Anyone else having a huge memory leak issue with the latest Firefox? This shit didn't happen with FF55...
Pic related is after two hours of random browsing.
WTF Firefox
>latest firefox
oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing
Unused RAM is wasted RAM
Sadly I need a specific addon, which isn't available on Pale Moon and the Chrome-based version of the addon is not feature complete.
I'll probably go with FF ESR 52, which uses the old rendering engine but won't get new security updates in three months. Hopefully this bs will be fixed by then.
I thought it was just me.
I reverted to 55 because of this.
FF shouldn't use all available RAM until it crashes. It's like it forgets to free the RAM of closed tabs. Is there a setting for this anywhere?
Glad it's not just me. While their new engine is nice and fast, the memory leak is just insane.
Figure out where it's coming from.
>Sadly I need a specific addon, which isn't available on Pale Moon and the Chrome-based version of the addon is not feature complete
Funny because I thought Pale Meme had better addon support and since Firefox is just a Chrome clone it doesn't make sense a Chrome addon wouldn't work in Firefox...
>Firefox is just a Chrome clone
There are now plenty of new webextension apis that are only supported on the latest version of firefox.
>Web Content
After watching streams or videos, closing the tab the content isn't deleted from RAM it seems.
That's bs, Jetpack/SDK-based addons won't work. Also, Firefox is wayyy older than Chrome, admittedly it aims to copy Chrome nowadays.
When they finally break addon compatibility, lots of users will migrate.
>le mul tie proses may may
You deserve it, you dumb nigger.
>be me
>using firefox quantum
>look in task manager
>multiple processes named pingsender.exe
>close firefox
>still running
>they don't come back
It's the process that sends telemetry pings if you have telemetry enabled.
If there were multiple then it was probably a bug.
Spooky, check your shit.
I reverted to FF55 as suggested, ESR 52 was way slower. Pic related shows similar usage as before. Looks like RAM is freed after use...
They fired the guy in charge of that to increase their diversity statistics
>FF shouldn't use all available RAM until it crashes.
Sounds like Firefox has copied yet another bad feature from Chrome?
>>After watching streams or videos, closing the tab the content isn't deleted from RAM it seems.
Doesn't remove it from GPU RAM either. Right now radeontop is showing 3389M / 8066M VRAM. There's games that require over 3 GB of video card memory but two Firefox windows shouldn't... This is Firefox 57.
>2 hours of random browsing
>oh btw did I mention I have 200 tabs open all playing video?
>why is this happening guys firefox memory management so bad ;_;
>browser designed by a bunch of faggots who only use the internet for watching gay porn
>it can't even handle playing video without memory leaks
Firefox 56 is definitely having some problem.
>unironically using winblows in 2017
I am tired of seeing all of you fucking nu-male Firecuck+Winblows hipsters on this board. Can you nigger-loving CIA faggots please go back to where you came from?