/xs/ - Xperia Specific

This is the designated Xposting thread. The current shit that's happening are briefly:

>Be a good goy and pay to get a sailfishOS build -called sailfish X or some shit- for your xperia X. The jolla tablet backers are getting it for free though.

>No news for Z5 family oreo update, Z5fags are pretty pissed and won't probably buy a new sony just to get cucked again (this is my conclusion after reading the comments on various websites) The original XA and variants are also not on the oreo update list. Sony may add these two models to the list later?

>Sony is switching from Omnibalance design to a new one called Mirai. The new phones in 2018 probably won't look like an XZ refresh. However, what about the headphone jack? No one knows.

It's only €49.99!

Why are you so mad bro?

>looks fucking beautiful

>looks fucking terrible

They blew it.

>Jolla customers get Jolla's OS for "free"
>Non-Jolla customers have to pay for it
Really makes ya think.

I don't remember the backer bonusses but they just paid for the tablet which jolla didn't actually deliver and sent refunds. this should be a "hehe don't get mad at us, here a free sailfish x for you" kinda thing.

also the sailfish X is like steam "early access game" at this point. it's not a final release. why would people pay for it?

You tell me. I don't even know what the point of it is.

You can get a Xperia Z2 for 60 €.

I have Xperia Z1 and the camera is real shit.
Fake 20.7mpx
>pic related at 1920x1080

Another one

they are pretty good for low light, I have seen worse. Sony used to have either too much noise or too much noise reduction after-effect but the camera software got much better with nougat, which z1 officially doesn't have.

if only they made something like this, without curved screen shit though.

My Z1 is dying, I broke half screen. Camera's always been hit and miss, flashing other roms would also make some stupid camera algorithm stop working. Too bad, best thing I ever had. Shame they're fucking the design up lately, Z5 was peak perfection

I'm thinking of getting a Z5, what do you guys think?

I have Z3 and need a new phone, is staying with Sony a good idea? I really love their build quality and openness but camera is shit and I didn't think it has changed with the new ones, am I wrong?

My Z3 is getting on a bit, Kinda wanna new phone but can't really justify a new one when this one isn't broken. I'm certainly not going Sony again after being cucked on Nougat.

I could always unlock my bootloader and install something else but I don't know if any of the custom ROMs restore the DRM stuff lost by unlocking like the camera lowlight features.

Don't mind me. I'm just shitposting while fapping under the shower.

Does the touchscreen even work in recent models with water on it?

Any phone with round edges has absolute shit ergonomics. The flat sides on the XA1 are where it's at. Feels almost as good as the Iphone 4/5/SE.

Every other phone feels like a slippery bar of soap even with a case because even case manufacturers have SHIT ergonomic sense.

>downgraded from an S7 to an XA1
>like the XA1 more
Xbox hueg bezels on the top and bottom is great, makes it extra comfy to hold when watching videos in landsca-
>Sony is switching from omnibalance

All things must come to an end. If they get rid of the jack too, they may as well give up

What is the current flagship sony mobile and why don't normies give a fuck about it? I only ever see Samsung or apple.

i still have a xperia v. it just werks and doesn't break though i never used any protector at all. camera is shit except for an occational pic, apart from that pretty good.

any worthy successor in a similar price range?

i think its a safe bet sony will never get rid of the jack.. they have the whole "hi-res" thing going

im betting sony and lg will be the only big players with 3.5 TRS in the future...

also i cant wait for the day applel removes the headphone jack from the next SE refresh... the amount of but-hurt willl be felt all across the universe


everyone has their company preferences for one reason or another
considering there are more reasons to hate sony than love them as far as phones go you don't have to worry about us taking all your iphones becky

So I plan on purchasing a Z5 compact. I know what there is to like but a quick google search doesn't suggest anything massively wrong with it? What am I missing. Please tell me what is bad about this phone.

>pic related is the better looking, although a worse phone, z3 compact
pretty typical with sony products

Don't. With the September security update its snappy and the camera is fast, but it gets hot thanks to the 810.
Beautiful mistake, buying it, is.

>Please tell me what is bad about this phone.

Snapdragon 810, updates basically ended recently, and I believe Sony was still using plastic for camera lens until the X line

That's fine I guess. I don't really use my phone for much. How's the audio? Is it too quiet like the z3 or something else bad?

Sony released a firmware update a few days ago, and the overheating and throttling are greatly reduced. Camera is great for daylight still shots but struggles with any subpar conditions. Speakers are fine for indoor personal use, headphone audio quality is quite good and loud with ClearAudio+. I expect to be fine with the Z5c for at least another year.

A phone is just a phone for me. As long as it can play music, call, text, and use email that's all I could ever want. I think I'll buy it. thanks

That's the attitude I had with the X Compact, but then I realized it's here to stay and will likely only get worse. There are glass screen protectors out there that 100% the screen. I have one on the way. That was my biggest reservation.

Because they didn't copy paste their design language from Apple or Samsung so what little interest did pervade the public was scrutiny and criticism. I think they're ahead of the curve and all this regressive psuedotech peddling is going to hit the fan hard once journalists and the public lose interest in the cyclical refreshes, at that point outfits like Sony, Blackberry and Nokia will be re-anointed the throne.

Is sailfish os anything like Symbian? I never really payed attention

>Bought an XZ Premium "on sale" for $800 at BestBuy
>wasn't that the original price anyways?
>had weird camera issues
>BestBuy tells me to talk to Sony
>Sony tells me to reset it twice, "it's not a hardware issue"
>"oh, it might be a hardware issue"
>They're going to send me a new one "in a few weeks"
>fuck that
>I fall out of love with it and want something else
>go to BestBuy to return it
>sorry sir, I can only offer you an exchange
>an hour later the manager explains that whoever sold it to me scanned some weird barcode for it that was meant for employees only and he can only offer me 50% of my cash back, the rest in an exchange or store credit
>why is this shit so complicated?
>I get an XA1 Ultra and $400 back
>weeks later, an XZ Premium arrives at my door
>Sony must have sent it out even though I refused it
>decide to keep it, compare both phones
>I actually like the XZ Premium more now for some reason, everything is great about this one
>go to a different BestBuy to see if I can return the XA1U
>"sure sir, here's your $400 back"
>Effectively got an XZ Premium for free
>been happy with it every since

you really can't see the pixels, it's pretty nice

No, symbian required frequent reboots

the camera got better, but not the best compared to the competition. build quality is still one of the best though. I find sony phones the most elegant looking, despite the current obsession with bezels. the only model that triggers me is the L1 which has a slimmer chin and bigger forehead. where's the balance in your omnibalance L1 sony?

howd I do, /xs/?

giving my current 6s to my grandparents.

well, XZ1 compact doesn't have much competition so I guess you did good. apple is going full retard after steve which means there's no point in waititng for something nice from them.


Worst phone I ever had.
I wish I bought the galaxy S3 as they had the same price back then.

>terrible battery life
>back cover doesn't fit into place
>insensitive capacitive buttons
>slow performance
>shit camera despite "12 mps"

I'll probably never buy another Sony phone.
I'll admit the look great but that's it.

is this the p? holy shit that phone was bad

Xperia S
It was supposed to be their "flagship" at the time.

I bought a z3c a few months ago for ~$300 CAD

It's okay, don't like that I have to remove a port protector thing to charge though. Feels like a fundamental design failure that they couldn't manage a water resistant usb port. I just know the shitty protector is going to fall off or break one day and I'll be left with a phone looking retarded because of it.

I actually think I'll just buy a t9 phone in the future. Smartphones cost too much money and don't do enough to justify the price. Nevermind the shitty battery life.

xa1, but it's not waterproof

>Smartphones cost too much money and don't do enough to justify the price

yeah for flagships, this is true but if you go for midrange and wait a bit for the prices to drop, I think it does justify the amount you pay. maybe you just use it for calling and sms so you are right in that sense.

>maybe you just use it for calling and sms so you are right in that sense.

That's pretty much exactly what I use it for.

I honestly don't know what else people are doing on their phones. Sometimes I'll browse the internet for awhile, or I open up an alarm clock or calculator app, but that's pretty much it.

>you really can't see the pixels

people who claim to see the pixels are the same kind of people who claim they can hear the difference between a flac and 320kbps mp3.


They're already in order of newest to oldest.

please tell me you were pretending

>buy Xperia X Compact
>it's only waterproof in Japan

Sony can die in hell. Spit their grave

fck i'm still in z3 and I have no reason to upgrade

I miss my Xperia Z Ultra. I've since switched to Motorola for the shattershield displays and battery life, but I'd happily but from Sony again if they make a successor to the Z Ultra.

are you really keen on masturbating in shower?

It's not about fapping in the shower (which doesn't work anyway since any kind of water droplet on my Xperia phone registers as a finger so it navigates out of my video every time).

It's about having the phone in your front pocket on your pants when it's raining outside and not worry about it getting fucked by water damage. Even if you have an umbrella, water will still get onto your pants

>The jolla tablet backers are getting it for free though.
Hah no. We can exchange some of the money they owe us for a voucher that can be redeemed for a copy of Sailfish X.

Is sailfish os like Symbian, is it supposed to be the natural progression of Symbian or memo? Have you used it?

I use my XA in rain and nothing happens. I am quite sure you are not living in vietnam so rain shouldn't be a problem.

>Even if you have an umbrella, water will still get onto your pants

well shit, either you are indeed in vietnam or learn to use a fucking umbrella.

When are Sony going to unfuck the camera by removing the wide-angle lens, and improving their image and noise processing.

It is the biggest reason I am considering not buying another Xperia phone.

t. Angry Z5 owner

>not having a second applel phone for making photos

Might as well carry around my DSLR in that case.

Im looking to get a xz1 compact as well in March when my bonus comes. Currently have a z2 since launch. I believe flash memory is getting worn out as no matter what Rom I use it gets slooooowww after use.

had the xperia u, loved that small motherfucker

They are so sexy and the only decently compact phones available in this day

Sony XZ owner here.

Waterproofing is important for me as I like to read books or watch a video whilst I lay in the bath.

I'm looking at the XZ Premium but I'm worried that this will be the last Xperia line phone I'll get. Rumour has it that Sony are going to go for a bezel-less design, following the herd and removing the earphone jack socket.

I like a good design but I also favour functionality. I do own wireless headphones but if the 3.5mm jack goes then that's a deal breaker for me.

It's only certified in Japan, it's actually still water resistant but don't expect any warranty work done on it.

still on z2 no intention on upgrading sry

The Alien Dalvik compatibility layer for Android costs money to Jolla, it is understandable that they tax you for it. You can always install a community build for free.

Considering that they sell a lot of different wired headphones, they are not going to be stupid enough to remove the headphone jack. Also:

>Implying Japanese people would actually change their ways


>are you really keen on masturbating in shower?

I am relying on the Japanese with this headphone jack removal thing. They have wired headphones to sell and brag about their audio features like hi-res audio.

I never get free stuff. Fuck.

I have one, and although is quite pretty, I've grown to dislike it on android 4.0 its slowwwwww