
Why should I install it?

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USE flags, guaranteed binary compatibility, Portage in general. The package manager makes sure whatever you install just werks and is compatible, unlike Arch, where you update one library and all of a sudden half of your system including your package manager is bricked because everything was linked against the old version.

Portage IS.... UNIRONICALLY..... LITERALLY the BEST package manager a Linux distro can have.

Because for you time is less worth than money.


>Not using clang

Literally the only problem with it. Everything else is so great that dismissing it because of python is a truly retarded choice.

Because Sup Forums told you to.

Why is Python a retarded choice. I've heard this before and I'm thinking it's just a meme because I've not heard any good arguments to support this.

Python is slow and most people find meaningful whitespace to be a retarded idea. Other than that it's an acceptable language

You're autism demands it.

If you ask that question then you probably shouldn't desu.

People don't like Python because they are not data scientists.


Most package managers are stuck in the late 90s design-wise.
Literally every major distro has to take a hacky approach to packaging like putting version in the package name field.

DPKG also has incredibly autistic syntax (e.g. package name is actually derived FROM CHANGELOG and said changelog has stupid rules like "here you should use one space, but afterwards you should use two spaces, otherwise dpkg will shit itself") and toolset (with commands like "gbp dch")

this is a valid criticism. sometimes portage and its associated utilities will bork on python 3 to do with encodings and string types.

>Need to use someone's printer / disk / other device real quick
>"Oops, it appears this uses Interface A, I've only configured my kernel to support Interface B"
>"Brb have to reconfigure and recompile my kernel, then mount and copy this new kernel image to my boot partition and reconfigure my bootloader to point to the new kernel and reboot"
>"Come back in a few hours"

Nix & guix

How come nobody has tried to rewrite it in C or something?

Slow, I'd be interested in seeing Portage rewritten in another language to see the difference

Ask a Gentoo user anything

What gender do u identify?

when was the last time you touched a 3d gril?

I'm a male both biologically and in whatever way trans people convince themselves they're a certain gender
A woman touched my shoulder two days ago at work.

Do you have man tits or are you 90lbs?

Why do people think "RMS" and "gentoo" go together?

RMS doesn't support Gentoo, and would never recommend you to install it

I was 296 pounds at the start of August but am down to 255 pounds now. My woman tits are still existent but also much smaller and I think they'll be gone soon.

>spaces being part of the syntax
>slow implementations
>all frameworks are a bunch of patches and heavy imports
>stupid naming approaches like __name__ __main__
>his creator dont wanna admit that the variable self is a fucking patch like passig an structure as reference in order to emulate OOP
>pytards pretending to write small code like in functional languages making performance shitty code and sacrificing readability.

Why are you running a default KDE install

Also Gentoo's website refers to "Linux". Unacceptable.

Linux could take off if it had a community leader that conducted himself more like Gates than this fat commie looking atheist

Stallman isn't really involved as head of the Linux community, he's all about GNU.

That said, I understand what you mean. If they keep a fat neckbear they should move to Eben Moglen. He's like a professional Stallman.

Stallman is not business man free software is a lifestyle for him, he doesn't even care about installing linux by himself.

aw hes cute

You guys shilled me libreboot and I find out a tranny is involved with my digital freedoms

Aren't you dead yet?

Digital freedoms and gender freedoms are inseparable, user.


Never been more alive, lad.

So do I need a pair of high socks to be free?

No, but if would make you uncomfortable to wear high socks, you are not as free as you could be.

The reason its in a scripting language is so that (they say) its easy for anyone to modify on the fly

However Exherbo linux, which is Gentoo based, says that portage is spaghetti, undocumented code made of mainly hacks and that its too broken to be fixed, so they made their package manager from scratch in C++ called Paludis.

Gentoo allows you to use Paludis though, so there is still no reason not to use Gentoo

Because you want to die a virgin.

This is why I use gentoo. I distro hopped every few weeks until I came across Portage. People who haven't used gentoo love to shit on it but maintenance is so easy and it never breaks.

portage is awesome until there's that one piece of software you really want and you tear through all kinds of shit and cause all kinds of problems to get it. Even then portage holds itself together, but as a younger ricer I fucked my Gentoos up all the time

The idea that rewriting portage in another language would speed it up has already been disproved. Another package manager called paludis is compatible with Gentoos repos, it's written in C++ but is slower than portage and pkgcore which are written in python.

>portage is awesome until there's that one piece of software you really want and you tear through all kinds of shit and cause all kinds of problems to get it
Post specifics

I've been wondering why paludis has been almost forgotten

I'm no longer a bleeding edge guy so my current Gentoo install has no real problems, but trying to get that latest KDE or whatever always led to headaches and masking/unmasking/whatever nightmares

>Why should I install it?
stable rolling release

choose one,and only one

it has stable and unstable packages available, porthole can show you which is which.

you're a fucking retarded and I hope you kill yourself to save this planet the valuable oxygen you're wasting on your brain.

latest version of Blender on a stable profile

Not entirely true, paludis is more strict than portage hence the long dependency resolve time, however there is a flag to make it less strict and dramatically speed it up

Because you designed your own CPU from the ground up, programmed the GCC to compile to it and have an unstoppable desire to play Tux racer on your new machine.

Paludis also lacks features like an interactive mode or a niceness level. Also the dev is kinda a dick, he won't implement a niceness setting because "you should learn to use nice" even though that misses the point of having a setting for it as that lets you have a certain niceness everytime you run a job instead of having a cron job hacked together that runs every minute to renice paludis or something.

There actually are portage alternatives - paludis and pkgcore.

The earlier is responsible for causing a good number of improvements to portage.

> Paludis also lacks features like an interactive mode
You mean --ask? The default workflow is just to show the result first and then add -x to execute if you're not certain it'll do the right thing. But it's not like anything unexpected should happen anyhow if your configuration is set up correctly.

> or a niceness level
You just use nice (/renice). Just alias it if you always need it, it's not like that's really different from setting up portage's environment variable.

>"you should learn to use nice"
That, or cpulimit, or cgroups.

The last is the most powerful tool, you can also set up ratios or limits for IO and memory usage.

Either way, I agree. Why wouldn't you use the tools that you know (/might just as easily learn) that apply to all of Linux' userspace processes?

Literally takes 2 minutes if you aren't retarded or have an ancient processor.

And you don't have to reconfigure bootloader if you aren't upgrading to a new kernel version.