1 your country

1 your country
2 do you speak finnish

1 new zealand
2. not

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det här


the land of animali

zitto animale

Minä puhun vähän suomea. Olen huono opiskelija.

I really ought to try and study on a regular basis but it's just damn hard.

Vocaroo some Jack.

Give me a few minutes, I'll do once I'm out of bed. But I'm willing to bet you'll bust a gut with laughter. I can't roll the "r" so I sound retarded.

1. Österland
2. No, only Swedish

I do, but pretty weakly


It's too fucking early to try and speak your damn language.

I dont get the "han" sounds you made so the meanings around it neither. Swearing was okay

I was to beginning saying something and mucked it up, thus the cursing.

No but Netflix and Facebook keep suggesting it.

huutis starttaa

Finland NO

I am monolingually Swedish from Helsingfors

1. Slovakia
2. Pic related

En ymmärrä.

I speak Hungarian, that's basically the same as Finnish :^)

Praised be our chink ancestors!

>I speak Hungarian, that's basically the same as Finnish :^)

you really put some emphasis on that vittu saatana


Come now. If I heard a bunch of Finns speaking from a distance where I could only make out a few words and the rythm and tone of the language I could easily mistake it for Hungarian.

Also despite the Turanic meme, we are insanely proud to count civilized folks like yours our distant relatives.
The fact that you look like elves intrigues us even more

Kiitos. I still can't say perkele properly and probably never will.

1. Flag
2. Inte alls.


If you look for similarities between Finnish and Hungarian you have to look at really basic words because they are the oldest eg.

csók a kezünket
suukota kättäni

nyíl véres
nuoli on verinen

A really passionate perkele at 1:05 for learning purposes


1. Finrand
2. No. I just pretend to speak finnish in mämmi. No one can tell the difference.

Did he just call the cops pissheads 46 seconds? Sadly it's because I can't roll my r, so I just sound stupid as shit.

No, but it's a pretty cool language

Yup, he did. Even though kusipää is roughly equivalent to asshole when used as an insult

No, the shopkeepers. He tried to steal bananas but won't admit it.

He gets agitated at 0:55 because the cops asks why he has a toothbrush inside his jacket

More learning material

T: Not that guy

I had trouble pronouncing r when I was little, even got professional help but it didn't work. Then one summer while sitting in a sauna with mom she made me repeat "perkeleen turkulainen" over and over and I learned it.


Poro belong on pizza not the roads.

It definitely doesn't belong in pizza. If you want to eat game you should be eating moose and reindeer milk, fur or bones aren't good for anything so I'm not actually sure what the purpose of reindeer herding is.

>fur or bones aren't good for anything

>The best pizza in the world has reindeer meat in it

1. Kek
2. No I don't, but everybody speaks English

silencio animal


I did have reindeer before I left by itself. It was pretty good stuff though you got to have that lingoberry jam with it.

1. cunt
2. No, its a meme language, no one in reality speaks it. We just put random words together and pretend it means something.

Isn't that how every language works?

vittu perkele

delete this, i can see my friends in there


Nej, jag talar svenska.


samma här
finnar är mongolfolk från centralasia

Jag har en häst som springer.


Ju, samma här. Bara Svenska. Altid Svenska.

Alla min kaverin är svensktalande bättrefolk

Leveää Ameriikan puhetta. Ei huono :D

Min pappa seglar med sina svensktalade kompisar.

me on the left

What is leveää in this? Wide American speech?


nej jag är en finlandsvenskt bög pojken jag är bög bättrefolk svenskt pojkar vasa kusi vittu

Nyt sitten vittu vitun bättrefolk antakaa mulle rahaa saatana perkeleen pilluperseet!

Du är mongoljävel

åå shit got caught bye gotta go nu :DD

Different dialects:

Vain vähän, koska siirryin Suomeen. Olen nyt Italiassa kesälomalla.

(Pls correct me if I wrote it wrong)


If you speak something other than Uusimaa Finnish you gotta shut the fuck up

Moved = muutin. Otherwise it's good.

When should I use siirtyä?

Maybe when your company re-assigns you to another department

1. Ryssänmaa.
2. Mä olen opiskellut suomea kahden vuoden ajan, mut en vieläkään puhu tää kieltä hyvin.

When you are drinking with friends and you siirtyä to the bar.


I guess if you "transferred" to Finland somehow, you might use it. Usually you use it to describe just physical movement, not the act of changing your home.

me on the right

Alright except tää->tätä

tämä, tää

1. hui
2. pissalla kakkala pukkala sukkalainen
no i don't speak finnish i'm not a finno-ugric pidor

breddy gud :D

Your country is a dick?

Have you not heard?

The way it sounds to us. Americans have this tendency to speak "wide" when they speak Finnish. Everyone naturally has an accent but "wide" is usually what Americans have.


I will start learning it soon

I can do whatever you want me to bb

1. chilel
2. no, unfortunately

Western dialects are barely even Finnish. The tone, flow, rhythm, pronunciation and all sound foreign.

Why don't people speak Finnish?

Have you ever heard the language?

a few swear words yes

Yes. I happen to speak Finnish, although some people don't always understand, what I try to say.

>Pilapasknäär :D

Ah, I think I understand. We hold out and drag out words?

>mihin haluut skujaa
>kiitos samoin

Can we all just agree that Savonian is the best dialect?

It is the funniest one.

Yeah, they're jolly people anyway

True. Sometimes there are some funny moments, when people don't quite understand, what I'm trying to say.

t. Raimo from Bönde

Like I said, barely even Finnish.