Macfriends help

>get a macbook air as a gift last year
>install firefox nightly on it because I'm used to it and I don't like safari
>it drains my battery like a motherfucker
I have around ten tabs open, most being inactive, and the only other programs I have open are a terminal window, the mail program, and finder.
Is it normal for the battery to last around three hours? I thought the MBA was supposed to last around seven hours.

>>get a macbook air as a gift
Found your problem.

You're such an original person, user

>macbook air
what is this, 2012?

Do people only buy macbook pros now? I thought the air was popular because of its battery life.


I always wonder, why does Sup Forums get so angry when macs are mentioned?
macOS is a great Unix environment that's easy to use and doesn't require you to tinker with it to get to work. As for macs themselves, their hardware is expensive but decent.
Apple as a company isn't half as bad as Google, either.
Do most people here just parrot things they hear without putting any thought into it?




A compelling argument, gotta admit

>being literally brainwashed to spout memes and buzzwords as a response to actual questions
wew lad


last bump


I saw that, I'm looking for an answer to the OP.


>muh unix
This meme needs to die.

Not your personal tech support, fuck off and die.

That's not my problem, though.
>Unix is bad
This meme needs to die.

firefox is trash. stop using (((free))) software. it's almost always optimized for some neckbeard's battlestation and not for modern mobile machines. embrace safari and enjoy outstanding battery life.

>embrace safari
Is this the only way?
The browsers I feel most comfortable with in order are Firefox, Chromium and Safari's pretty much on the bottom of the list.
Aren't any ungoogled Chrome forks viable on macOS?
I'm not sure why but Safari's just a pain to use for me, I don't like the tab management, I don't like small details like no favicons or webm only supported through a vlc plugin, and other stuff like that.

>I always wonder, why does Sup Forums get so angry when macs are mentioned?
because the average Sup Forumstard is a poorfag and/or pajeet and can only afford decade old used thinkpads.

But macs aren't even truly expensive. The MBA I own cost around 1k, maybe even less.
Most Thinkpads are more expensive.

if you want good battery life then yes. well, you could try to contribute some code yourself but whom am I kidding. so yeah, only way.

firefox and chromium just blast their UI thread on 100% all the time without checking for power saving hints from the OS. because it works on the dev's stationary machines I guess.

burn the multi platform coal - pay the toll.

yes, new thinkpads. but take a look at a /tpg/ thread where they circle jerk about $100 machines + $35 screen replacements. (there are even supreme poorfags who defend TN panels as "superior to IPS")

Fuck, so no other browser even approaches Safari's efficiency?
You're right. There's probably a sizable part of contrarianism in there as well

Hey men I posted it again!