Ive got new stickers

Ive got new stickers
Sticker thread

Toaster sticker when.

>tfw trips thread
>still no unbranded toaster sticker

These stickers are great for identifying autists at once


Eh, gonna bite

It's old, but she still runs.

something i saved from an user once



Had to take the pic with Snapchat because the original image was too big to post.


>genders technology
literal autism

You playing 'Tales of Zestiria'?

>Gay as fuck
How do you know if someone is gay? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

now install gentoo on it to fit


You're on a tech board and you don't know how to change the resolution on your phone camera or resize the image in an editing app or on your laptop? Dumb phoneposter.

>sperging out over Snapchat file name
Wew lad

>being a retarded phone poster

>caring this much
Go jerk off to your waifu you fuckin nerd.

something like this

Back to plebbit with you, thanks for exposing yourself as a newfag

holy shit youre actually autistic. believe it or not people have friends to snapchat and cant be assed to do anything more than take a picture and upload it

mother fucker is out of stock -_-

You're on the wrong site friendo, do you want me to give you the fucking link to Reddit because you're that lazy?