/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

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If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones
>Guide: canpicker.com/

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headphones made me gay

what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

NOTHING can top the ma900. that much is obvious

maybe they'll make a ma990s

Just pulled the trigger on a pair of behringer hpm1000 headphones for $9 after tax and 2 day shipping. I've heard mixed reviews, but the most positive reviews came from people I know that went to uni to be sound engineers and the like so I'm cautiously optimistic about them. Even if they're shit, it's $9 so I'm not too worried about it.

Just thought I'd come here for Sup Forums opinions. I tend to avoid online reviews because they're usually either biased heavily toward certain brands and against others based on the free stuff they're given or outright given a set of suggested talking points and "encouragement" toward a positive review via $$, so I figured with this particular brand I'm going to see nothing but "they're not beats" etc online outside of Sup Forums, and snobbery against the price point on head-fi

>long post about $9 headphones
tldr faggot


I've never heard anything good about them, so chances are they're pretty typical for that price point. If you're looking for good cheap headphones then the monoprice 8323 and superlux headphones are what you're after.

Are there any good replacement DT770 pads? Not that I don't like the stock ones, they're lovely. I'm just curious.

I just want a 70mm biocel ma900.

nothing can stop them at being trash

how is your day today, attention seeking user?


oh god is her spine broken?

I wasn't aware the standard DT770 came with grey pads, just found that from googling. I guess the special edition has the pads from the 990?


>actual fag
>Hurrrrfffffttt luk at me guise im so oldfag see

>Acting like brand means a whole lot on a board that praises koss

Thanks duder. I'll check them out if these turn out to be complete turds. Just heard a lot of good stuff about them and had the opportunity to pick them up for $9 flat after everything with a guarantee that I'll have them in less than 42 hours. Just thought I'd see if anyone here has actually tried them since this board is pretty heavily poorfag. Chances are l will end up buying some $400 ear fedoras and a tube amp anyway.

do I sell my lcd-2 and teak for an atticus and also buy an hd800?

The lord thy god in heaven hath given me his blessing to lead ye wretched sinners away from the ignorant lies and injustice of these cursed blasphemers so that you need not languish in torment for hearing the foul cacophanies of your heathen 'phones.

I'm here to tell you boys that the way out of the bottle is clear, and that the true path into righteousness and eternal life points to itself. And that truth, o' my blessed brothers, is the Sennheiser HD600. Now go, go and thank the mighty father who sheds the blood of his only son that you might be shown his mercy for gifting thee with such a majestic and awesome way to receive his rapture.

we don't need your kind here.
we already have too many turbo autists here, we don't need retards.

Anyone have experience with these bad boys

Then why are you here?

Hnnng. I miss mine. More than likely what I'll end up buying again after I finish dealing with selling my condo and buying a house. They were what I was referring to by $400 ear fedoras in an earlier post, but I see they've come WAY down in price to the sub $300 range. Such glorious sounding headphones, on damn near any source.

Sell immediately.

Not hissing poster, but for me the hiss doesn't go down when changing the HF trim settings.

Other monitors I eye longingly: Adam Audio and HEDD Speakers.

Stop being a poorfag and just buy the atticus and hd800

Idol trash here.
What is your setup like, user?

Best airbuds under 50 bucks?

I'm thinking about it, but then my lcd-2 will deprecate because of the lcd-2c. Maybe I'll sell the lcd-2 and keep the teak. Maybe I'll keep both and buy the atticus and hd800 FUCK.

NFB 11.28 and M1060-DMS. Sounds good man.

too bad, thought that might help.
a buddy of mine recently interned at HEDD and from what I've heard (only the type 30) they're maybe the best EMT tweeter based designs at the moment, closely followed by EVE.
I wouldn't consider adam anymore, they're bankrupt twice now and everyone of their former r&d abandoned ship. they're pretty much dead, their recent s-series overhaul just showed that they can't make anything competitive to f.e. neumann, even using very similar design formulas (finally fucking waveguides)

Thanks for the recommendation though.

I was thinking more like used Adam speakers, if they pop up on Craigslist for a good price.

I see, yeah you can get pretty good deals on the a-x series, that's of course always worth considering if the budget is tight

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

Hd558s into mobo (asus b350)
Thinking about picking up hd600s and a fulla 2 soon

Weird to assume I own them if I'm asking how they are. What are your gripes with them

Damn this amp is pure porn. Look at the size of my knob lads!

too late again user, real question is here

>tfw when you're not a jds element knob
>tfw when you're a knoblet

>non-dummy head measurements


That's a sad knob mate

I'd suggest a magni3 over the fulla2, for the HD600.
Sure, it doesn't have a DAC, but unlike the fulla2, it can handle the HD600 without flinching.

Cute girl. Apparently from this thing.

SMSL Idea a good DAC+amp?

Why friend, not enough for ya?

Ah, now that's some real girth right there.

Nice clit.

I've got a pair of HD569, do I need an amp for it? Do I want an amp for it? I'm also looking at getting a good desk mic currently eyeing the AT2035 or the blue yeti. Considering the 2035 needs a preamp is there any good one I can get? Was looking at the Line 6 ux2

Thanks user - was considering magni/modi stack but figured I could get away with the fulla, will probably end up with the former.

>I've got a pair of HD569, do I need an amp for it?
No. It's not inefficient, and the impedance vs frequency is pretty stable, meaning a shitty not-so-low imperance output will probably not alter its FR.
>Do I want an amp for it?
Maybe, if your sources are suspected to be flawed. Fulla2 is suggested for its convenient usb dac+amp and nifty featureset.

hello, headphone noob here. what do you guys think of the 1more triple driver IEMs? they are like $100 so i was thinking of getting these or the shure SE215 iems for the same price

Cheeky, I drew it on myself :0

Saying that, I instantly thought you meant the slit I drew on the volume knob to make it more visible. But I'm guessing you meant the vent on the top lmao

Wish JDS made an Element pre-amp, that is one fat knob. Maybe as a relay-stepped attenuator for ultimate knob feels

Literally shit.

Nah, i prefer mine bigger and thicker and black

well, this monster made an appearance at rmaf


I see. We don't tolerate cucks here, sir.

Leave then

ooh witty

~ 100$
Computer, TV (Multi source if possible)
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
I can wear a bucket with holes for eyes all day, try me.
>Sound signature
Doesn't matter
>Past headphones
Mad dog(not pro), IEMs with some base to them.

Gona get logitech g933 or something cheaper, want something that's convenient to move away from computer with and they have audio source mixing which sounds pretty nice but idk. I'm also going to get g430s to mistreat everyday lol

A headset/headphones that can switch sources easily sounds nice.

Never liked them all that much.

Fat, but the angled nature repels me.

They're gonna suck ass, whatever you get.

Using different pads from stock will change the sound.

Is it a big deal? Wouldn't call myself an audiophile.

>Is it a big deal?
The change in sound in some cases will be small and in other cases will be large. It's up to you whether this is a big deal. I see no real reason to use different pads on that particular headphone other than desiring increased isolation. Pads which will increase isolation will also likely increase bass response on the already quite bassy DT770.

>low output impedance
>USB powered
>measurably transparent
Yes. Unless you have hard to drive headphones.

Literally the best sounding headphones, prove to me you don't have shit taste and post your setup + timestamp

>Sennheiser Momentum In Ear for 88$
>MEElectronics M6 Pro for 72$

Which one should I get? I also considered the Etymotic MK5 but those seem to be a hard fit for some people.
>inb4 get something else
I'm only considering headphones with L shaped plugs.

Got the HD600s today and the earpad stiffness hurting my head, any recommended replacements that are a bit softer?

what headphones are a good upgrade from the shp9500

>measures worse than AKG and beyer shit


guys i purchased the sony mdr-z7 because i love my old ass mdr-xb500's did i mess up?

Post your headphones and prove you don't have shit taste. All in the ears, user, all in the ears. Except this, these are objectively the best sounding


It's not the pads, it's the headband.

Follow this: youtube.com/watch?v=iNxK-NwSR5U

I didn't flex the band like he does but I put pressure and held it there. The band is solid and it works fine. Do it bit by bit and check it. Once you over do it, it's hard to get the tension back. Ignore any obvious shills that will inevitably appear.

HD6xx are droping again if you guys care

I already proved it with measurements

ma900 measures like garbage

what i own is irrelevant and it shows your insecurities

Based on the best headphones in the HD 6X0 lineup.

HD 650 > HD 600 imo

I'm not american and I don't have a massdrop account. How much are they 'droppingat' right now? is it a set price or does it get even cheaper like drop price tv lmao. I have no idea.

hd650 is veiled as fuck

>What I own is irrelevant and it shows your insecurities

You can't completely determine how a headphone is going to sound in relation to your hearing, can you user? Now post your setup. How hard can it be?

HD600 ftw

don't care

they measure like shit and are a low fidelity headphone, that is all

So, Sup Forums Sennheiser HD 206 or Audio-Technica ATH-M20x?

>Implying you have heard better headphones
Oh dear user, what must I do to see your headphone collection? You are not insecure, are you?

Save up some money and buy something decent, rather than disposable shit.

The HD 600s would sound too if you came from a brighter pair of headphones

>goes into /k/
>hey user, whatcha shooting?
>pic related!
>goes into /o/
>hey user, watcha runnin?
>pic related!
>goes into /bsg/
>hey user, what's comfy?
>pic related!
>goes into /hpg/
>hey user, what're you listenin to?

Phone or PC
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
MDR-7506 and HD 600

I'm basically looking for an upgrade of the MDR-7506 in sound and portability. Are the Ultrasone models any good?

I've got a big noggen (I wear a XXL hat), any brands I should be weary about that don't appeal to people like me?

audeze and sennheiser will not be kind to you

Here's a list of headphones rated by a fellow big-brained headphone enthusiast superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/headphones-for-the-cranially-endowed.4474/

Are these AKG k712 legit?



my headphone collection literally has nothing to do with my posts

>calls x headphone shit with data to back up my claims
>butthurt anons whine about posting a pic of my headphones