The current situation of loonix gayman

The current situation of loonix gayman

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intro to this game is cute and funny




does this have a multiplayer option?

Very cute.



proprietary game


The network support feature is under development. The basic support has been added in the Google Summer of Code 2013, but it's still not finished. See Talk:Networked Multiplayer (and pages linked from there) for more information.

and? I mean there's a few libre games that don't suck but there's plenty more nonlibre games that don't suck.

it's actually in a okay-ish state, There's like 3000 linux games on steam.

even tuxkart is looking decent now.


>even tuxkart is looking decent now.
looks decent for a reworked Nintendo 64

You can't count games in the numbers because 2975 of them are trash mobile games.


tux is fucking shit.

What am I looking at exactly?

>How would you like your gaming experience?

>Just libre it up

UFO:AI doesn't have destructive environments and that makes me sad. Fuckin quake engine can't handle that shit.

gta for linux

What was called that linux racing game where you go at super sonic speed? If the speed was high enough you could hear the sonic boom and then no sounds

libre game thread?

the "source code" option is the blend file, it's actually a really fun game

> terror mission
> set tacticool smokescreen turn 1
> sectoid throws a grenade into the sky ranger

Thanks for giving me the chance to post this pasta:

Not him but the no games argument is not true anymore. Windows is the best os for gaming mostly due to most game developers are trained into developing for it with microsoft's closed APIs, so the simple process of porting a game that was developed for windows to any other platform will affect negatively the performance of the game. This with the fact that the marketshare is small compared to windows there's hardly an incentive at the moment to optimize for linux, making look as if the platform were worse for games than windows when in fact to flip the situation you'll need to change the idiosyncrasies on the industry itself.

The fact though is that the situation on linux is not nearly the same than two years ago and now those who prefer linux over windows now can play games on it, helping to break the vicious circle, but still there's a lot of things to do for linux to compete in the gaming side. I anyone wants for this to change i recommend to play the games you can on linux when possible and ask for linux ports.

I notice some people doesn't want's for this to happen but if that the case let me ask (not directed specifically to the person i'm replying): how are any of you benefited in a meaningful way with the current situation? because i consider that keeping the statu quo just to have a tool to win an argument on what OS is better is not a meaningful thing. how having less options and practically being locked to MS products benefits you?

Some links:

Current state of loonix gayman


Thanks again, user for countering shitposting with reason

Well, it's just pasta, those guys don't deserve more if they keep parroting the same things.

Indeed, but it's better than letting the thread slide by with no indication that what they say isn't true

>not playing Gentoo on high settings on your Alienware laptop.

>posts one of the worst proprietary games of the decade when proprietary games have been at their worst

>Rocket league
>war thunder
>Deus Ex

All native support yet you decide to base your opinion off that. Good job autist.

Valve chose the worst time to over-haul the greenlit games.


>implying that using Steam doesn't make you a cuck
I guess you will be a lesser cuck if you won't use windows but still. Steam is like the biggest botnet you can install on Linux (next to Skype).


are you literally retarded?
you can easily run steam as a different user with no access to anything other than your games

Not only is Linux gaming totally dead, but so is gaming on Mac.

I assume this is because DirectX 11 v. 12 v. OpenGL v. Vulcan v. Metal extreme fragmentation.

Unless a game is already in an engine with support for all of these, porting isn't worth the effort.

>he doesnt know what chroot/jail/snaps/vm/apparmor/namespacing is

I love it but honestly it only runs on linux with like every other patch.

6 new games are coming out this month for linux on vulkan

vulkan has had capability on android since nougat and oreo now requires a vulkan GPU

windows also can use vulkan API.
Ps4 and nintendo switch both use vulkan API

the only one left out in the mud is apple.
they dropped openGL for metal so now they wont even have a fallback when metal tanks


luckily for you cuks theres MoltenVK (3rd party support for vulkan on mac)

OSX is getting all kinds of iOS games because of Metal/Swift, but who wants to play a cellphone game on a computer?

The APPsolute state of Apple

The point being that Unity, Unreal, CryEng, Source all support Vulkan.

Why would game devs port metal when it only supports 6% of the market and even less on the gaming??

its much easier to target Vulkan with a click of the game and support all other platforms

Which GTA is that? Some of the early bird's eye view GTA games were a lot of fun.

Indeed Apple has really fucked itself by not supporting Vulcan (and not updating their OpenGL support in a decade).

Between the PS4 and Switch Vulcan is a must-have for all game engines now. Devs' would release everything they could for iOS and OSX if only they supported it (and Apple would get a big chunk of that through the app store)

Not sure if anything is stopping them from supporting Vulcan on top of Metal (since the OS and APIs are Metal native now)

The big engines in some form will all support Metal simply because of iOS and it's huge mobile marketshare, but it may be a cut-down version that won't fully exploit desktop power on OSX.

GTA2, which is the one nobody likes. Play the original if you want top down glory.

I liked GTA2 more than London back in the day though.

this picture and system shock 2's inventory system and bioshock's cartoon graphics are enough for any sane person to declare bioshock series as trash

I could never play London because I couldn't re-wire my brain to drive on the wrong side of the road.

>insulting system shock 2
i think you mean trash opinion'd Sup Forums autism

Wine is getting into a good state for DX11 games

>cucks are trying to convince themselves that it's okay to be a gamer in 2017, when games don't even really belong to you anymore and the industry itself which is hostile to it's consumers.

>limited to IOS performance

Well it is a bitten Apple from Eden logo....

I run gpu passthrough. Playing ffxi private server so its not even like it matters could use a laptop.

Why does input in games like CSGO and Quake3 on Linux suck in comparison? It's like my inputs are being buffered or debounced to the extreme.

nice reading comprehension retard

system shock 2 was perfect and my GOTYAY, the map picture just illustrates how bioshock infinite (and to a lesser but still very high extent the other bioshock games) is a brainlet corridor shooter with NO INVENTORY SYSTEM AND REGENERATING HEALTH

i said bioshock series is terrible, as a high IQ term/genre nazi i would have said *shock series if i included ss1 and 2

God I missed these threads.

Let's be honest here. If steam were not available on linux you'll be using that as an argument to say that linux suck and has no software anyway. There's not way to make happy a blind fanboy because they don't want to discuss, they just want to see "the other tribes" lose.

At least post a game that's not utter shit.

It's only shit compared to HR and completely unrelated to previous (sequel) iterations.

It's shit on its own right, and its double that amount of shit when you compare it to other Deus Ex games.

It's shit, no matter what you compare it to. Even if you compare to turds, they're still turds


GoG has exactly 747 games with Linux support out of the box, there is NO need to touch the Steam botnet.

Most of those are Dosbox or Wine wrapper shit though. Don't really count. I had some high fuckin hopes for the crowdfunded games to be awesome with linux support but Pillars of Eternity was shit, Wasteland 2 was pretty shit.
Shadowrun games ended up okay on average though.

Sure, each one can decide that, that's the nice thing about competition, which is a thing for some reason winfags don't want.

*Oh yeah, except when we tal about windows phone VS android and IOS, in that case they surely want compatibility, more options for the user and competition, but we already know how that ended.

Tux Racer is great, I'm working on a multiplayer mod.

I've been gaming on linux for a few years. Tons of proprietary titles now that have either native binary ports or work fine with wine. Fuck, even Witcher 3, gta v, fallout 4 are all starting to be playable with wine. I've mostly just been playing overwatch and heroes of the storm with my normie friends.


Do you know if Fortnite works?

Not all winfags are retarded (most of them perhaps), I'm a winfag but I much prefer GoG whenever possible, and the more choices the better, always.

Good point, but at least they generally make an effort to make them work, old games on Steam have literally no support.

It is true the performance on Linux is much lower too, it is not easy when a game was optimized for one specific operating system.

I never have performance problems on linux, the ports are all SDL and that's plenty speedy if you have drivers. I really wish old source games were compatible but even new source engine barely runs on any system. Super buggy everywhere. All the old HL2 mods that were good got revamped into GREENLIGHT projects that inevitably imploded and the old things would still be better if they didn't. I wish no more room in hell wasn't so crashy.

>Not all winfags are retarded (most of them perhaps), I'm a winfag but I much prefer GoG whenever possible, and the more choices the better, always.
Good to know my friend, i was just being nasty but don't take it personal.

You mean that if I use the beta version of wine I may be able to get a two year old game to boot but not to be fully playable? cool

Yeah I was referring mostly to games that run with wine, ports are generally pretty decent, some minor issues at worst, like for example I remember the invisible bitches in Killing Floor were not so invisible because of an issue with OpenGL I think, but otherwise worked great. Didn't try NMRIH in Linux.

Not at all, we are all anonymous here anyway

Hah, yeah. Best commandos run linux. The scope decals were broke or something on default settings though, too.

This game will never get old. I feel like a lucky bastard because I picked it up randomly at the time it came out and was presented with one of the most timeless games ever created.

[spoiler]I use the money cheat though.[/spoiler]

Pretty mad about them still not having released KF2 for Linux. I guess the server binaries are available, so that's something.

Yeah that sucks, despite that I don't think the game is that great, it feels like modern CoD and KF1 had a child, it is just not the same than good old KF1.

If you want to play everything use Windows. If you want to game and not use a shitty OS then use linux. The point is you don't need windows for muh games anymore. I already have more titles than I'll ever be able to play so having a few more isn't really a perk but something that doesn't matter. I'd rather use an OS that works.

Nier automata works on wine too but that's at least 6+ mos old so you are not interested I'm sure. Breath of the wild is fucking great with 4k textures on cemu in wine. Rspc3, which has native linux builds, recently received support for high resolution textures but you probably wouldn't be interested in anything that's a few years old. Shame since games that were good then have not changed.

Shit, even steam has tons of native linux binaries that are 1 click installs that just work these days. Civ 5 and 6, xcom 2, hitman 2016, mad max, saints row, csgo, dota2, divinity

Vulkan stuff works amazingly well with wine.


This is the Stuff we should be Hyped about

>if you want to play everything
I don't want to play everything, I only care about witcher 3 and, as stated on the previous post, it barely works