Why don't anti-malware softwares detect Windows as malware?
Why don't anti-malware softwares detect Windows as malware?
Because it isn't. It does not spy on its users and all these people claiming they have proof on that are liars. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Do your own research.
Shit thread
>3 posters
> >62890080
Fuck off Microshit shill
ok this time is obvious, samefaggggg
I made this reaction pic. Glad to see someone posts it.
Idiot, Microsoft even admit to it and it has been mentioned in court because some ex-microsoft employees sued Microsoft after getting PTSD by looking through videos and files that Windows 10 users had on their computer that had been flagged by the AI. Windows users are degenerates so it's filled with all sorts of snuff cheese pizza and that sort of thing.
Good thing you provided a link for such a wild accusation
But they do. I have to constantly uninstall them from customers' computers to be able to update and/or activate Windows and Office.
Not OP, but it's 10/10, saved and will repost
wait what
windows can see all your programs?
meant for
>remembers me that i have a reaction folder
>Why don't anti-malware softwares detect Windows as malware?
For the same reason that Windows Defender doesn't call out malware made by Microsoft's partners.
Professional courtesy.
Onedrive, not Windows 10.
>anti-malware includes phone home malware
>why doesn't it detect itself?