When will USB-c complete its takeover and abolish this dogshit connector?

when will USB-c complete its takeover and abolish this dogshit connector?

>mfw still using usb 2

What do you mean 'take over'?
You can get USB-C ports on most motherboards now, more if you buy add-in cards.
You can also buy most any accessory with a USB-C plug now too.

Now sure what more you want?
Old gear isn't going to grow new ports overnight...

bend it back in place you ungrateful faggot

The best part is that it's reversible

>introducing USB-D #brave

are you suggesting the usb.c connector isnt also shit? if so, please do convince me

How much of a fucking ogre do you have to be to do that to a USB port?

Threw my tower once and it totally destroyed the USB connector on both ends

I know with USB C it would have been a lot easier for it to just fall out without mishap

>Threw my tower once
Did you hold it over your head and roar before tossing it at your mom for not bringing your tendies on time?


well go get a usb.c and throw the tower and report back

Every connector with a part that can break off on the receiving side is fucking shit.

Get a mac

I was actually surprised how quick the usb-c transfer is going. My uni this summer changed all pc's and everyone now has a usb-c port on it. I was never expecting it to happen this fast.

USBA is fine, it's micro-USB that's dogshit.


>mfw still using parallel port

Can someone explain to me why we are catering to troglodytes like this?
No, you fucking dipshit, if it doesn't fit this way, pushing harder won't help.

I had a pair of Apple ear phones break at the plug in a ipod video once.

>I'm so glad I've moved on from my apple phase.

Not OP, but I had a USB 3.0 Flash drive plugged to the front panel USB3 of the FD R5 and after transferring some files I realized it got stuck into the port really badly. Managed to yank it out without damaging anything though

it was probably in the middle of transferring files and a file was in between the flash drive and computer

as long as you dont need speed its fine

Never, it's for stupid people who don't know the difference between up and down. There is no reason one has to reinvent the wheel as opposed to improving the speeds of current usb connectors. The most adoption I think there will be is manufacturers adding one C port just in case

I just got spooked a bit, nothing in rage

I did get a free new gaming mouse from Logitech with that though, God bless them

What the hell is wrong with you?

is there a esata replacement for usbc?

Been done, by Apple too. This iPod Shuffle uses the same 3.5mm jack for headphones, USB, and charging.

I also have a weird USB numpad+calculator that has a USB to 2.5mm cable.

I had saw something in the room and sometimes you just have to get out fast

Luckily Corsair makes some decently sturdy cases and all the components survived

I wonder what it sounds like...

>a USB to 2.5mm cable
My BlueTooth speaker has a 3.5mm to USB audio lead.


git gud

It doesn't... it only does USB over it when it's connected to USB. If I had a 4 pole 3.5mm splitter I could try connecting both, but the only splitters I have are 3 pole.

That's probably a USB audio device with a 3.5mm output, not doing USB over a headphone socket or vise versa.

>I had saw something in the room

did you finish middle school?

You will never feel the firm click of USB over 4pin XLR in this timeline....

oh god!
why did i picture the "horse without his hooves" picture.

Is that how it works? Like a physical pass over? I'm a dummy and literally never knew this

Have you ever hallucinated crocodiles?

What did you see user