Is Manjaro a meme?
Is Manjaro a meme?
Well, maybe it is. But it's a good distro either.
No more than any other Linux.
a good meme
Yes. As for distros remember that Ubuntu > Mint > Arch > everything else aka meme tier, whereas as for DE xfce > kde > gnome > everything else aka meme tier, so Xubuntu is the best DE + distro combo you could ever get.
Real specific criticism, as usual. Yawn.
I'm using Manjaro KDE right now and it feels pretty comfy.
First post best post
Switched from ubuntu to manjaro a few months back.
Glad I made the switch.
Antergos > Manjaro > Arch
I like manjaro. It's the best distro in the arch-sphere
I ran this for awhile and it was by far the comfiest setup
Are you legit retarded or what?
It's a crap distro that keeps installling annoying mhwd video driver junk that's get in my way of setting up my optimus laptop. It is just stupid. Just use arch.
Manjaro is pretty good, been running it for a few months now.
No, it's a distro. Not a very good one, but still a distro
Just Use Ubuntu
Just use Arch or Ubuntu, that's it. Or Gentoo...
Just use Debian
Debain for servers Ubuntu for desktop
No, just use the original.
Tell me more about Debian I have installed 9 for my main fuckaroundwithlinux squeeze
Im not the quotee, but yes, AUR is awesome. Ubuntu is extremely usable though, way more than any other distro and im not the biggest fan of it. Mint + cinnamon desktop, arch + xfce laptop. Loving both, and AUR is irreplaceable!
When it comes to the *buntus, I'm partial to the LTS editions myself. KDE Neon is built on Ubuntu LTS, and Xubuntu LTS is /comfy/. Ironically they might have better and more updated software themselves.
Debian is to Ubuntu as Arch is to Manjaro.
It’s what Ubuntu is trying to be, but stable and good. With a way better package manager. And all the power of Arch when you want it.