Now that Denuvo has been totally defeated and any new game using it gets cracked in less than a day...

Now that Denuvo has been totally defeated and any new game using it gets cracked in less than a day, what is next for DRM?

Because Denuvo was supposed to be the end of 0day piracy but it's just as shitty as anything else now.

What happens to the company? Their business model is totally fucked up now, nobody is going to pay them for nothing. TEW 2 was going to use it and then removed it a day before launch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you really trust cracks to not have malicious shit

I only play games that respect my freedoms.

You can trust anything.

The game itself has malicious shit. Denuvo is malware.

Pirates weren't going to pay anyway, and legit users are going to be happier because denuvo was causing performance problems.

>tfw Denuvo can be more invasive than even malware.
man, the irony.


Also load times are abysmal

I hope the company crashes and burns, and devs are forced to release their games with little to no protections

The only thing these protections achieved is capturing a small percentage of sales made by people who want to get the cracked version and are too desperate to wait for it a few weeks

To keep being irrelevant while steam actually successfully thwarts piracy successfully by having the same level of accessibility, but the addition of achievements and stable online servers.

Microtransactions. Or maybe stop being the reason games became such a garbage nowadays by caring about quality instead of profit.

Piracy doesn't hurt sales.
If I had the money I'd buy the game.
If I didn't I'd pirate it.
Hell steam refunds have probably fucked sales more than piracy ever did.

Anyway next thing is taking down trackers or bribing scene and release groups, which would actually cost far far less and be much more effective, but we don't negotiate with terrorists.


fucking Sup Forumsedditors I swear to god.

Looking at the history of Denuvo itself and how many times it has been crackable, at this point, it has became less and less offending, dangerous and protective Denuvo itself. Of course, it doesn't anger me or tick me off, but of course too, I don't any motive over why should developers input it on their games.

I mean, wasn't there a game which it had Denuvo, but on its launch's day, it was already cracked hours later?

>had Denuvo, but on its launch's day, it was already cracked hours later

The latest one was just this week. Shadow of Mordor was cracked in 8 hours by a group that wasn't STEAMPUNKS, it looks like most groups have completely defeated it now.

if they're scene made yes, because there have been releases with malware and they got removed pretty fast and the groups banned from releasing anything

How was denuvo different from other protection mechanisms and how was it defeated?

Actually, those are consumers complaining that their toys come with steel bear traps, while the pirates get it for free without the bear trap.

>How was denuvo different from other protection mechanisms
basically it was encrypting everything and there were many checks to see if the game got cracked
>and how was it defeated?
mostly by a key generator that bypasses the checks

I mean, could you trust past cracked games?

>Games protected by Denuvo require an online re-activation for every hardware change every 24 hours and Denuvo limits activations to four hardware upgrades per 24 hours.

What a lovely piece of software.

Doesn't denuvo legit hamper performance in some games

Yes, cracked versions of Sonic Mania run faster than official ones. Any game with Denuvo has retarded load times also.

I got need for speed underground 2 from tpb it was one of the trusted user's. Is there any way to check myself if the code and such is malcious?

They also require a weekly check-in regardless of hardware changes. It's going to be great fun when Denuvo go bust, their servers go down and people can no longer launch any game still using it.

Only in one case with a poor implementation of the trigger in some fuck knows indie title. All other implementations cause no significant changes in performance.

the staff at denuvo go away for 6-12 months working on a new variant, perhaps form a new company and do it all over again. denuvo itself came from sony's old drm division. The one that did the rootkits iirc.

I doubt a company that bases its business model on "we'll stave off the pirates for a while" is not cognizant enough to realise it is an eternal arms race.

It really is no shock that the people behind Sony's rootkits are also behind denuvo. What the fuck is wrong with these pricks

>The one that did the rootkits iirc.

>denuvo causes slightly longer load times
>everybody loses their shit claiming malware
>scene group packs bitcoin miner with crack
>swept under the rug

The lack of awareness is fucking astounding.

>>what is next for DRM
Please drink a verification can.

Yeah, preventing you from launching your cracked videogame really is disabling or damaging your computer system.

>>>scene group packs bitcoin miner with crack

Please post the proof.

Fuck you

Apart from scanning, not really

>pay for it
>get spyware for making sure I don't steal it

inb4 the scene group is actually a p2p group or some shit like 3dmgame after 2016

most new games that use exotic copy-protection are just AAA-trash anyway.

I just play comfy games like MoM 2 or HoMM 3

Intel SGX or some other sort of hardware DRM that makes important stuff inaccessible for inspection through "real" use of cryptography. Look at USB dongles, while crackable they raise the bar significantly (eLicenser for example remains uncracked since last Cubase crack).

Software-only DRM was always a meme because code obfuscation is security by obscurity, even Denuvo themselves knew this. In a model where the attacker has complete access to code and data there's always a solution.

There's that other thing called Epona from Quarkslab (suffice to say they know their shit when it comes to obfuscation) that might gain traction but it's still purely software.

Provide a technical proof or shut the fuck up. You probably have no idea how malware even works internally.

The crack doesn't even remove Denuvo, nice placebo effect you got there buddy. There is no fucking difference between legit and cracked game in terms of performance because cracks only generate the same license you would receive from the activation server.

>Provide a technical proof or shut the fuck up. You probably have no idea how malware even works internally.
He's just using the DRM is malware rhetoric, he's not saying it contains "conventional" malware.

Whenever antivirus gives a positive on something, DROPPED. Don't give a fuck if a bunch of teens say it's a false positive.

Then again, 99% of my stuff is paid for, so it rarely happens.

No, I think he's referring to the Sony music CD rootkit thing.

Genuine autism.

The only good way for drm, and it's already in use, is always online. Look art the games, it works and it's still a less annoyance than subverting like denuvo.

Fuck you, I only play video games when I'm stuck underway with no internet after I get board with studying in ym free time.
When I'm in port I have better things to do than video games like shit post on Sup Forums and drink alcohol.
I'm 100% aware I'm a niche use case and I honestly just play doom wads underway so I guess I don't really care, but it sucks when you try to help other people.
I knew this autistic guy who was a great cook on board, he just liked to play minecraft in his free time.
At some point during a past underway it stopped working because it needed to periodically authenticate online.
After searching through some friends found someone with an old version 1.4.7 with a custom launcher.
Lucked out but shit dude.
DRM sucks.

Thanks for your cervix.
I agree with your position wholly.
I'm amazed user made that post, especially considering all the outrage over the Adam Orth fiasco.

i dont really care

Go back to Sup Forums

This sounds like a lot of work and money that video game companies can't be fucked with.

I predict 100000x more lootboxes and much less PC releases.

Loot boxes/crates are fucking cancer.

I buy games.

You buy DRM that may or may not come with a working game.

I'm normally against proprietary software but anything that upsets gamer children is for the greater good

Why bother with copy protection?
Spend that money on making a better game.

There has been zero (0) scene releases with malware.

>tfw we will continue to ride the 3 w's

>reddit spacing

Sandboxie especially since you won't be playing your pirates games online.

forced always online for every game ever

Denuvo shill on suicide watch.

Show me one scene release that had malware or miners in it, denuvo or otherwise

I would have bought some games that I instead pirated because of denuvo, I end up with a better experience then people who bought it.

Sup Forums

>tfw you need to download cracked de-nuvo'd versions of games you've already bought because denuvo hates wine

Steam CEG will get updated.

Last time games used that DRM they crashed on AMD platforms, this later got patched with a bios update.

Pretty intrusive when is cause a system to crash like that.

They wouldn't fuck over people like that. The game's publisher would likely step in and release an update without Denuvo.

You're pretty delusional if you believe that. There are still plenty of games that never had Games for Windows Live patched out. Some will have Denuvo removed, sure. Maybe the majority even. There will definetly be those that won't though, either because it's not economically viable or for legal reasons or publisher/developer splits and so on.

I mean, do you seriously think that EA are going to go back and do the work to remove it from old FIFA games from three or four years ago for example? There's no profit for them in doing that. And there won't be any comeback either, because all of this will be covered in the various EULAs you agreed to along the way to purchasing and playing it.

As you said, maybe the majority. FIFA isn't a strong example. How many people actually go back and play a certain iteration of soccer simulator from 4 years ago?

Game pubs give even less fucks than the game devs lol why would they remove anything especially not for profit. The easiest thing would be to just release a GOG version and sell that.

why don't they just not use drm?

pirates are always going to pirates
people who pay for games will probably pay for games
drm doesn't change this

Why is this Sup Forums thread in my Sup Forums? Keep your gaymur shit in your own containment board.

Same reason they release console exclusives. Thinking that it will increase sales.

Everyone who can't run virtual divegrass "simulator" from current year?

If fans of the kick-ball series know a new installation is out you can be sure they're playing that over the older versions.

>he thinks Sup Forums isn't a Sup Forums containment board.

>I'm not interested in this game so it doesn't count!


I don't give a shit about literally any game currently using Denuvo, but it's still completely bullshit that some of them are going to be completely unplayable without cracks in the future when the inevitable happens. DRM is cancer.

Last time i bought music, i ended up with a sony rootkit on my machine.
Last time i purchased a game, i couldn't play it offline because windows live had to be confirmed(gta4), so I had to crack my legitimate purchase in order to make it work.
If game studios want sales, then don't make contracts with shitty publishers and other companies(e.g. graphics)
You can always sell something without scrweing your audience.

It's true though. People who are into games like FIFA only look forward to playing the latest iteration.

already exists, and is cracked by emulating servers

It clearly says that this is a microcode issue, fickwad.

Sales don't often reflect how disgruntled people are with whatever protection they implement. At the time they probably thought Windows Live seemed like a good bet.

>some of them are going to be completely unplayable without cracks in the future when the inevitable happens

Then people will just make cracks. "The future" is a pretty long time.

that's what GOG does, and they aren't dead yet

>gta4 will never have securom/gamesforwindowslive patched out
Should I pirate it? I already owned the steam version

Fucking EU study piracy doesn't harm anyone and they STILL are going "m-muh DRM". Spend money on developing games instead of DRMs and you'll sell more of them. Also applies to diversity

Can I get a link to this study? I really want to read it.

>Will Denuvo affect the performance/FPS of the game?
>The FPS is unaffected by Denuvo. During development care was taken to ensure the performance impact was minimised and optimised to keep the game running smoothly.

>mfw denuvo games now get cracked day 1
>mfw Bethesda decided to remove it from their game the day before launch after seeing the shadow of war catastrophe
>mfw evil within 2 cracked and released an entire day before release date
Has denuvo inadvertently brought back the golden age of piracy?

>>Has denuvo inadvertently brought back the golden age of piracy?

They certainly lit a fire in the scene's cracking community.

Shit, CPY is a joint venture between two different groups just to defeat the shit.

>using windows as your main OS
pleb tier

>inb4 skidrow starts bootlegging mountain dew

>released an entire day before release date
The fuck?


I'm a full on guiltless pirater but pre-release cracks are not okay.

That sounds sketchy as fuck

Lol. Antivirus

f*ck yeah.
get rekt biatch.
now is the time to build a new pc and start pirating again.
glad its finally over

Depends how much people care. How much effort would you expect people to put into a 20 year old game when there's new shit to crack?