trap isn't gay

Terry created only one os, the most superior one known to mankind, one compiler for holyC the language of God and no languages.
Mr. Davis ""only"" was thr first who figured out how to talk witb God in his divine language form that consist of runabble images among other things

>kicked out without any pull request.

>retard who does nothing joins our group
>kicked out because no pull requests

Didn't Milo say traps is gay?