/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


which GNU+Linux distro do cute anime girls use

Reposting from last thread
hey /fglt/ ive been having some trouble with playonlinux debian, tried completely purging it, didn't work. Whenever i create a virtual drive, and go to misc settings, im unable to open a file in the virtual drive as a .exe, because the button doesn't work, I click it, and nothing happens, any ideas? No answer from the PoL forums.


why do we hate them again?


They use AntiX or Sparky

what are the weeb and anime girl approved programs for an arch linux i3 system? all i've got is dmenu, rxvt-unicode, and firefox so far. need ideas to rice it further


how do I disable blur in compton for everything but one window type?

>arch linux
not anime approved
not anime approved

>GnU pLuS LiNuX



Grape Linux

explain this then

Haven't AntiX and Mepis joined to form MX now?

Guys I would like your advice on

GNU/Linux community proved to be best community. BSD project scaled to shitposting and threats quick BSD cucks suck corporate dicks and only shill cuck license. Their OS is shit.

what's dconf?

What a toxic community. I guess CISCO pays good cash to keep everyone in check.

Does any distro has MonoDevelop 6.x or later in their repos besides Arch?

I fell for their flatpak meme but it's pretty much broken due to shitty sandboxing. And most distros are still stuck with 5.x, even "bleeding edge" ones such as Fedora.

fuck off


configuration tool and the configs themselves for GNOME.

Two questions, why use Mint if there is Ubuntu?

Second question, what is Cent better at opposed to Ubuntu?

I'm currently on a Macbook but I'm done with this shitty OS and as soon as I've returned the final draft of my master's next week I'm switching to Linux.

I want an extremely stable distribution, which allows me to do my job as a code monkey. Debian Stable is my first choice, but will I have problems with outdated language libraries? I'm also thinking Gentoo but I doubt I'll have the time to compile everything and set it up any time soon. Third choice would be NixOS but I'm worried I'll be screwed if something I need is not available as I can't really make install on NixOS. Which distribution would you recommend? Don't bother recommending Arch or Fedora. I hate the constant updates and change.

I just realized that dolphin have sftp support (including copy/paste).
Why people use dropbox?
what did he mean?

>but will I have problems with outdated language libraries

check the backports (just search for the package at packages.debian.org and see if a new version is available in the stretch-backports "repo") or check if the languages' devs' themselves provide up-to-date debian repos for their programs.

gentoo has an extensive "masking" system, using that the devs mark software as stable, unstable and "don't fucking ever think of using this version nigger".

>I am too dumb to install/use it
Doesn't mean it's not stable. I want answers from people who have an IQ of 100 or above.


They accuse eachother of being from /fglt/.

>I am too dumb to install/use it

So the latter then.

I've used Debian before but I've never used backports. Are backports considered stable and non-conflicting or would I be better off using Testing? Again, I prefer stability and staleness.


how do i run lm sensors without nuking my computer?



There you can read about all you need to know about backports. Since we are talking about debian, even their unstable distro is quite damn good. I trust their backports fully.

only say yes to things it says yes to by default and don't touch your VGA hardware if you only want CPU/mobo readins. I heard that some people had problems with VGA.

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS served me very well up until about 2-3 months ago when I upgraded my work laptop. Installed 16.04 LTS, all fine. Usually you find ppas for most popular software that lags behind in the official repos.

Lol I had an argument here a couple days ago about custom GTK file choosers, and GTK dicksuckers got mad when I said this is not possible with GTK. They linked GtkFileChooserNative. I assumed it was an API that no application uses which would allow using a customized file chooser. In actuality it's no different from the regular file chooser on Linux and just offers native choosers for Mac & Windows

ahhahah don't know why I expected so much out of braindead GNUtards. they REEEEE'd when I said there is no way to change GTK file picker without modifying the source and spent 30 posts shitting their pants trying to tell me you can change it as long as you modify the source. hahaha retards. OBVIOUSLY you can change the file picker if you recompile every program you use.

so in conclusion it is in practice not possible on GTK, but it is possible with KDE. you can replace kdialog with your own without recompilation of any programs since it is called and returns files picked in stdout. this will work in chromium and probably KDE's patched firefox.

Always good to have alternatives imo. Between Mint XFCE and Xububtu, I prefer Mint XFCE just because.

>only say yes to things it says yes to by default
dont know what it does by default. is there a version where it's impossible to fuck anything up?

Why doesn't my Arch XFCE switch gtk themes? It only changes some colors and that's it, everything else still looks like default. What am I doing wrong?

Awesome. Debian stable seems like a perfect fit for me.

Nothing personell against Ubuntu. I just feel like it's an unecessary step from Debian. Plus I fucking hate PPAs with passion.

is that something like the windows registry?

kinda. It stores the data in a different manner and is not used globally.

>installs gentoo
>uses kde
really makes you think

>really makes you think
think about killing your fucking self back to Sup Forums

1) You sound like a dunce
2) "GNUtards" != GTK supporters. I absolutely can't stand GTK, yet I like the GNU project

How do I rice Notification-daemon?

Fuck off BSD cuck.

>thinks the point of gentoo is to use some "minimalistic" tiling window manager

Stop posting, you fucking retard. You know nothing about the topics discussed in this thread apart from the memes you pick up. You are literally stupid when it comes to this. Did you really expect that no one would see through your idiocy on a forum that caters to a specific niche?

>windows can detect temps natively
>linux requires you to install 3rd party software and risk blowing up your computer
makes u think

>yet I like the GNU project
So you like the GCC but almost everything else is shit? Yep that's pretty much accurate.

Stop replying to him. He's been showing his idiocy since a couple of days and he's so pathetic that he has to bring it up over and over again, because people stopped replying to his inane comments years ago.

hahahah you are so fucking mad. you were the one who couldn't stop blabbering about how intelligent you were and how I had no idea about GUI toolkits and couldn't admit I was right.

I don't give a shit if you reply to me. Just came back to tell you you're retarded. Also self absorbed as shit.

is JSON good to store setting in python script?

What's so great about reddit anyway? Please quit trying to indoctrinate us

>GNU is just software
Please educate yourself before using /fglt/

how is this fglt material again?

Use configparser.


whisper("its not shitsorm")


put the theme in .themes and chose it in your favorite gtk appearance app

what are the best games on steam linux with no mouse?

preferably not anime

Crypt of the Necrodancer maybe? But I am far from being a conniseur (however the hell you spell it)

This may be very dumb question, but here i go...
I want to install poppler.
I have downloaded tar.xz file.
I have extracted it.
Now what do i do?
I have also copy pasted
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

From install readme
but got pic related

Why don't you just install it through the package manager?

You are in time to pay respects to another epic thread The GNU one is here

install freetype and try again
also this

Seconding Also since we're on Sup Forums, TIS-100. Hammerwatch is a lot of fun too, especially with friends. As far as cheaper games go, Toki Tori is a nice puzzle game (goes on a sale for 49 cents frequently). Also if you're into rhythm games at all I could give you leftover keys for Frederic: Resurrection of Music and Frederic: Evil Strikes Back.

after freetype got another fonts missing.
I guess there are a lot of thins missing.
How do i use package manager to install from tar.gz?

what distro are you running? you most likely dont need the source

>gentoo user
>uses genkernel
top lel
more like gentoo newb

elementary os

>How do i use package manager to install from tar.gz?
You don't need to, when you install a distro it comes with a package manager and is connected to a default "repository" for that distro. Literally all you have to do is type something like " poppler" and it will depending on your distro fetch a pre-built binary and install it, or fetch the source code for you, unpack, configure, and compile. You shouldn't have to do any manual work unless the package is either unavailable or you have some special need that really involves you to do it yourself

Elementary OS is based on Ubuntu so typing
sudo apt install poppler-utils
will most likely work.
If that does not work do
apt-cache search poppler
and get the right name for the package from there

geez where are somany i don't even know which one is poppler

>installs gentoo
>uses bash

poppler is a library so it's probably either called poppler or libpoppler or the aforementioned poppler-utils. If you still dont know just post the output

i never even implied that. my point was that he should not be using trash.

How do i use poppler to merge a few pdfs to one?

gentoo gentoo gentoo yay~!

install poppler-utils
sudo apt install poppler-utils
and use
pdfunite in-1.pdf in-2.pdf in-n.pdf out.pdf
to merge the pdfs

Thank you a lot

no problem.
Just remember that in gnu/linux you use your pacakge manager to install programs and don't download them from random websites on the internet

ah can't merge, since pdfs i want to merge are encrypted.
Tryed installing poppler other way around.
weird that i got
CMake Error: The source directory "/home/kugismugis/Downloads/poppler-0.60.1/build/build/build" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.

Fuck off

this website describes how you can unencryp a pdf file. cyberciti.biz/faq/removing-password-from-pdf-on-linux/
you can merge them after you unencrypted them

Was messing around in the terminal and noticed I had pacgraph installed. Thought it was kinda neat so here's a pic.

Also Draws a graph of installed packages to PNG/SVG/GUI/console. Good for finding bloat. is an accurate description since I can now remove this pacgraph bloat I found.

>Good for finding bloat
how is this better than simply listing the packages?

Woho managed to succesfuly decrypt (used qpdf) and merge all documents. A few more questions.
Is there a gui for decrypting and merging pfds?
Or is there a way, for example to select all pdfs
without typing their names and then decrypt them all with qpdf/
select all pdfs without typing all their names to merge em all ?

for merging there is pdfshuffler.

systemd has great uptime. In fact, I can't get it to shut down my computer.

I had this problem too.
Then I switched to Gentoo.
The problem is now no more.

in the site it said the shell script was left as an exercise.

ahh someday i will.
Today where is just too much new stuff with linux (first day).

>he uses a gooey file manager

A fine choice.

Systemd knows better than you do user. If it doesn't think you're done using your computer for the day then you're not. Keep working.