Well, yeah.
You can add Pentium Pro, K7, K8, Conroe, Nehalem and Zen here.
GPUs would be Voodoo2, GF256, R300, g80, RV7700, Evergreen, Tahiti, Hawaii and Maxwell (as in 980ti, the rest of Maxlel lineup was trash).
386 was trash as soon as Doom was released and you needed a 486 to get good framerates out of it.
And then 486's were basically trash as soon as you needed a Pentium to run Quake/Duke3D at decent framerate.
Duh, CPUs used to advance very fast.
its like technology advances or something
funny isnt it
let it die already
And what should be use instead of x86?
Even eating literal CIA shit is better than ARM botnet.
Tell that to Intel. You can get 60+ FPS on any current game with a 2600k.
spoken like a true clueless retard
>not RISC-V
They fucked up when removing thumb for aarch64, fuck disgustingly bloated encodings.
Will never be useful for anything but IoT garbage.
>mfw my first PC in early 90's and every single one since then was AMD-based
Feels good not being an intelcuck.
>damn it feels bad to be lagster
What did have from 2011-2017?
The 5x86-133 is a true legend in the game. That thing extended the life of many a 486. I had one in my Compaq Prolinea 4/66, and it allowed me to play NES and SNES games with reasonable speed when Nesticle and zSNES first debuted in '97. Many games emulated with MAME also ran at full speed and I remember when the first Rygar emulator appeared, REM, it ran at nearly full speed on when I upgraded to this processor.
you're delusional.
Am386 -> K6-2 -> Athlon XP -> Phenom II X4 955 (current)
There might have been another machine before the Athlon but my memory is fuzzy right now. And yeah, my current Phenom II machine is way overdue for a total upgrade, but I'm waiting for the GPU and RAM prices to stop being inflated by coinshitters and mobileshit respectively. Or I'll just have to bite the bullet if nothing changes next year.
Just bite the bullet, it's not that much more, especially considering how long you keep stuff. GPUs are back down now anyway.
I had a K6-2 300, 333, and a 450 years ago. Almost made the move to a K6-III but I got handed a P3-450MHz Dell XPS from my job and decided to go with that and upgraded it until switching back to AMD with a 1.1GHz Duron, then later a 1.3GHz Thunderbird. I ran Athlon XP's for a loooooong time, way past their glory years and have gone back to Intel for the most part but I still have a dual processor Athlon MP machine in storage.
I'm gonna start researching specific components and builds around new years, I have other expenses lined up until then anyway.
Good stuff. My K6-2 was 300MHz also. I had all of them stored and in working condition until last year when I took these pictures, but I had to clean the apartment out so I only kept the mothballed 386. It was a bittersweet good bye, but at the end of the day they were all just big clunky dust magnets.
>DOS 7.10
It was booted from a drive with a broken Windows 95 install.
I still have the 1.3GHz Thunderbird and the motherboard I had it on. I just don't have a case and psu for it at the moment.
I kept the K6-2 450 until we moved across the country back in 2003. I sold it to help fund our move. Back then it was being used as a backup DAW so I had SCSI everything in it, Adaptec UWSCSI card, SCSI CD burner, three 9GB AV rated UW SCSI drives, and an internal SCSI Jaz drive. Got $400 for it even though it was clearly outdated in 2003, but the SCSI shit alone made it worth it to the guy I sold it to.
I had several Athlon processors I pulled out of my old systems like an Palomino core Athlon XP 1500 that I bought to replace the Thunderbird but the board didn't support it. I had a Barton core 2500+ and a 3200+, and a single Palomino Athlon MP 1800 that was waiting on a matched second processor so I could drop it in my Tyan Tiger MP board plus several P3's and a couple of P4's but they all got lost in 2014 when the box they were in was accidentally left behind after a move.
can confirm, had the nut 486 as a kid and it made Duke3D it's bitch but could not play Quake, turned me off PC gaming for literally the next 20 years I was a console fag
>tfw when parents were poor and our first home PC had a Cyrix 6x86
>couldn't play 3d games but at least I could play SimCity 2000 and Doom clones
I ran a Cyrix 6x86MX 200+ for a good while before getting into the K6-2 line. At first I had it paired up with a Diamond Stealth 220, then later with a Matrox Mystique 220 paired with a Matrox M3D I got for $30 on closeout. Before I got the M3D, I was still a monster at Quakeworld even with shit frame rates at 320x200 resolution. The M3D gave me GLQuakeworld and better fps and the ability to play Unreal thanks to it having native PowerVR support.
of course, all of that got way better once I got my first super7 board, K6-2 300, and a Real3D Starfighter.
we'll see
386 was released in what, 1985?
This is the only Overdrive that mattered for 486's outside of the aforementioned 5x86-133. The 83Mz Pentium Overdrive for 486's gave you better FPU performance over the 133, but was somewhat crippled by the 33MHz bus speed.
shit was really expensive for the time though and the 5x86 gave "good enough" performance for about a third of the price.
>had the nut 486 as a kid and it made Duke3D it's bitch but could not play Quake, turned me off PC gaming for literally the next 20 years I was a console fag
Man I had the same thing but in reverse, I got a Nintendo that could play Super Mario World, but it could not play Super Mario 64 unless you bought that expensive hardware upgrade, it turned me off of console gaming completely.
WOW 386's are actually pretty cute without a xbox huge powersupply and case
I had the 945.
Those Phenom II chips were actually pretty great during their time. Even now, I wouldn't be sad to get a few for cheap.
Part of the blame lies on AMD admittedly. Back in the day even with intel sabotaging them they were still able to create some amazing shit; their magnum opus was probably amd64. If AMD got their shit together now the 2500k&2600k would be obsolete.
no decent OS for it until 6 years later
bow down peasants.
THe PSU is the same size as any other PSU these days, though you're right that the whole board is smaller than most. Also the lack of heatsinks, especially a fuckhuge one on the CPU does make it seem more petite.
Forgot to say mine's a Black Edition too. It holds up pretty great for everything I need, playing movies (4K included), playing vidya on medium settings, editing photos and videos (Lightroom and Premiere). Yeah, it could be faster dealing with huge projects and stuff like encoding, but it's really more cosmetic and minor convenience thing. Really damn proud of this build, taught me it pays off not to cut corners on components.
Nothing will beat this
>these kinds of CPU shapes never ever again
why do we exist if only to suffer?
athlon for the sega mega drive was better
I member something like
LD HL,somewhere
LD DE,somewhere
LD BC,howmuch
Leaps and bounds have been made in x86 since Sandy Bridge, CPUs are used for more than le video games XD you know.
my first PC was on Duron 800
it was a great time
My first PC was a PC-XT turbo. Can't remember if it was a V20 or not.
Before I had a MSX, A TRSCoCo and a ZX81.
While this thread is up, what is a decent all around isa 16bit video card one can get without it being stupidly overpriced?
The one in my old 486 died on me and I am in the market for a "new" one.
Sure, but most of the improvements have been in reducing power consumption and increasing multi-threaded performance. That's great for notebooks and servers, but the vast majority of desktops have seen little improvement.
I actually got into an argument with a guy at a local shop over these. I had bought a Slot A 800MHz Thunderbird processor at a shop near my job 'cause they had one in stock but figured I'd get the board for it at a shop close to my house. I went in and asked if their Slot A motherboards supported the new Thunderbirds. Everyone at the shop scoffed at me and said "there's no such a thing as a Slot A thunderbird. Those are all socket A processors". I ended up walking out to my car, grabbing the processor and showing it to them.
"Whoa, when did these come out?" was all I got out of the owner.
>K7, Nehalem, Zen
for what purpose, other than just being good they weren't really that game-changing, could probably throw Conroe out too honeslty
something with an S3 Trio 64v or Cirrus Logic CL5446 o GD5434 on board should work. IIRC Diamond Speedstar 64 or Pro would work. Can't remember the ISA S3 cards.
tseng et4000
yes, that's another one. Diamond Speedstar 24's had those on board.
Doom was released in 1993
intel sabotaging? amd, cyrix and few others where copycats reverse engineering intel technology..
Let me remind you it took Intel FIVE FUCKING YEARS to copy the fucking HyperTransport.
well yes, i remember clearly since i had an Athlon with an nforce board at the time. Netburst was a big fuckup by Intel and they definitely where inspired by AMD in their cpu responses when they came. This will actually probably happen again with some Zen design choices (ex: infinity fabric).
However, being that said, intel definitely built what, 80% of the IP in place? Stagnating every now and then doesnt change that fact.
Stating that AMD innovates and Intel copies or sabotages (from a technological point of view) is just plain dumb.
>Stating that AMD innovates and Intel copies or sabotages (from a technological point of view) is just plain dumb.
But that's the truth.
The last innovation delivered by Intel was P6. That was 22 years ago.
Anyone remember the gfd's?
Ahhh, those were the days