I want to buy advertising on a website, however I'm wondering...

I want to buy advertising on a website, however I'm wondering... is it still an impression if the users ad blocker hides the ad? Because if so, I'd probably only be getting like 50k impressions out of the 1mil I pay for lol.


b-but this doesn't answer my question :(

buy ads on bus stops instead

>it still an impression if the users ad blocker hides the ad?

depends on the pricing of the ad. could be paid for click, sale, registration or impression

>I want to buy advertising on a website,
my professional advice is to kys

So what is your suggestion? how to make some money from a website without selling things?

ok sweet, thank you

its per impression. i get like 1mil impressions for 30$. is that alright?

how will that help my sales tho, huh?????

>1mil impressions for 30$
That's a lot of impressions, too much impressions for $30.

>make some money from a website
You're paying money to someone else's website, though. That's the opposite.

I asked, what is your suggestion?

inject a cryptominer that runs on the page. consumers don't see ads but you profit from crypto.

My suggestion is that you exchange goods or services for money, and don't assume that a website will even reliably pay for itself. Also don't buy Internet advertising because you're fueling a dysfunctional and parasitic machine.

you'd be surprised to know that most people DO NOT use any form of ad blocking.


my target crowd is kind of in the demographic that does though.

or just stop trying to make money off a website if you offer no services or goods.

yeah was going to say this.
even in my cs classes, I see people browsing without ad blockers.
pretty disgusting, but i guess those people are subsidizing me blocking every fucking thing i can.

but i AM offering goods you turd. i just need to get traffic onto the site and aid in getting it established.

pay me and i'll shill your shit
