List alternatives to websites and programs
Imgur -
Gyazo - lightshot
Ccleaner - bleachbit
Bitlocker - veracrypt
List alternatives to websites and programs
Other urls found in this thread:
who comes up with stupid threads like these
what the fuck
>Gyazo - lightshot
I've been looking for an alternative to gyazo since they want to charge you
>Only Win & Mac
> Gyazo - lightshot
Lightshot is shit.
ShareX and sync with Owncloud.
Any task manager like xfce4-taskmanager, KDE system activity, and LXTask - top/htop. I know about other ways like free or checking /proc/meminfo, but I like top and htop better.
Nice website bro!
Pepsi - OpenCola
Filehosting -
Is there any reason to ever use top when htop exists?
are you mentally retarded?
Opera Max for Android = ???
>cucked from using alternative TLDs by 3rd world ISP.
Nice try.
lmao this is an actual thing
a hooker - OP's mom
hillary plz your already ded
gmail/protonmail/yandex -
I use shutter
it works good enough
Windows snipping tool / print screen - Greenshot
Then there would have been a DNS error, dumbo. is down.
Windows -> MacOS
>Gyazo - lightshot
They're both absolute shit
Use ShareX
Use shutter
Imgur - gentoo
Gyazo - gentoo
Ccleaner - gentoo
Bitlocker - veracrypt
whats an open source alternative to WoW?
Not open source, but a old and good one is "Tibia" I used to play the heck out of it in the late 90s.
imgur - w3m
gyazo - scrot
ccleaner - rm -rf
bitlocker - dmcrypt
gyazo - -what the fuck that is - kill urself
ccleaner - bleachbit - kill urself
bitlocker - veracrypt (botnet) - kill urself
> I use shutter
> Use shutter
An actual autist on Sup Forums, holy shit.
Who comes up with stupid names like Gyazo.
Fucking White People Renovating Houses.
mailinator - dispostable
Top if I recall is a GNU coreuitil and it's fine to use if you don't want to have to install htop and other dependencies like ncurses
htop is complicated for me. I'd rather learn top metrics than deal with htop's pseudographic "tabs".
this thread - any other thread - - -
Sup Forums - reddit
what is all this shit? why would you bother cleaning your registry ? why would you use windows ? plis leave my safe space