Why are you still using an inferior OS made possible by an angry Danish manchild and his autistic bearded sidekick? I hope you know the GPL is fake freedom
BSD is winrar
Give me three (3) reasons to use it over anything else
BSD is Freedom
Linus accepted blackbox encryption into the kernel
Theo de Raadt is probably good friends with David Lee Roth.
Have fun contributing to proprietary software and botnets!
>botnets can't be copyleft
>copyleft code can't be used in proprietary software
GPL only prevents other FOSS licenses from operating with it, it doesn't stop or hurt Proprietary Software at all. lol.
The GPL restricts your freedom, unlike BSD
In the case of NetBSD and FreeBSD, you also get
ZFS support without neckbeard retards throwing a temper tantrum about licensing issues (See: Canonical and SFC)
Jails are actually good
And have even less compatibality? no thanks
>muh legal documents
Fuck off, all of you
BSD isn't any less compatible than Debian
have you even kissed a girl?
tell me when bsd will have the same hardware support as linux
what hardware do u have that isn't compatible lol
setup a lab last week with some obscure ass infiniband cards and some of the old 4 socket westmere ex chips
just about anything no matter the age or obscurity werkstm
If I were to use BSD, I wouldn't choose what is essentially Apple's trap to make brain-dead ancaps (well, ancaps, really) work for free.
By the way, why aren't you using OSX?
Is the reason poverty? What is your mental gymnastic, here?
>kissing girls
what are you, gay?
Other than or including your mother, fagmo?
Can't speak for OP. But, no, I'm not poor; I have a MacBook.
OS X is simply closed source which makes it difficult to vet. BSD, on the other hand, is so totally open source and unrestrictive. That is a totally valid reason to not use OS X.
For me, personally, though, I use BSD on my servers since Apple doesn't have anything that really suits that market.
BSD is ancap. GPL is ancom
Broken Software Disappointment.
>have you even kissed a girl?
Friendly reminder about why linux networking is the best.
Gigantic Nasty and Unavoidable
BSD is for numale beta cucks. Be a real man and install linux
BSD is actually ancuck
This got me actually interested! The Raspberry Pi camera support seems to be untested, at least according to the wiki page from 2013. Any recent developments going on there? And has anybody tested the RPi3 yet?
Will do
>BSD is winrar
Then Windows is 7-zip.
why is black box encryption bad
7zip is GPL foss though...
windows is decompressor(tm) - key required edition
BSD is nice to have around for trolling Linux fanboys and that's about it
i use openbsd and linux
This, except I use FreeBSD. I don't see why you can't use both BSD and Linux in 2017
>Cuck license
>look mom I posted it again
how the fuck is it cucked? I've only ever seen people post this with no explanation other than 'lol'
it's literally public domain with the addition "don't sue us." so how the fuck is public domain licensing cucked? someone actually explain the reasoning behind this meme please.
It may not make sense but it's the zealots' only argument, so they cling to it like their lives depend on it.
BSD is literally a license for cucks. if you call cuckoldry freedom then good for you, kill yourself.
>how the fuck is public domain licensing cucked?
how isn't it? it means people can take what you produced and sell it without your consent. if this isn't cuckoldry then nothing is.
I await the reply that contains your retarded food analogy.
>> Want to try Open bsd
>> install it
>> have to compile all software
>> have to compile vim to edit software configs
>> quit using openbsd
The flaw in your logic is assuming code == wife. I don't give a flying fuck if anyone else uses my code, in fact, I take that as a compliment. Now my wife, on the other hand, she's mine.
When did OpenBSD become Gentoo?
If any benchmarks show that something like Gnome 3.26 runs better on fbsd than lanox, then sure I'll try it
MacFag hipster beta detected
>I consent to it so it isn't cuckoldry
that's not how cuckoldry works.
Again, the flaw in your logic is assuming code == wife.
the FREEbsd is the only operating system with the power 2 SERVE
i just installed it on a virtual box.
I don't give a fuck which open source license is the software using. I use Linux because it's an usable operating system for desktops, unlike BSD.
just GNOME being GNOME
having to su to fucking screen fetch, jesus bsd security non existent.
>in fact, I take that as a compliment
Do you also take it as a complement when you see me banging your wife through the closet door?
I'd take it as a compliment that you find my wife attractive, I'd never let you bang her though. See how wives are a poor analogy for code now? Of course not, you'd need a functional brain to understand it.
could be because freebsd doesnt give a shit about security
I'm using BSD (with a wrapper thoug, its called OS X)
I don't know why people do that. screenfetch doesn't need to be run as root at all on FreeBSD. It's like ubuntu users that run everything with sudo.
ITT: Trolls trolling trolls who think they're masterminding trolls.
suck my cock.
I'd recommend using Lumina or cwm rather than GNOME. If you have to use a DE of GNU/Linux origin, maybe KDE, then.
>Steal my shit give no credit
Reminder that it is perfectly possible for someone to use GPL code in their code without GPL provided they ask for a custom licence.
The only advantage of the BSD licence is if you want your software to be used without your permission.
>GPL: have to ask permission to fugg his gf
>BSD: i can fugg her without permission
so.... youre admitting the cuck meme license is legit?
I would use BSD if it was actually usable but it doesn't even support my R270X properly.
Actually, as your video card is closed source hardware, it is your card that does not support your OS, rather than the other way around.
>it is your card that does not support your OS
But it does? That's my I'm not using FreeBSD.
>It's not their fault no one uses their OS!
BSD lets people take your code and claim it as their own for their proprietary software. you have no place talking shit about GPL, cuck.